
  • 网络Genting highland;genting
  1. 根据她在Instagram上发布的帖子可知,她目前正在马来西亚度假,已经游览了吉打州的朗卡维度假海岛、云顶高原以及黑风洞。

    She is currently travelling around Malaysia on holiday and has visited Pulau Langkawi , Kedah , Genting Highlands and Batu Caves , according to her Instagram posts .

  2. 今天我从位于马来西亚的云顶高原-2001年马来西亚「第一届金曲红人颁奖礼」举办地里的旅馆房间写信给你们。

    I 'm writing to you today from my hotel room in the Genting Highlands , Malaysia , which was the site of the Malaysian golden melody awards , 2001 .

  3. 此演出是在马来西亚云顶高原的国际歌舞剧院举行的。

    This performance took place in the Genting International Showroom ( Malaysia ) .