
  • 网络yunnan nationalities university;Yunnan University of Nationalities;yunnan university for nationalities
  1. 试论地方院校发展战略选择&以云南民族大学为例

    The Choice of Development Strategies for Local Colleges and Universities : A Case Study of Yunnan University of Nationalities

  2. 响应社会需求的旅游动态课程体系构建研究&以云南民族大学旅游管理专业为例

    A Study on the Construction of Dynamic Tourism Management Curriculum System in Response to Social Needs : A Case Study of Tourism Management Program of Yunnan University of Nationalities

  3. 赤峰学院科技处OA系统设计与实现云南民族大学科技处经费管理系统设计

    Design and Implementation of Office Automation System for Science and Technology Department of Chifeng University

  4. 大学本科通识教育课程体系的构建&以云南民族大学为例

    On the Construction of the College General-knowledge Syllabus : A Case Study at Yunnan Nationalities University

  5. 少数民族大学生的文化适应与民族认同&以云南民族大学为例

    Acculturation and Ethnic Identity of Minority Undergraduates & A Case Study on Yunnan University for Nationality

  6. 云南民族大学为培养造就各民族高素质、高层次建设人才作出了独特贡献,取得了令人瞩目的办学成就。

    Yunnan Nationalities University has made unique contributions to the training of the high-quality minority students with achievements in many aspects .

  7. 云南民族大学建校55周年来取得了辉煌成就,有了一个较为坚实的基础。

    Yunnan Nationalities University has made brilliant achievements in the past 55 years and laid a solid foundation for the future development .

  8. 在校期间,曾利用课余时间从事过许多社会实践活动,并于今年考取了云南民族大学的研究生。

    I took part in much social practice in the university . I am enrolled as a postgraduate of Yunnan Nationality University this year .

  9. 民族院校大学生人格特征分析&以云南民族大学2005级学生调查为例

    An Analysis of the Traits of the College Students ' Personality in the Nationality Universities : A Case Study of Grade 2005 at Yunnan Nationalities University

  10. 据《中国青年报》报道,云南民族大学现在正在招收中国首个瑜伽方向硕士研究生。

    Minzu ( Nationalities ) University in Yunnan is now offering China 's first master 's degree in Yoga , October 10 , reports The China Youth Daily .

  11. 随着全国大学英语教学模式改革进一步深入,云南民族大学抓住时机,在2004级本科采用多媒体课件及计算机辅助英语教学,积极有序地深化大学英语教学改革,取得了许多新进展。

    With further reforms in the college-English teaching model , Yunnan Nationalities University has grasped the opportunity by using multi-media and computers in English teaching and made much progress .

  12. 中央民族大学学生民族观情况调查及对策研究少数民族大学生的文化适应与民族认同&以云南民族大学为例

    Inquisition Countermeasure Research on the Situation of National Views of Students in Central University for Nationalities ; Acculturation and Ethnic Identity of Minority Undergraduates A Case Study on Yunnan University for Nationality

  13. 本文是2003年11月3日罗开云校长在教育部专家对云南民族大学本科教学工作水平评估汇报会上的汇报提纲。

    This is the summary evaluation report of the four-year college programs at Yunnan University for Nationalities by YUN President Luo Kai-yun to the experts of the Ministry of Education of China on November 3rd 2003 .

  14. 2015年印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪访华后,印度文化关系委员会和云南民族大学在昆明共同创办了中印瑜伽学院。

    The CIYC was opened at the Yunnan Minzu University in Kunming in 2015 in collaboration with the Indian Council for Cultural Relations ( ICCR ) after the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to China that year .

  15. 从云南民族大学的实践出发,以“三个代表”重要思想指导民族高等教育工作,贵在以科学理论武装头脑,指导实践,解决问题,推动工作。

    How to direct the work of national higher education with " the Three Representations "? Starting from the practicality of Yunnan University for Nationalities , we learn scientific theory , and direct practices , solve problems and promote work with scientific theory .