
  • 网络typhoid;Typhoid fever
  1. 血清免疫复合物及补体C3在伤寒病中的意义

    Significance of Serum Immune Complex ( IC ) and Complement C_3 in Patients of Typhoid Fever

  2. 32例伤寒病临床变异的观察与护理

    Observation and nursing care of clinical variation of 32 typhoid fever patients

  3. 他们那儿仍有伤寒病发生。

    They still get cases of typhoid there .

  4. 这些生物不但会脏兮兮地咬你一口让你身上长疱,还携带大量的疾病,如埃布氏菌(E.coli)、麻疯病、伤寒病、脊髓灰质炎、霍乱和肺结核。独角滑稽秀演员

    Not only can these creatures deliver nasty bites and bumps , but they can also carry a ton of diseases , like E. coli , leprosy , typhoid , polio , cholera and tuberculosis .

  5. Vi-ELISA还可作伤寒病后带菌者初筛。

    Vi-ELISA may also be applied for screening carriers in the post-typhoid fever patients .

  6. 交感神经切除术治疗雷诺病鸡伤寒病的诊治

    Sympathectomy for raynaud disease THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF FOWL TYPHOID

  7. 群体学生伤寒病治疗的护理管理

    Nursing Management to Treat Groups of Students Infected Typhoid Disease

  8. 伤寒病患者淋巴细胞内腺苷氨酶活性的变化与T淋巴细胞亚群的关系

    The relationship between lymphocyte ADA activity and T-lymphocyte subsets in patients with typhoid

  9. 我的父亲刚从伤寒病中复原。

    My father was just recovering from typhoid .

  10. 结论:加强群体学生病人的护理,防止伤寒病的传播与蔓延。

    Conclusion : Reinforce community student 's community patients'nurse , prevent typhoid propagation and extend .

  11. 传染性非典型肺炎与中医的伤寒病

    SARS and exogenous febrile disease of TCM

  12. 外感热病与体质伤寒病与六经辨证

    Exogenous febrile disease and physique

  13. 通过对郑成功死亡的各个疑点的分析,可以明确地得出郑成功是正常死亡,且是得伤寒病病逝的。

    I analyse every questionable points of his death and find he was death of exogenous febrile disease .

  14. 当时,军阀纷争战乱不断,很多人都感染了伤寒病。

    During his time , with warlords fighting for their own territories , many people were infected with febrile disease .

  15. 表明LPS-Latex法诊断伤寒病简便、快速,有较高敏感性和特异性。

    It was demonstrated that LPS-latex test could be applied in serodiagnosis of typhoid fever with high sensitivity and specificity .

  16. 正如得过伤寒病的可以免疫一样,犯过错误的人,只要善于从错误中取得教训,也可以少犯错误。

    People who have had typhoid become immune to it ; similarly , people who have made mistakes will make fewer ones provided they are good at drawing lessons .

  17. 结果1956~2000年临沂市共发生伤寒病9344例,死亡70例,年平均发病率为2.23/10万,病死率0.75%;

    Results There were 9 344 cases of typhoid fever from 1956 to 2000 , and 70 patients died . The annual morbidity was 2.23/100 000 , death rated was 0.75 % .

  18. 而舌诊的建立、发展与伤寒病的发展密不可分,随着伤寒病理论的进一步发展,舌诊内容与技术也得到了丰富与发展。

    The establishment and development of tongue examination and development of cold damage is inseparable . With the development of the theory of cold damage , content and technology of tongue examination has also been enriched and development .

  19. 从临床初诊为仔猪副伤寒的病猪采集粪便,接种亚硒酸盐亮绿增菌液增菌后,划线于SS琼脂培养基,挑无色透明菌落纯化。

    The feces was collected from diseased piglets clinically diagnosed as paratyphoid , inoculated on Sodium Selenite brilliant green SS medium , then streaked on SS medium .

  20. 2008-2009年美国食源性鼠伤寒沙门菌病暴发情况简介

    Outbreak of Salmonella typhimurium in United State from 2008 to 2009

  21. 引起伤寒传染病暴发流行的危险因素仍普遍存在;

    The risk factors which related typhoid fever endemic still exist at large ;

  22. 医院内鼠伤寒沙门菌病暴发流行菌株的研究

    Study of Salmonella typhimurium Isolates from A Nosocomial Outbreak

  23. 依据郁邪致病的特点仅就伤寒六经病本证因郁而发并从郁论治的体系予以初步探讨。

    According to the features of pathogenic stagnation , the major syndrome of six-channel diseases of Shanghan and the differential treatment based on stagnation were discussed in this paper .

  24. 斑疹伤寒、恙虫病、森林脑炎已10a以上无病例发生;

    Typhus , tsutsugamushi disease and forest encephalitis have not been found for 10 years .

  25. 鸡伤寒沙门氏菌病的诊断及病理形态学观察

    Diagnosis and Pathomorphology Observation for Fowl Typhoid Salmonella

  26. 方法:将83例由肺炎、伤寒及恙虫病引起的急性高热患者随机分为2组。

    Methods : Eightythree cases of acute high fever induced by pneumonia , typhoid and tsutsugamushi disease were divided randomly into 2 groups .

  27. 丛林斑疹伤寒(恙虫病)通常是由易感人群(在工作和娱乐中会接触到被螨虫幼虫聚居而受感染的刷子等物)产生发烧症状而引起的。

    Scrub typhus is a common cause of fever among susceptible persons who engage in occupational or recreational behavior that brings them in contact with larval-miteinfested scrub brush habitats .

  28. 爸我爸对我说说他让北方佬没有把房子烧掉,理由是苏伦和卡琳得了伤寒,正病得厉害,不能移动。

    Pa pa told me that that he got them not to burn the house because Suellen and Carreen were so ill with typhoid they could n 't be moved .

  29. 方法采用微柱凝胶技术(MGCT)及肥达反应法(WR)分别检测32例疑似伤寒及副伤寒病患者。

    METHODS Minigel column technique ( MGCT ) and Widal reaction ( WR ) were used to detect the antibody among 32 suspicious typhoid and paratyphoid patients .

  30. 《伤寒论》太阴病篇评述

    A Comment on Chapter on Taiyin Disease in Treatise on Febrile Diseases