
  1. 被《卫报》称为卡夫卡最好的书之一,这本小说详细描述了无名主人公(K)同云雾缭绕的城堡展开的不朽的斗争,体现了不灭的人文精神。

    Hailed as one of the best books of Kafka by the Guardian , this novel details the unquenchable human spirit of the unnamed protagonist ( K ) in his monumental struggle against the mist-enveloped Castle .

  2. 山间云雾缭绕,像仙境一样。

    The clouds and mist drift trough the mountains like a fairyland .

  3. 然后,我们把所有的住家都抛在了身后,开进了云雾缭绕的森林。

    And then we were past the other houses altogether , driving through misty forest .

  4. 枝叶茂密的树;烟雾弥漫的草地;布满蛛网的横梁;云雾缭绕的山顶。

    Leaf-clothed trees ; fog-cloaked meadows ; a beam draped with cobwebs ; cloud-wrapped peaks .

  5. 在爆发之前,坦博拉是这片云雾缭绕的山地中的最高峰。

    Before it exploded , Tambora was the tallest peak in a land of cloudy summits .

  6. 天色阴沉,云雾缭绕着附近的山上。

    It 's a steely grey day and the clouds hang mistily over the surrounding hills .

  7. 在希腊北部马其顿和色萨利之间矗立着一座高大的山脉,山顶云雾缭绕,直插云霄。

    Between Macedon and Thessaly of northern Greece there stood a lofty mountain range whose cloudy summit rushed into the very heavens .

  8. 一整天,富士山都云雾缭绕,难见其真面目。

    Due to bad weather all day , it was too cloudy to have a glance of the true color of the Mount Fuji .

  9. 当云雾缭绕笼罩周围山峰,景色尤为迷人,山峰时而藏匿,时而闪现,令人称奇。

    The vistas are particularly enchanting when flowing mists weave themselves around the peaks , hiding them and then exposing them in moments of surprise .

  10. 几天后,当我来到位于10000英尺(3048米)高处、云雾缭绕、没有路肩的狭窄的多奇拉隘口时,经幡的重要性开始显现。

    Their significance becomes clear a couple of days later when I arrive at Dochula Pass just above 10000 feet on a fog-shrouded , narrow , no-shoulder highway .

  11. 珙桐、水青树、红豆杉等就是因为喜潮湿,得以在终年云雾缭绕中千万年延续。

    Due to the characteristic of adapting to wet habitats , Chinese dove trees , tetracentron sinensis and Taxus chinensis have lived on the mountain for thousands of years .

  12. 我伸了伸舌头,仰头想望一眼峰巅,只见云雾缭绕,不见峥嵘。

    I extended my tongue and raised my head , imagining and hoping for a glance at the summit , but only saw clouds wafting in the air . I saw no lofty mountain peak .

  13. 当游客驻足茶树之间,远眺山峦之外,中国传统水墨画般的美景便映入眼帘,只见山间云雾缭绕、森林郁郁葱葱,桥梁农舍古色古香。

    When visitors plant their feet beside tea bushes and peer out beyond the hillside , a classic Chinese watercolor of misty hills , lush woodlands , ancient bridges and traditional farmhouses comes into view .

  14. 山上常年水气蒸腾,云雾缭绕,形成“云峰烟雨”、“东岭晨曦”等自然景观,夹带着高山密林湖泊的清新空气,宛如人间仙境。

    The hills folded in the mist all the year round that carry the fresh air from forests and lakes , to form the natural views of Cloud Peak Rain and East Range Dawn , bring you to the fairyland .

  15. 古代印加人将这座秘鲁城市建在云雾缭绕的地方&建到了世上最远离尘嚣的所在。新疆位于中国的西北边陲,是世界上距离海洋最遥远的内陆腹地。

    The ancient Incas built this city high amongst the Peruvian clouds in one of the most remote locations on earth . Located in the northwest border area , Xinjiang is the inland hinterland with the furthest distance from sea in the world .

  16. 《心灵奇旅》于12月25日在Disney+首映,是他目前最具有概念性的电影,主要是以一个“生之来处”的世界为背景,这里云雾缭绕,人类的性格在此创造出来,出生时便伴随我们。

    Soul , which debuts today on Disney + , is his most conceptual film yet , largely set in a realm known as " the Great Before , " a cloudy land where human personalities are created and zapped into our bodies upon birth .