
  • 网络neijiang normal university;Neijiang Teachers College
  1. 内江师范学院学生体质健康分析

    Analysis of Students Health of Neijiang Teachers College

  2. 内江师范学院97~99级学生身体素质测试分析

    Analysis of Physical Fitness Test Results in Students of Neijiang Teachers university Enrolled in 1997-1999

  3. 加强市校合作努力为地方经济社会服务&内江师范学院的实践与探索

    Strengthening Cooperation Between University and Neijiang City in an Attempt to Serve the Local Economy and Society

  4. 抓住机遇深化改革开创我院教学科研新局面&在内江师范学院首届教学科研工作会上的讲话

    Grasp the Opportunity , Deepen the Reform , Develop a New Situation for Teaching and Research & Speech at the First Forum of Teaching and Research