
  • 网络yunxian county;yun county
  1. 云南省云县不同性别人群吸烟及被动吸烟调查死亡最多的云南省达191人;

    Smoking and passive smoking status in men and women of Yun county , Yunan province Most of the people died in Yunnan 191 ones .

  2. 总体来看,沧源县、双江县、耿马县、云县的物理特性较好,这些区域主要位于临沧中部和东部;凤庆县、永德县相对较差,主要位于临沧北部和西部区域。

    Cangyuan County , Shuangjiang country , Gengma country and Yun County are of better Physical characteristics , these areas are mainly located in central and eastern of Lincang .

  3. EOP模态二揭示出云量和降水量相对气候状态的扰动变化,以中央山脉为界总云县、低云量和降水量均有东&西向年周期的振荡。

    With the Central Mountain as the central boundary line , the annual oscillation period in west-east direction is clear with respect to total cloud amount , low-cloud amount as well as precipitation .

  4. 在中国云南省不同气候类型的元江、红河、元谋、绿春、墨江、云县、孟连,采用昆虫学、生态学等方法对紫胶蚧Kerrialacca(Kerr.)开展了生物学、生态学研究。

    In this paper , the author studied biology and ecology of Kerria lacca Kerr . with entomological and ecological method under different kinds of climate in Yunnan Province China .

  5. 在红壤中品种间:云县对照样与各品种呈显著性差异,其余品种间无显著性差异,最佳播种深度为2cm左右。

    Among the treatments in red soil , there were significant differences between the tested varieties and CK , and no significant differences between different varieties , and the optimum seeding depth was 2 cm .

  6. 主要结论有:⑴紫胶蚧在除云县外的试验点1年能完成2个世代。

    Kerria lacca can finish two generations within one year in all experimental places but Yunxian .

  7. 滇西南云县三叠纪火山岩组合及系列的厘定及其构造意义

    Stipulating of Triassic volcanic rocks Association and series in yunxian , Southwest Yunnan Province and its structural significance

  8. 对云县而言,近年来教育事业取得较大的发展,但教育发展对经济发展的促进作用却不甚显著。

    In the past few years , though the county of Yun has made rapid progress in education , its economic development remains mediocre .

  9. 介绍了2003年在云县退耕还林工程监理中的主要做法,包括抽样方法、工作程序、监理内容。

    The major practices in the engineering supervision for forest rehabilitation from slope agriculture in Yunxian county in 2003 , including sampling methods , work procedures , supervisory contents , were introduced .

  10. 实用型教育:边疆贫困地区经济平稳跨越的保障&云南省云县教育扶贫新模式研究

    Practical Education , the Guarantee of Steady Economic Progress in the Frontier Poverty Stricken Regions & A Study of the New Mode of Poverty Alleviation through Education in the County of Yun , Lincang Prefecture , Yunnan Province