
jīn yín zhū bǎo
  • Jewellery;gold, silver, pearls, and other treasures
  1. SLOTUS银荷珠宝是专业的金银珠宝设计商和制造商。ISO9000:2001认证企业。

    SLOTUS jewelry is a professional fine jewelry and fashion jewelry manufacturer with ISO9000:2001 certification .

  2. 我以为这里面藏着金银珠宝呢。

    I thought there were gold and jewelries stored inside .

  3. 深圳市金银珠宝首饰加工业发展迅速

    Rapid Development of Gold and Jewelry Industry of Shenzhen City

  4. 那些工艺品闪耀着金银珠宝般的光彩。

    These handicraft articles shine as Bright as gold , silver and jewelry .

  5. 我不想要金银珠宝,

    I don 't want no jewels or nothing ,

  6. 本银楼优惠价供应金银珠宝。

    Our jewelry shop provides gold , silver and jewelry at favoraBle prices .

  7. 石家庄市金银珠宝首饰消费市场调查研究

    Market Research on Jewelry Consumption in Shijiazhuang City

  8. 那就是你们得到死的金银珠宝的地方。

    But that 's where you get dead gold , dead silver , dead gems .

  9. 合理调整产品结构,充分满足消费者的需求,才能促进金银珠宝首饰市场的进一步繁荣。

    To adjust the structures of products and satisfy requirements of consumers can further prosper the market .

  10. 上海友谊商店,金银珠宝,应有尽有。

    In Shanghai Friendship Store , you can find all sorts of gold , silver and jewelry displayed .

  11. 踏进本金银珠宝店,您就置身在永远的光辉之中。

    You will Be immersed in the everlasting Brightness as soon as you step into this jewellery shop .

  12. 因此,长期以来,他一直在这一带的海域里搜寻着金银珠宝。

    Because of this , for a long time he kept searching that whole area for this treasure .

  13. 规范市场秩序,保证产品质量,有助于促进金银珠宝首饰消费信心的树立;

    To purify the market environment and ensure the quality of products , can develop the confidence in jewelry consumption .

  14. 财富回答说:不,不行。我的船上装满了金银珠宝。

    Richness answered , No , I can 't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat .

  15. 他从即墨贵族那里拿到些金银珠宝,偷偷给骑劫送去。

    First , Tien Tan sent gold and treasure collected from the city 's wealthiest citizens to general Qi Che .

  16. 这条街上有四五家房子被抢了,电视和金银珠宝都被拿走。

    Four or five of the houses on our street had been looted and TVs and gold jewellery had been taken .

  17. 富裕回答说:“不行,我的船上有很多金银珠宝

    Richness answered , " No , I can ' t.There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat .

  18. 第一棵树这样想:「我很快就会被造成一个美丽的箱子,用来装载金银珠宝!」

    " Now I shall be made into a beautiful chest ; I shall hold wonderful treasure !" The first tree said .

  19. 不用说,这些农民的服装,也象那些女人的一样,是灿烂耀目地缀满了金银珠宝的。

    We need hardly add that these peasant costumes , like those of the young women , were brilliant with gold and jewels .

  20. 它也是用金银珠宝装饰起来的珍品。一批国家最优秀的艺术用了大约十年的时间才把它完成。

    It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels , which took the country 's best artists about ten years to make .

  21. 三是金银珠宝销售持续旺盛,家电、汽车销售增幅收窄。

    Third , sales of gold , silver and jewelry kept thriving , but growth rate of sales of home appliances and automobiles shrank .

  22. 他曾听一些老人讲过,过去有几艘载满金银珠宝的船只沉没在这附近的海域里。

    He had heard from some old men before , that several ships loaded with diamonds and gold had once sunk in the nearby seashore .

  23. 三是金银珠宝销售持续高速增长,汽车、家用电器等商品增速放缓。

    Third , sales of gold , silver and jewelry have kept fast growth pace while sales growth of automobile and home appliances slowed down .

  24. 受传统习俗及国际黄金市场影响,金银珠宝类投资保值商品销售保持高速增长。

    Affected by traditional customs and international gold market , sales of commodities as a store of value like gold , silver and jewelry has increased markedly .

  25. 受传统习俗、通胀预期和国际金价上涨影响,金银珠宝类商品销售继续保持高速增长。

    Affected by traditional customs and inflation expectation as well as price hike of gold worldwide , sales of gold , silver and jewelry has increased markedly .

  26. 这艘帆船作为主船队,载满着从西班牙在南美的殖民地进献给西班牙国王费利佩五世金银珠宝。

    The galleon was the main ship in a treasure fleet carrying gold , silver and other valuable items from Spain 's American colonies to King Philip V.

  27. 因为安东尼奥的一位朋友与夏洛克的女儿相恋,且带着夏洛克的一些金银珠宝跑了。

    Because one of antonio 's friends and shylock 's daughter were in love with each other and they had run away with some of shylock 's money and jewels .

  28. 主营:饰品配件、服装辅料、玩具、五金制品、塑料工艺品、时尚配饰、其他模型玩具、树脂工艺品、其他工艺用五金工具、金银珠宝首饰。

    Primary : jewelry accessories , supplies , clothing , toys , metal products , plastic products , Fashion Accessories , other models toys resin handicrafts , Other technology used metal tools Jewelry .

  29. 据商务部监测,1-3月,金银珠宝销售额同比增长43.5%,增速比上年同期加快18.7个百分点。

    From January to March , sales of gold , silver and jewelry increased by43.5 % year on year , 18.7 percentage points higher than that in the same period of last year .

  30. 所以,金银珠宝便构成了这些国家的很大一部分财富。很多富有的亚洲人把几乎其全部财产都带在自己或妻妾的身上。

    Gold and jewels , therefore , constitute a large proportion of the wealth of these nations , and many a rich Asiatic carries nearly his whole fortune on his person , or on those of the women of his harem .