
tún tián
  • Tuntian;have garrison troops or peasants open up wasteland and grow food grain
屯田 [tún tián]
  • [have garrison troops or peasants open up wasteland and grow food grain] 利用戍卒或农民、商人垦殖荒地。汉以后历代政府沿用此措施取得军饷和税粮。有军屯、民屯和商屯之分

屯田[tún tián]
  1. 青海历代屯田垦殖对草原生态环境的影响

    The Impact of Successive Garrison Reclamation in Qinghai on Ecological Environment

  2. 清季新疆屯田对当地少数民族人口的影响

    Influence on Local Population of Ethnic Minorities by Station Troops to Reclaim Wasteland of Xinjiang in Qing Dynasty

  3. 除了军事工作外,为了补给军需,这些戍卒们也会从事屯田等农业活动。

    In addition to military work , in order to supply munitions Garrison have also engaged in agricultural activities .

  4. 清代新疆移民屯田的历史作用与教训

    Historical Roles and Lessons of the Migration and Opening Wasteland by Garrison Troops and Peasants of the Qing Xinjiang

  5. 西汉移民屯田与古罗马土地政策之比较

    A Comparative Study between Stationing Migration to Open up Wasteland in West-Han Dynasty & the Land Policy in Ancient Rome

  6. 屯田是宋军在对西夏作战中粮食补给的重要来源之一。

    Cultivation was one of the important means in the replenishment of Song 's army during the wartime with Xixia .

  7. 隋代屯田的历史作用及其限制

    The Historical Role and Limitation of the Policy of Troops-or-peasants-Stationed Farming in the Sui Dynasty The History of Taishan Mountain

  8. 屯田制是中国传统社会用军事管理方式将劳动者束缚于国有土地上的一项特殊的土地制度。

    Army farming is a special system which restrain worker from state land by military administration in the feudal society .

  9. 随着西北边疆的逐步扩展及屯田军事性质的不断加强,屯田与守御最终在西域地区合而为一。

    With the growing expansion of Northwest Territory and the enhancement of garrisoning troops , the two systems finally united as one .

  10. 长城是集候望系统、驻军系统、屯田后勤系统、邮传交通系统而构成的综合性防御体系。

    The Great Wall is a all-around defense system that consist of presentiment system , garrison system , logistics system and liaison system .

  11. 吴国由于实行屯田和兴修水利,人口有很大增长。

    The kingdom of Wu faced the most quick development of population after the land reclamation system and the building of irrigating works .

  12. 同时作为边塞妇女,她们屯田、守卫城防,又从事着与内地妇女不同的劳作。

    But as women in border area , their work such as opening up wasteland and defending border was different from that of inland women .

  13. 屯田作为政治军事战略的重要组成部分,自秦汉以后不绝于世,成为农业生产上一种特殊组织形式。

    Opening up wasteland which was an important part of political and military strategy became a particular organization form in agriculture since the Qin and Han Dynasty .

  14. 在中国历史上,移民屯田是开发边疆、巩固边防的一项重要政策。

    During the history in China , stationing the migration to open up wasteland is one of important policies of exploitation of borderlands and stability of frontier defenses .

  15. 西平亭是西宁历史上最早的军事建置,是屯田系统的基层组织。

    Xiping pavilion was the earliest organizational system of military affairs in the history of Xining and a grass-rooted organization of having garrison troops or peasants open up wasteland .

  16. 从拓边战争与生态环境的关系看,在西北地区的屯田,特别是在一些不宜耕作的土地上的屯田,破坏了当地的自然环境。

    On the relationship between war in expedition and ecological environment , cultivating wilderness in northwest regions , especially in some unfavorable ground , destroyed the local natural environment .

  17. 大槐树移民是中国移民史上一次重要的移民活动,是明王朝建立初年大力推行和奖励屯田垦荒政策的直接表现;

    ″ Dahuaishu emigration ″ was an important emigration in Chinese history . It was the representation of encouragement policy on cultivating barren land in early years of Ming Dynasty .

  18. 屯田者所缴纳的限米远远高于普通民户耕种自己的私田或佃种官田所缴纳的各项土地租税的总和。

    These people have also to pay tax rice as prescribed for diem , which are even higher than the taxes and rents put together paid by ordinary fanners or tenants .

  19. 走马楼吴简中的吴国屯田资料表明,吴国的普通民户拥有自己的私田或佃种官田,并向官府缴纳税米、租米、布、钱等租税。

    In Three-kingdom period , the ordinary families of Wu worked on their own land or rent state-owned land , and paid land taxes such as rice , cloth and money .

  20. 许下屯田是东汉末年曹操在统一北方过程中采取的一项重要措施。

    Stationing soldiers at Xuxia and making them raise their own food was an important step , which was taken by Caocao , to unify the north at the last years of Donghan dynasty .

  21. 我国古代的屯田与均田历史悠久,屯田制与均田制也曾作为封建国有土地的两种主要经营方式长期存在。

    The station farm and equal landship had either a long history in our country . In the Feudalism Society , the station farm and equal landship existed as both main states ' land management .

  22. 他们在均屯田的基础上创建了中国历史上第一个具有近代形态的地方财政体系,并创建了第一套由地方财政全面支持的地方社会公共事业与地方社会保障事业。

    To distribute lands on average was the basis of local reform . In Chinese history , they have firstly founded a modern local financial system and a set of local public and security courses aided by local finances .

  23. 汉、唐、清三代是古代新疆经济大开发的重要时期,政府在那里进行了以屯田垦荒,发展农业为突破口的开发大高潮。

    Three Dynasties of Han , Tang and Qing are important periods of economic development of ancient Xinjiang , where the government made a high tide of development whose breach was stationing troops to open up wasteland and developing the agriculture .

  24. 到乾隆四十二年(公元1777年),玛纳斯眷营的屯田总亩数已达28200亩,屯田士兵达1400人,解决了当地驻军的口粮问题,并对民屯的发展打下了良好的基础。

    Up to Qian Long 42 , the reclamation area enclosed reached a total number of 28200 mu with reclaiming soldiers 1400 , satisfied the food problem of the local stationed soldiers and built a better base for the mass land reclamation .

  25. 明初为了重新开发中原地区,采取了迁民垦荒和设置卫所屯田等一系列措施,使归德府地区成为军民杂处的移民社会。

    In order to strengthen rule of central plains region , Zhu Yuanzhang took a series of measures , such as reclaiming wasteland to immigrate , seting up Wei-so , which made Gui-de become a mixed migration society of military household and county people .

  26. 为了备战,北宋与西夏都动员了大量的人力在沿边修筑了大量的军事设施,屯田驻守,客观上加强了对陕北的规模开发。

    To prepare for wars , both the Northern Song Dynasty and Xixia mobilized a lot of manpower at the border to build a large number of military installations and stationed troops , which objectively strengthened the development of Northern Shaanxi on a large scale .

  27. 而甘青河湟洮岷地区由于自汉代以来中原地区持续不断的人口迁移使规模不等的屯田开发迫在眉睫,也就是在这一时期,土族和周边民族的屯田开发达到了高潮。

    Because of continuing population migration from central China to He-Huang-Tao-Min districts in Gansu and Qinghai since Han Dynasty , different scales cultivation development was extremely urgent . In the same time , cultivation development of Tu people and their neighbours was up to a climax .