
  • 网络panama;PANAMA CITY;pty
  1. 巴拿马城的公共注册处把所有公司的登记信息都存入了电脑。

    The public registry in Panama City keeps computerized records of all companies .

  2. 他从小在巴拿马城中心闹市区的穷街陋巷里长大。

    He was raised on the mean streets of the central market district of Panama City .

  3. 我上个月去巴拿马城的时候看见的。

    Saw it when I was in Panama City last month .

  4. 老巴拿马城考古遗址和巴拿马城历史区域

    Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and the Historic District of Panama

  5. 这份名单上的其他城市与巴拿马城相似。

    Other markets on the list are similar to Panama City .

  6. 主要城市:巴拿马城、米格利托、隆、维。

    Major Cities : Panama City , San Miguelito , Colon , David .

  7. 雷达由位于弗罗里达的巴拿马城探测公司生产。

    The radar is built by the company DeTect of Panama City , Florida .

  8. 我也希望可以通过看照片回想起自己第一次去巴拿马城的情景。

    I wanted to someday look back at pictures of my first trip to Panama City .

  9. 无论你是来自密尔沃基还是孟买,无论是芝加哥还是上海,无论是巴黎还是巴拿马城,

    Whether you are from Milwaukee or Mumbai , from Chicago or Shanghai , from Paris or Panama City ,

  10. 目前,我们正在巴拿马城,准备出货的自行车哥伦比亚首都波哥大本周末。

    We are currently in Panama City , getting ready to ship the bikes to Bogota , Colombia this coming weekend .

  11. 冲浪的人本周末在享受巴拿马城滨海的海浪,人家全家人都跳进海水里在暑热中清凉一下。

    Surfers enjoyed the waves off Panama City Beach this weekend , and families jumped in the water to take a break from the heat .

  12. 另外11座市场是贝鲁特、开普敦、金奈、芝加哥、都柏林、伊斯坦布尔、雅加达、墨尔本、迈阿密、巴拿马城和特拉维夫。

    The other cities are Beirut , Cape Town , Chennai , Chicago , Dublin , Istanbul , Jakarta , Melbourne , Miami , Panama City and Tel Aviv .

  13. 巴拿马城除了可以一睹大型船队通过运河的壮观景象外,本身就名胜古迹甚多,包括殖民时期的建筑、喧嚣的夜生活以及上乘的餐馆。

    Panama City itself has much to offer , including colonial buildings , lively nightlife and good restaurants , as well as the spectacle of vast ships navigating the canal .

  14. 达夫因说,今年他眼见饭馆生意兴隆了起来,有更多的游客来到巴拿马城海滨,而不去那些严重遭受漏油事件的地方。

    Daffin says he has seen the restaurant business go up this year , as more tourists came to Panama City Beach to avoid spots that were hit hard by oil .

  15. 阿兰娜·安妮特·萨维尔今年32岁,当时她在自己位于巴拿马城的家中招待一对男女,后来这两位造访者吵闹了起来。据警方表示,萨维尔要求这两人离开,后来便开枪打伤了这两人的腿。

    Alana Annette Savell , 32 , was hosting a couple at her Panama City home when the visitors apparently became noisy . Police say she ordered them to go , before shooting the man and woman in the legs .

  16. 1519年的今天,巴拿马城建城。

    1519-Panama City , Panama is founded .

  17. 94.巴拿马巴拿马城

    94 . Panama City , Panama

  18. 他说来自该研究的信息已经被用于设计巴拿马运河的新设施,而且巴拿马城正在修改建筑法规从而把这些新发现纳入其中。

    He said that information from the study was being used in the design of the new facilities in the canal and that Panama City 's building codes are being revised to incorporate the new findings .