
  • Salt Lake City;SLC;Salt Lake City Airport;Great Salt Lake
  1. 我打算在盐湖城定居。

    I plan to reside in Salt Lake City .

  2. 切蒂发现,在像盐湖城这样双亲家庭比例高、宗教信仰程度高的社区,贫困儿童获得成功的可能性比在亚特兰大这样种族和经济隔离程度很高的社区更大。

    Chetty finds that communities like Salt Lake City , with high levels of two-parent families and religiosity , are much more likely to see poor children get ahead than communities like Atlanta , with high levels of racial and economic segregation .

  3. 例如,为什么盐湖城地铁区是穷人最有可能富起来的100个最大的大都市区之一,而亚特兰大地铁区是最不可能的城市区之一?

    What explains , for instance , why the Salt Lake City metro area is one of the 100 largest metropolitan areas most likely to lift the fortunes of the poor and the Atlanta metro area is one of the least likely ?

  4. NPR新闻,霍华德·贝尔克斯盐湖城报道。

    Howard Berkes , NPR News , Salt Lake City .

  5. NPR新闻,特里·吉尔达盐湖城报道。

    For NPR News , I am Terry Gildea in Salt Lake City .

  6. 盐湖城Latino社区的领导人表示,该名单引发了愤怒。

    Leaders in Salt Lake City 's Latino community say the list has fear .

  7. 尽管如此,他在爵士还是打出了出色的职业生涯,并在爵士迁到盐湖城之前如愿从NBA退役。

    Despite this , Goodrich had a good career with the Jazz , and would retire from the NBA before the team moved to Salt Lake City .

  8. 星巴克(Starbucks)正在美国一些城市积极推广由废旧海运集装箱改造而成的“得来速”门店,而最新的一站则是盐湖城。

    Salt Lake City is the latest addition to the growing list of cities with a Starbucks drive-through constructed out of old shipping containers .

  9. 他是盐湖城Westminster学院MBA主任,也是名为Master-track的MBA导师计划(mentorshipprogram)发起者之一。

    He was the MBA Director , and is co-founder of the MBA mentorship program called Master-track , at Westminster College in Salt Lake City .

  10. 下面显示了盐湖城的KML数据示例。

    An example of this KML data for the location , Salt Lake City , is shown below .

  11. 来自盐湖城的质控专家史蒂夫·豪沃思(SteveHowarth)经常到各地出差,为客户检查设备,他轻松成为达美航空级别最高的石卡(Diamond)会员。

    Steve Howarth , a quality-control expert from Salt Lake City , travels to inspect facilities for clients and is easily within Delta 's highest frequent-flier status , called Diamond .

  12. 犹他州高等教育专员WilliamSederburg和首次提出这个想法的立法者,参议员ChrisButtars,他们都在盐湖城加入了我们的节目。

    William Sederburg is Utah 's commissioner of higher education and the lawmaker who put that idea out there in the first place , Senator Chris Buttars . They 're joining us both live from Salt Lake City .

  13. 这场调查将给国际奥委会(IOC)带来压力。在被卷入与2002年盐湖城冬奥会有关的一场贿赂丑闻后,国际奥委会曾改革其申办过程。

    The probe will put pressure on the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) , which reformed its bid process after becoming engulfed in a bribery scandal related to the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Games .

  14. 而本文运用高分辨率的WRF模式,采用三层嵌套的方法,对2010年冬季发生在美国山区城市盐湖城的一次完整的持续逆温天气过程进行了模拟研究。

    In this study , a complete episode of wintertime persistent inversion over Salt Lake City is simulated using high-resolution WRF model with three nested domains method .

  15. 罗姆尼当了四年的马萨诸塞州州长,曾担任摩门教主教(bishop),并曾负责2002年盐湖城冬季奥运会的筹办,因此我同意这种说法:此人对政界高级职位并不是完全外行。

    I accept Mr Romney was a governor of Massachusetts for four years , a Mormon bishop and ran the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City , so he is not a complete stranger to high office in the public arena .

  16. 尽管高海拔(盐湖城1227m)及室内冰场提供了创造优异比赛成绩的外部条件,但是,Clap式冰刀的益处不容质疑。

    Although high altitude ( the Salt Lake city & 1 227m ) and the indoor ice rink provide the external conditions for the excellent result of the competition , the benefit of Clap skates should not be doubted .

  17. 5月5日,美国联合航空公司的一个航班从休斯顿飞往波特兰。飞行员在得知15岁的自闭症乘客朱丽叶·比格尔(JulietteBeegle)可能出现行为问题后有些担忧,所以在盐湖城备降。

    On May 5 , a United flight out of Houston was diverted from Portland to Salt Lake City after the aircraft 's pilot became concerned about potential behavior issues by an autistic passenger , Juliette Beegle , 15 .

  18. 犹他州盐湖城的一名男子JoshFerrin前些天买了一幢二手房,举家搬进去之后,他开始审视旧房,在阁楼上,他发现了一堆塞满了钞票的盒子和罐子。

    A man in Utah discovered $ 45000 ( £ 28000 ) stuffed into tins and boxes in the attic of the new home he had just bought - and gave the money back to the previous owner 's six children . Josh Ferrin was exploring the house he had just bought when he made the discovery .

  19. 他的出手解救使得2002年的盐湖城冬季奥运会没有一团糟。

    He rescued the2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics from disarray .

  20. 下一次17号出现在盐湖城。

    I know the next sighting was Salt Lake City the17th .

  21. 然后直接开车去盐湖城

    and then I 'm gonna drive straight to Salt Lake ,

  22. 盐湖城、丹佛和圣路易斯转车。

    Salt Lake City , Denver , and St. Louis .

  23. 盐湖城冬奥会中国瞄准零的突破

    China Aims at Breaking Zero Record at Salt Lake Olympic Winter Games

  24. 几个月后,我和我丈夫开车去盐湖城;

    Months later , my husband and I drove to salt lake ;

  25. 2002年冬季奥运会是在美国的盐湖城举行的。

    Salt Lake City in the US staged the 2002 Winter Olympics .

  26. 这家盐湖城公共图书馆接受这个观点。

    The Salt Lake City public library is sold on the idea .

  27. 落基山舞蹈团来自美国犹他州盐湖城。

    Rocky Mountain Dancers comes from Salt Lake City , Utah , U.

  28. 有没有盐湖城那风暴消息?

    Any word on that storm lifting over salt lake , clarence ?

  29. 我还以为你今天去盐湖城了。

    I thought you were in Salt Lake City today .

  30. 下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。

    Let 's make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time .