
  • 网络JEDDAH;Jedda;jiddah;Jidda;jed
  1. 2008年6月,当世界石油生产国和消费国在沙特的吉达召开紧急峰会时,时任美国能源部长塞缪尔博德曼(samuelbodman)向沙特传达了一条简单的信息:立即增加石油产量。

    When world oil producers and consumers convened in Jeddah for an emergency summit in June 2008 , Samuel Bodman , then US energy secretary , had a simple message for Saudi Arabia : pump more oil now .

  2. 她是个来自,吉达市的沙特女性

    she 's a Saudi woman in the city of Jeddah ,

  3. 吉达(沙特阿拉伯)关于阿拉伯的,或有阿拉伯特征的。

    Jedda ( Saudi Arabia ) relating to or characteristic of Arabs .

  4. 一个能产生电的住宅是个开始&桑吉达•奥康奈尔说。

    A house that makes electricity is a start , says Sanjida O'Connell .

  5. 为什么吉达要挽留这些外来的人?

    Why did Kida insist on keeping the outsiders ?

  6. 第三阶段从1995年到2000年《吉达条约》签订。

    The third stage from MOU to the signed of treaty of Jeddah in 2000 .

  7. 被称为“帝国大厦”的摩天大楼将屹立于沙特港口城市吉达。

    A skyscraper called The Kingdom Tower will soon rise in the port city of Jeddah .

  8. 我们住在吉达。

    We live in Jida .

  9. 因此,能源观察员希望吉达会议能够采取更为大胆的举动,而非给予生产更多石油的承诺。

    So energy watchers hope the Jeddah conference will reveal something bolder than promises of more oil .

  10. 沙特阿拉伯正在花费数十亿(?)建造新兴超级城市,以缓解吉达和利雅德的发展压力。

    Saudi Arabia is spending billions on new super-cities to ease the growth of Jeddah and Riyadh .

  11. 例如阿拉伯半岛吉达城四层高的土筑建筑物已屹然耸立了一个世纪之久。

    Earth buildings of four stories have stood for a century in for example , Jeddah , Arabia .

  12. 费萨尔公主出生于吉达,7岁时就开始对摄影感兴趣,在沙特阿拉伯吉达阿布都尔阿济兹国王大学修读阿拉伯文学;

    Princess Reem Al-Faisal was born in Jeddah and started to have interest in photography from the year of7 .

  13. 她告诉我,她将向吉达地区的200名女性提供零售技能培训。

    She told me that she would provide training in retail skills to 200 women in the Jeddah region .

  14. 美国国务卿赖斯星期六晚些时候飞往吉达,出席美国与沙特阿拉伯战略对话的首次会议。

    Rice flies to Jeddah late Saturday for the inaugural meeting of the u.s. - saudi Arabian strategic dialogue .

  15. 我和友吉达常常结伴去图书馆,考试前在她家通宵达旦地复习。

    Yogita and I always go to the library together and " pull all nighters " at her house .

  16. 我住在沙特阿拉伯的吉达。去年,我到一家商店去买内衣。

    Last year , I went to buy underwear in a shop in Jeddah , Saudi Arabia , where I live .

  17. 在他们吩咐他们在吉达和亚丁的代理完成交付之前他们要得到相应的威尼斯金币和八里银币作为预付款。

    Before they authorized their agents in Jidda or Aden to make delivery they had demanded a deposit of Venetian doubloons and pieces-of-eight .

  18. 在吉达会议之前,沙特先是希望借承诺大幅增产来推动油价回落。

    Leading up to the Jeddah meeting , the Saudis first hoped to nudge prices down by promising a big boost in output .

  19. 受周边地区边界争端和平解决的影响,这一阶段也门和沙特先后进行了科莫谈判、萨那会谈、吉达谈判。

    Affected by other disputes solved peacefully , Yemen and Saudi make Lake Como talks , Sana ' a talks and Jeddah talks .

  20. 沙特阿拉伯内政部说,安全部队跟激进分子嫌疑人在红海港口城市吉达交火。

    Saudi Arabia 's Interior Ministry says security forces have exchanged gunfire with suspected militants in the Red Sea port city of Jeddah .

  21. 阿拉伯长袍:通常由阿拉伯人穿的由驼毛或山羊毛织物织成的宽大无袖的长袍。吉达(沙特阿拉伯)

    " aba : a loose-fitting sleeveless garment made of this fabric , traditionally worn by arabs . " Jedda ( Saudi Arabia )

  22. 沙特媒体刊登了一幅劳工部长加齐•阿尔高赛比的照片,照片中的他在吉达市一家知名餐馆为客人送上汉堡,令客人们大吃一惊。

    Saudi media carried pictures of Ghazi Algosaibi , surprising customers in a popular restaurant in the city of Jeddah by serving up hamburgers .

  23. 邮报写道,绍德亲王是在他位于吉达的官邸接受该报专访时,披露了伊朗的合作举动。

    The Post wrote that the revelations of iran 's cooperation were made in an interview with Prince Saud at his residence in jeddah .

  24. 卫星遥感确定沙特阿拉伯吉达地区非均匀地表区域地表参数和能量通量

    Determination of Regional Land Surface Parameters and Heat Fluxes over Heterogeneous Landscape of Jiddah Area of Saudi Arabia by Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data

  25. 此外,阿联酋的邻国沙特阿拉伯正在吉达港建造另外一座摩天大楼,设计高度超过1000米,建成后将超过哈利法塔,成为世界最高建筑。

    Saudi Arabia 's Kingdom Holding is building a tower in Jeddah that is planned to surpass Burj Khalifa , rising more than a kilometre .

  26. 本研究之目的是为了检验并说明沙特阿拉伯吉达市利用被动和主动太阳能进行建筑设计的情况。

    The aim of this research is to examine and indicate the need of utilizing passive and active solar design for Jeddah , Saudi Arabia .

  27. 在吉达建造一座设计精巧的建筑,能够提升每年数百万途经此地的麦加朝圣者的旅游体验。

    A well-designed building in Jeddah could enhance the visits of the millions of pilgrims who pass through it each year on their way to Mecca .

  28. 创建绿色空间战略。规划街心花园、市民广场、公园道路,为吉达市民提供足够的休闲空间和运动设施。

    Plan a network of pocket parks , civic squares and linear parkways that can provide adequate leisure and sporting facilities for the citizens of Jeddah .

  29. 本论文主要探讨了在吉达所具有的热带气候条件下,被动太阳能的设计策略,并进一步探讨了热能太阳能以及光伏技术的相关研究。

    This research paper is focused on passive solar design strategies for hot climates such as Jeddah , and it further explores thermal solar and photovoltaic ( PV ) technologies .

  30. 他是在沙特城市吉达召开的石油问题高峰会议上说这番话的。沙特阿拉伯在会议上说,沙特已经把原油日产量增加20万桶,而且会考虑进一步增产。

    The remarks came at an oil summit in Jeddah , where Saudi Arabia said it is already increasing production by200,000 barrels per day , but would consider an even higher output .