
yù shān
  • mountain rich in jade;decorative jade mountain;mountainous wealth;mountains
玉山 [yù shān]
  • [Yushan Mountains] 中国台湾岛山脉。北起三貂角,南接屏东平原,长约300公里。主峰玉山位于北回归线以北2.3公里,海拔3950米,不仅为台湾最高山峰,也为中国东部最高峰。山地多森林,目前仍有原始林分布,材用、药用和化工用植物资源丰富

  1. 就算你眼不尖也看得出来玉山冷新闻变得不一样吧?是的,YCN改名了!

    You can see the difference of YCN even being blind . Yes , YCN changed !

  2. 玉山要比台湾的任何山都高。

    Mt. Jade is higher than any other mountain in Taiwan .

  3. 江西玉山古城一带早、中奥陶世笔石地层

    Early-Middle Ordovician graptolite beds of Guchen , Yushan county , Jiangxi

  4. 玉山不远处有几个好地方。

    There are several good locations not far from Mount Morrison .

  5. 江西玉山晚奥陶世层孔虫-珊瑚点礁

    Patch reef of Late Ordovician stromatoporoids and corals in yushan , jiangxi

  6. 在所有高山当中,玉山为最高。

    Of all the high mountains , Mt. Jade is the highest .

  7. 江西玉山晚奥陶世苔藓虫

    Late Ordovician bryozoans from Yushan county , Jiangxi Province

  8. 玉山方言词语重叠现象小探

    Exploring the overlapping phenomenon of Yushan dialect words

  9. 沪宁城际铁路昆山市玉山制梁场场地布置

    Construction site layout of Kunshan city Yushan beam fabricating yard in the Hu-Ning railway

  10. 江西玉山石煤烧结包裹与钒转化的研究

    Sintering of stone coal and the transformation of vanadium in yushan , Jiangxi Province

  11. 江西玉山猪肌肉组织学特征与肉质的关系

    The relation between muscular histological character and meat quality of Yushan swine in Jiangxi Province

  12. 县域农用地质量评价方法研究&以玉山县为例

    Studies on Evaluation Methods of Farmland Quality in County & A Case of Yushan County

  13. 玉山台地与夹溪的特征、成因及开发雏议

    Features , Causes and Suggestions on Development of the Tableland and Narrow Stream in Yu Shan

  14. 从玉山雅集的全过程来看,战乱是影响活动进行、分解雅集文人的最主要因素。

    By view of the entire gathering process , war was the most important impacting factor .

  15. 马达思班将在玉山项目的概念化及实施过程中,担当以上所有角色。

    Mada s.p.a.m.claims all these roles in the conceptualization and execution of the Jade Valley project .

  16. 作为引人注目的文学现象,玉山雅集具有不同于前后时代会社活动和文人集团的特质。

    YuShan elegant gathering was different from literary activities and the literary groups before and after .

  17. 高原反映,高山反映在所有高山当中,玉山为最高。

    Altitude stress ; Altitude sickness Of all the high mountains , Mt. Jade is the highest .

  18. 本文对用酸和稀土活化的玉山膨润土的酯化催化活性进行了表征。

    The catalytic esterification activity of Yushan bentonite which was reformed by acid and rare earth was characterized .

  19. 展馆的主体部分由取自玉山的岩石和莺歌镇的陶土建造的。

    The main part of the pavilion was built with stone from Jade Mountain and soil from Yin-Ko Town .

  20. 以疑问副词“可”为发问词,构成疑问句,是玉山话疑问体系的固有特色。

    The question raised by " Ke " an interrogative adverb is an innate characteristic of questions in Yushan dialect .

  21. 日军对江西实施细菌攻击的重点在玉山机场周围地区和浙赣铁路沿线村庄。

    Bacterial warfare launched by Japanese military focused on the area around Yushang military-used airport and villages along Zhejiang-Jiangxi railway .

  22. 通过与普通话重叠词进行比较,显示了玉山方言重叠词的各种形式及特点。

    By comparing the Putonghua overlapping words , this paper shows the various forms and characteristics of the Yushan dialect overlapping words .

  23. 一个叫“白塔”,在玉山,另一座是吴山的“乌塔”。

    One is called " White Pagoda " on Yushan Hill , and the other " Black Pagoda " on Wushan Hill .

  24. 提倡文艺风气,赓续办理南投县玉山文学奖及南投县文学家作品徵选出版计画。

    Promote art and culture , continue to organize the Nantou County jade mountain literature prize and the selected Nantou County writers publication project .

  25. 这一事件控制了九岭山和怀玉山及其邻区中元古&晚元古代的大地构造及其演化。

    It came into collision with the Yangtze continental margin and building-mountain that controlled Jiulingshan and Huiyushan and their adjacent region in Middle-Late Proterozic Era .

  26. 山脉是台湾的骨架,五大山脉绵延盘据,分别为中央山脉、玉山山脉、雪山山脉、阿里山山脉与海岸山脉。

    The five main mountain ranges , which constitute Taiwan 's skeleton , stretch and expand , and they are Zhong Yang , Yu , Xue , A Li , and Hai An mountain ranges .

  27. 黄女士现时是岭南大学社会科学顾问委员,同时也是爱普生基金会的受委员和香港玉山科技协会的名誉贸易发展顾问。

    Mrs Lai is a member of Lingnan university 's Social Sciences Advisory board , a trustee member of Epson foundation and an Honorary Advisor on trade promotion to Monte Jade Science and Technology Association in Hong kong .

  28. 作者用淀粉凝胶电泳法测定了56头江西地方品种玉山黑猪和180头约克夏猪与赣州本地猪杂交的赣州白猪的血清转铁蛋白类型。

    The serum transferrin phenotypes in 56 Yushan Black pigs of Jiangxi native pig and 180 Ganzhou White pigs which is a cross between Yorkshire pig and Ganzhou native pigs were examined by the starch gel electrophoresis technique .

  29. 本文分三章对上饶玉山诗人群体进行系统研究。第一章:探讨南宋中后期上饶玉山诗人群体的构成。

    This article is divided into three chapters to conduct the system research of the Shangrao Yushan poets groups : The first chapter : it discusses the mid and late Nan Song Dynasty Shangrao Yushan poets community ′ s constitution .

  30. 接着论述了农户联保贷款在我国的实践,以河南省南召县扶贫经济合作社、江西省玉山县农村信用合作社、九江银行为案例,分别进行分析研究。

    Then discoursed the practice of Peasant Peer-selection loan in China , took economic cooperation of poverty alleviation of Nanzhao in Henan Province , rural credit cooperation of Yushan in Jiangxi Province and Bank of Jiujiang for example to analyzed them separately .