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A Study on the Curriculum Development of Ethnic Culture : a Case Study of the Heritage College of Ethnic Culture of GMS of Yuxi Normal University
DES and 3DES Algorithms are successfully applied in the encrypting of both transmissions and storage of data over Yuxi Teachers ' College campus network for one - card pass services connected to the bank .
Reflections on the Bilingual Teaching of Chemistry in Chemistry and Environmental Science Department
A Study on Regional University 's Research as a Support of Local Social-Economic Development : A Case Study of Yuxi Teachers ' College
An Ability-Based Educational Mode for Regional Teachers ' Universities : As Shown in the Case of English Education Major in Yuxi Teachers ' College
The Basic Idea for Science Research at Regional Universities : Some Thoughts from Research Services to the Local Social Economy Offered by Yuxi Teachers ' College
The knowledge related to the use of assistant tools such as dictionaries is an extension of translation competence . A descriptive study was then made on the translation competence of the third year English majors in Yuxi Teachers College and their feelings towards the translation course .