
  • 网络Synopsis of the Golden Chamber;synopsis of prescriptions of the golden chamber;jin kui yao lue;Jingui Yaolue;jinkui yaolue
  1. 目的:《金匮要略》以脏腑经络辨证为主要辨证方法,是后世杂病辨证论治的奠基之作,其中脾胃病的证治思想历来为医家所重视。

    Objective : " Synopsis of prescriptions of the Golden Chamber " dialectical organs and meridians as the main dialectical method , is of later diagnosis and treatment of miscellaneous diseases foundation .

  2. 试论《金匮要略》治渴12法《金匮》治疗思想研究

    12 Methods in Treating Thirstiness Drawn from Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber Study on Therapeutic Thoughts of Golden Chamber

  3. 从《金匮要略》胸痹心痛的诊疗思路,探讨其在急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)临床研究中的应用价值。

    Based on studying the diagnosis and treatment of precordial pain in synopsis of the golden chamber , the correlation between precordial pain and acute coronary syndrome ( ACS ) is discussed .

  4. 《金匮要略》痛证辨治特点

    Treatment characteristics of pain syndrome in synopsis of the golden chamber

  5. 六步教学法在《金匮要略》教学中的应用

    Application of Six Steps Pedagogy in Teaching of the Golden Chamber

  6. 《金匮要略》教学中若干问题的思考

    Several Questions Concerning Teaching of Medical Treasures of the Golden Chamber

  7. 《金匮要略》治则治法辨析《金匮要略》通便法探析

    Differentiation of Treatment Principles and Methods in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber

  8. 浅议《金匮要略》治疗肝病的特点

    Treatment Characteristics of Liver Disorders in Synopsis of Colden Chamber

  9. 对《金匮要略》邪气概念的剖析

    Analysis on the Concept of pathogen in Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber

  10. 《金匮要略》双语教学体会

    The Experience of Bilingual Teaching in the Chamber Golden

  11. 《金匮要略》胸痹心痛与急性冠状动脉综合征

    Correlation between precordial pain in synopsis of the golden chamber and acute coronary syndrome

  12. 《金匮要略》腠理生理病理及微观辨证

    Physiology and Pathology of Striae in Jin Gui and Its Function in Micro-Dialectical Pattern Identification

  13. 金匮要略硕士研究生教育模式初探

    A study of master degree educational mode of Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber

  14. 《金匮要略》理论在大肠癌防治中的运用

    Application of the Theory from Synopsis of Golden Cabinet on Prevent and Cure Large Intestine Cancer

  15. 对《金匮要略》中以服药后的反应判断药效的内容进行了探讨。

    " Essence " in response to medication to determine the content of efficacy are discussed .

  16. 《金匮要略》以桂枝汤加减治疗虚劳病机理探讨

    Mechanism Study on Consumptive Disease with Ingredient-altered Cinnamon Twig Decoction Therapy in Synopsis of Golden Chamber

  17. 对大黄在《金匮要略》急症中的运用进行了探讨。

    Application of Rhubarb in emergency in Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber was introduced .

  18. 金匮要略教学中需关注的几个问题探讨

    Discussion of several problems deserving attention in the teaching of A Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Chamber

  19. 《金匮要略》是我国现存最早的一部诊治杂病的专著。

    Synopsis of the Golden Chamber is the oldest monograph on Febrile and Miscellaneous Disease in China .

  20. 试论《金匮要略》胸痹心痛的概念及合篇意义

    On Concept and Meaning of Chest Paralysis and Heartache in " Synopsis of the Golden Chamber "

  21. 《金匮要略》是痹病辨证论治的发展时期。

    《 Synopsis of the Golden Chamber 》 is the development time of syndrome differentiation and treatment .

  22. 从方剂学角度探讨《金匮要略》治疗情志疾病规律。

    Laws in treatment of emotional diseases expounded in the Golden Chamber from science of TCM formula .

  23. 《金匮要略》关于脾胃病内容丰富,在辨与治方面呈现出规律性的内容。

    Medical Treasures of the Golden Chamber abounds with regular descriptions of diseases of the spleen and stomach .

  24. 《金匮要略》确立了饮病治则和治疗大法,指出痰饮病总治则为当以温药和之。仲景认为温化和中是治饮之本;

    Jin Gui Yao Lue radicated the general control method of Fluid retention disease is using warm herbs .

  25. 论述了《金匮要略》治未病思想的源流;强调疾病可知又可预防;

    We discuss the origin and development of preventive medicine thought in Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Cabinet ;

  26. 《金匮要略》调和思想及在肝病证治上的运用

    The Ideas of Harmony of " Jinkui Yaolue " and the Application to the Treatment of Disease of Liver

  27. 通过分析《金匮要略》中疼痛的病因病机和治疗方法,揭示仲景对疼痛的辨治规律。

    This paper presents the causes , pathogenesis and treatment of pain in the book Synopsis of Golden Chamber .

  28. 通过学习,使学生掌握《金匮要略》的基本理论、基本观点和基本技能;

    The students should master the basic theory , ideas and skills though learning the Synopsis of the Golden Chamber .

  29. 《金匮要略》热邪致病及其证治

    Heat unique pathogen brings on diseases and it ′ s syndrome and treatment on Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Chamber

  30. 《金匮要略》“十七句”是肝虚证的具体治疗方法。

    The " seventeen sentence " in JinGui YaoLue is guidance on how to treat the deficiency syndrome of the liver .