
yù qì
  • jade;jade article;jadeware;jade object
玉器 [yù qì]
  • [jade article;jadeware] 用美玉雕刻成的可供人们欣赏的艺术品

玉器[yù qì]
  1. 这件玉器的工艺令人叹绝。

    This jade article is really exquisitely made .

  2. 良渚文化玉器所反映的原始宗教

    The Original Religion of the Cultural Jade Article in Liang Zhu

  3. 丝绸、玉器、陶瓷和铁都向西流入罗马。

    Silk , jade , ceramics and iron went west to Rome .

  4. 出土的重要文物包括金面具、铜面具、铜器、100多个象牙、纺织物以及玉器等其他工艺品。

    Among the important cultural finds are gold and bronze masks , bronze ware among other artifacts .

  5. 福泉山良渚文化玉器的PIXE分析

    The PIXE analysis of the jade unearthed from the Fuquan hill

  6. 玉石及中国古代玉器的PIXE分析

    External-beam PIXE analysis of Chinese archaic jades and jade minerals

  7. 本文介绍采用天平法和X射线衍射法(XRD)无损分析测定福泉山出土三件新石器时代古玉器。

    This paragraph presents us non - destructive analysis by using scale and X - ray Radiation Diffraction to evaluate three ancient jades of the Neolithic era found on Fuquan Mountain .

  8. 报道用质子激发X荧光技术(PIXE)分析福泉山良渚文化玉器的实验结果。

    The experimental results of the analysis of the jade unearthed from the Fuquan hill by proton induced X & ray emission ( PIXE ) are reported .

  9. 经销足金、铂金、K金、K金镶嵌首饰、铂金镶嵌首饰、玉饰、玉器、珍珠饰品、银饰品及仿真饰品等多品种、多档次首饰。

    They sell different sorts and grades jewelry . For example , pure gold , platinum , karat gold , karat gold gem set , platinum gem set , jade , pearl , silver , artifical jewelry and jadeware and so on .

  10. 在这一点上继续发挥,他们也已经在(别克愿景SUV概念车的)每个细节上使用这种审美观,营造一种玉器给人的感觉。

      continue to play that up , and they have used that aesthetic in every detail [ of the Envision SUV concept car ] , to give the same kind of feeling you get with a jade sculpture .

  11. 红山文化勾云形类玉器文化意义再探讨

    Study on the Hongshan Culture 's Hook-Cloud shaped Sort of Jades

  12. 试解良渚文化玉器的雕琢之谜

    Try on Mystery of Jade Ware 's Carving during Liangzhu Civilization

  13. 古玉器的无损检测体系

    An introduction of the non-damage system checking up on ancient jade

  14. 从古史传说的角度看史前玉器的历史作用

    Historical function of prehistoric jade carving from view of ancient legend

  15. 先秦玉器与玉文化

    Studies on Jades and Jade Culture in the Pre-Qin Period

  16. 中国玉器石雕的思想文化内涵

    Study on the Thought Connotation of Chinese Jade Articles and Stone Carvings

  17. 也谈良渚文化玉器的雕琢工艺及发白现象

    The Sculpting Technique and White Demitint on Jade Ware of Liangzhu Culture

  18. 玉器制品的种类有首饰、艺术品和玉石盆景三种。

    The principal jade objects include jewelry , handicrafts and miniature landscapes .

  19. 上海考古发现的玉器及其相关问题探索

    Approaches to the Unearthed Jade Articles by Archaeology and Their Relevant Problems

  20. 台湾收藏的红山文化玉器雏议

    Views on Jade Ware of HongShan Civilization Preserved in Taiwan

  21. 吉黑地区新石器时代玉器探究

    A Preliminary Study of the Neolithic Jade in the Area of Ji-Hei

  22. 中国古代玉器发展历程(4)

    A Trace to Chinese Ancient Jadeware Development ( 4 )

  23. 目的探讨玉器雕刻作业对人体健康的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of jade carving on human health .

  24. 中国汉代玉器的主要特征与文化特色

    Main characteristics of Chinese jadeware in Han Dynasty and its cultural features

  25. 古玉器的基本特征及其仿制工艺的探讨

    General characteristics of antique jade article and its imitating technology

  26. 玉器、骨雕等也十分精美。

    Jade articles and bone carvings are also extremely exquisite .

  27. 玉石分化说辨正&兼论玉器的起源问题

    On the Theory of the Differentiation between Jade and Stone

  28. 吴地早期玉器与梅岭玉矿的关系

    The relation between the early jade in Wu area and Meiling jade

  29. 景泰蓝和玉器饰品都满受欢迎的。

    Blue of Jingtai and jade ornaments are both popular .

  30. 靖安古玉器的环境扫描电子显微镜表征

    Environmental Scanning Electronic Microscope Representation of Ancient Jades from Tomb of Jing'an