
yún tī
  • scaling ladder;aerial ladder
云梯 [yún tī]
  • [scaling ladder] 古代攻城的梯子。亦指现消防救火用的长梯

  • 为楚造云梯。--《墨子.公输》

  • 为我为云梯。

云梯[yún tī]
  1. 根据所提出的102m液压多级缸云梯的技术要求,对其液压系统的工作压力、流量、功率等参数进行了设计。

    Based on technical requirements of the scaling ladder , this paper designs the system pressure 、 quantity of flow and other parameters of the system .

  2. 伸缩云梯消防车臂架结构强度有限元分析与动力学仿真

    Finite Element Analysis and Dynamics Simulation of Ladder Structure of Scaling Ladder Pumper

  3. ANSYS分析结果表明,102米液压多级缸云梯在理论和实践中完全可行。

    ANSYS results show that the ladder is feasible both in theory and practice .

  4. 最后,根据结构设计的内容,对102m多级液压缸云梯进行建模和ANSYS分析。

    Based on the manual , we calculate the stability of scaling ladder under wind . Finally , according to the contents of the structural design , this paper model and analysis the multi-stage hydraulic cylinder scaling ladder using ANSYS .

  5. 带载人平台的云梯车宇宙飞船载人上天。

    Aerial ladder platform A space vehicle carries people into space .

  6. 福特队长站在云梯消防车上。

    Chief Ford stood on the top of a hook and ladder .

  7. 停车位置对云梯消防车救援作业面的影响

    The influence on ladder truck 's rescue area caused by the parking spot

  8. 现在塔旁建有云梯,可以攀援而上。

    Now tower built beside the ladder , you can climb themselves up .

  9. 带载人平台的云梯车东太平洋中脊地热带

    Aerial ladder platform east pacific rise geothermal belt

  10. 消防队长指挥云梯消防队。

    The fire marshal directed the hook-and-ladder units .

  11. 愿你可以造一把采摘繁星的云梯

    May you build a ladder to the stars

  12. 一个新的安全操作系统被批准取代云梯。

    A new OSHA approved substitute for ladders .

  13. 知识犹如生活的翅膀铸起攀登的云梯。

    Knowledge is as wings to man 's life and a ladder for his ascent .

  14. 昨天消防队员用云梯从一座办公楼的五层救了六个人。

    Fire fighters with Turntable ladders yesterday rescued six people from the fifth floor of an office building .

  15. 他们都站在云梯消防车周围,为灭火方式争论不休。

    They all stood around the hook and ladders , arguing about how to put out the fire .

  16. 牵引装置的结构型式和布置对重载货运电力机车黏着重量利用率的影响牵引挂车式云梯消防车

    Influence of traction device structure type and arrangement style on heavy load freight electric locomotive adhesion weight utilization rate

  17. 在七台发动机、一台云梯以及33位消防员的努力下,大火很快被扑灭。

    The fire was brought under control fairly quickly , with four engines , a ladder truck and33 firefighters responding .

  18. 我们的辅导计划和创业支持服务已经在帮助下一代女性找到攀上云梯的道路。

    Our mentoring schemes and start-up support services are already helping the next generation find their way up the ladder .

  19. 就算是机构的网络安全围墙修得更高,攻击者的云梯也在加长,他们打的地道也在加深。

    Even as organisations " cyber walls get higher , attackers " ladders are getting longer and their tunnels deeper .

  20. 还传说乾隆皇帝有一年命人搭构云梯,想亲自上去看个究竟。

    Also legend Emperor Qianlong ordered a year take the structure ladder , want to personally see what was going on .

  21. 这里,是一个打开的门,欢迎所有从生活的云梯上下来的人。

    Here is an opening door , Wellcome you all who are getting down from the scaling ladder of real life .

  22. 通过对臂架进行模态理论分析和模态试验,得到臂架的固有频率和振型,指导云梯的生产和使用,防止共振。

    Natural frequency and vibration mode obtained via mode analysis and experiment will be used to instruct the production and utilization of fire truck .

  23. 白天建筑火灾现场,纽约州东汉普顿市的消防队员从烟火上方的云梯消防车中展开行动。

    East Hampton , New York firefighters operate out of a tower ladder above the smoke and flames at the scene of a working daytime structure fire .

  24. 在精英政治的登云梯上,最先考验人勇气的是要进入这些教育机构――在现在这种千军万马争先恐后抢夺录取机会的大潮中绝非易事。

    On the meritocratic climb , one 's mettle is first tested by getting into these institutions & no easy task in the contemporary overcrowded scramble for admission .

  25. 针对这一问题,利用液压缸快速、稳定、精确的特点,设计一种新型液压多级缸云梯。

    To solve this problem , we take advantage of the fast , stable and accurate characteristics of the hydraulic cylinder to design a new hydraulic cylinder scaling ladder .

  26. 当人们堆起高台,建造云梯,屠杀许多生灵时,法郎却没有率领大军,也没有召集人马来协助他作战。

    And not with a great army , nor with much people shall Pharao fight against him : when he shall cast up mounts , and build forts , to cut off many souls .

  27. 黎明时,举目一望,看见无数军民,带著云梯与器械,攻打堡垒,正向堡垒里的人攻击。

    And it came to pass that early in the morning , when they lifted up their eyes , behold there were people without number , carrying ladders and engines to take the fortress , and assault them .

  28. 如果臂架结构出现问题,将造成巨大的损失,因此臂架系统是云梯消防车工作中最薄弱的环节,臂架结构的可靠性是确保灭火救援工作顺利进行最关键的因素。

    That anything wrong with boom structure would cause great loss , so boom system is regarded as the weakest link / section for the whole fire truck , whose reliability is quite critical to the rescue work .

  29. 广岛消防队的唯一一台云梯车也被炸毁,原子弹爆炸的冲击波和大火摧毁了广岛西城区主要的救火站,该救火站位于炸心1200米处。

    The Hiroshima Fire Department lost its only ladder truck when its West Side main fire station was destroyed by the blast and fire of the atomic bomb , 1,200 m ( 4,000 ft ) from ground zero . ( U.S.