
jīn kuàng
  • gold mine;gold ore;quarts
金矿 [jīn kuàng]
  • (1) [gold mine]

  • (2) 用采矿作业获得黄金的场所

  • (3) 想要得到的或所寻求的东西的富源

金矿[jīn kuàng]
  1. 1848年在美国加利福尼亚州发现了金矿。

    Gold ore was discovered in California in1848 .

  2. 金矿检验和还原型金矿还原型和氧化型谷胱甘肽的THz光谱表征

    Examination of gold ore and reducing type gold ore

  3. 金矿并非无底的宝藏,金子终究会被采光。

    A gold mine is not a bottomless pit , the gold runs out

  4. 在丛林地带,儿童被用作开采金矿的苦役。

    The children were used as slave labour in gold mines in the jungle

  5. 1849年加利福尼亚发现金矿时,这些矿第一次被开采。

    The mines had first been worked in 1849 , when gold was discovered in California

  6. 那些丘陵里埋藏着丰富的金矿。

    There are rich deposits of gold in those hills .

  7. 这座城市挤满了失望的人们,他们对安顿下来毫无兴趣。当听说阿拉斯加发现了新的金矿时,他们像来的时候一样飞快地离开了道森城。

    The city was crowded with disappointed people with no interest in settling down , and when they heard there were new gold discoveries in Alaska , they left Dawson City as quickly as they had come .

  8. 重新界定的夹皮沟金矿集中区包括了太古宙花岗-绿岩带和高级变质区两个组成部分。

    The redelimited Jiapigou gold-concentrated area is composed of Archean granitoid-greenstone belts and high grade metamorphism areas .

  9. 山东招远LS金矿床矿化特征研究

    Research on the Mineralization Features of LS Gold Deposit , Shangdong Province

  10. SD法储量计算系统在金矿勘查区中的应用&以甘肃阳山金矿为例

    Application of SD reserves calculation system in gold exploration areas : Taking example of Yangshan gold deposit , gansu

  11. 金矿床最佳元素组合是:Au、Ag、Te、Bi;

    The most favourable combinations of the gold deposits are : Au , Ag , Te , Bi ;

  12. 金矿床区蜡状芽孢杆菌孢壁蛋白SDS-PAGE图谱及聚类分析

    SDS-PAGE pattern and cluster analysis of cell wall protein of Bacillus cereus isolated from gold ore deposit area

  13. 两种微机化携带式X荧光仪器已经研制成功,它们可以在现场同时测量2至6个元素,获得勘查金矿的多种参数。

    Two kinds of microcomputer portable XRF analyzer have been developed , 2 to 6 elements can be measured in situ simultaneously and multi parameters for prospecting gold can be obtained .

  14. 控矿构造主要为NNE向断裂,具明显的双重结构面特征,金矿体严格受其控制。

    The ore controlling structure is mainly NNE strike fault with double constructional surface .

  15. 砂金中的微量Pb同位素分析具有特殊的意义,可根据Pb同位素的μ值确定砂金的来源及可能的原生金矿体。

    The microanalysis of Pb isotopes in placer gold is of specific significance for the origin of placer gold and possible primary gold orebody can be determined according to U value of Pb isotopes .

  16. 对比胶东西北部胶东群岩石,花岗岩及金矿矿石Pb同位素特征,对该区金矿床的物质来源问题提出了新看法。

    Through analyses of Pb isotopic characteristics of Jiao-Dong Group rocks , granites and gold ores , a fresh view on the source materials of the gold deposit in this area was put forward in this paper .

  17. 提出了定位预测流程的3个重要步骤:GIS图件库的制作→地、物、化、遥异常信息的提取→GIS区域金矿定位预测。

    Three important steps to making location prognosis are put forward , i. e. the making of GIS map pool → the extraction of abnormal informations from geological , physical , chemical prospecting and remote sensing → accomplishing location prognosis of GIS regional gold deposit .

  18. 银、金矿体赋存于纵向断裂F2破碎带内,剖面上可分为氧化带、混合带和原生带。

    The Ag ( Au ) ore bodies are controlled by F_2 longitudinal fault , and can be divided into three zones , i.e. , oxidized zone , mixed zone and primary zone .

  19. 对矿化岩石与围岩的微量元素与稀土元素分析结果表明,本区金矿以AuAsSbHg组合为特征,As是金的找矿指示元素。

    Analytical results for trace elements and rare earth elements of the mineralized rocks and host rocks show that the element association is Au As Sb Hg and As can be used as indicator element for gold prospecting in the area .

  20. 矿床产于太古代建平群深变质岩中,矿体产出受NW向断裂构造控制,金矿化与中生代侵入岩关系密切,矿石类型主要为石英脉型。

    The deposit occurs in the deep metamorphic rock of Archean Jianping formation , with the orebodies controlled by NW fault structure . The gold mineralization is closely related to the Mesozoic intrusion rock and the ore is mainly of quartzite vein type .

  21. 金矿物粒径多<0.01mm,属细粒&微粒型金矿,其嵌连关系以粒间金为主。

    Grain size of the gold minerals is commonly less than 0 . 01 mm ; therefore , the gold deposit belongs to the fine-minute particle type one .

  22. 滇黔桂地区金矿空间分布的分形特征

    Fractal features of spatial distribution of gold deposits in Dian-qian-gui region

  23. 关于利山金矿开发现状的几点思考

    Several points concerning the exploitation situation of the Lishan gold deposit

  24. 新城金矿充填料流变特性研究

    Study on rheologic feature of filling materials in Xincheng Gold Mine

  25. 我国金矿床类型的初步划分

    A preliminary classification on the types of gold deposits in China

  26. 新疆主要金矿床地质和地球化学特征

    Geological and geochemical characteristics of the main gold deposits in Xinjiang

  27. 秦岭地区卡林型金矿地质特征

    Geological feature of Carlin - type gold deposit in Qinling area

  28. 难浸金矿微生物预氧化处理研究

    The study on the microbial pre-oxidation of the refractory gold minerals

  29. 闽中金矿控矿构造及找矿远景分析

    Au ore-controling structure and ore-searching analysis for the central Fujian Province

  30. 金矿样品的几种溶样方法

    Study on several methods of decomposition of ore sample containing gold