
yán zé
  • Salt marsh;salt swamp
  1. 由于践踏得多了,我们把盐泽的边沿弄成一个泥沼了。

    By much trampling , we had made it a mere quagmire .

  2. 土壤盐泽化严重影响我国农林业生产,危及生态环境。

    Soil salinization is serious environmental problem that restricts the development of agriculture and forestry in our China .

  3. 结果表明,盐泽螺旋藻可由染料亚甲基兰提供唯一氮源,但不能提供唯一碳源。

    The results showed that Spirulina subsalsa could use methylene blue dye as only N resource for its growth .

  4. 海盐一般来自盐泽,海水被困在水池中在太阳和风的联合的作用之下蒸发。

    Sea salt generally comes from salt marshes , basins where seawater has been trapped and is allowed to evaporate under the combined effects of sun and wind .

  5. 在水车贮水池的一边有一个盐泽,在涨潮的时候,我们时常站在盐泽的边上钓鲦鱼。

    There was a salt-marsh that bounded part of the mill-pond , on the edge of which , at high water , we used to stand to fish for minnows .