
yù mǐ bǐnɡ
  • corn pone;johnnycake;pone, hotcake
  1. 该中心说,根据该连锁餐厅披露的营养成分信息,其BigCatch套餐由鱼、油炸玉米饼和洋葱圈组成,全部都是油炸的含有33克反式脂肪。

    The chain 's ' Big Catch ' meal fish , hush puppies and onion rings , all fried contained 33 grams of trans fat , the center said , based on the chain 's own nutrition disclosures .

  2. 该中心说,根据该连锁餐厅披露的营养成分信息,其“BigCatch”套餐——由鱼、油炸玉米饼和洋葱圈组成,全部都是油炸的——含有33克反式脂肪。

    The chain 's ' Big Catch ' meal -- fish , hush puppies and onion rings , all fried -- contained 33 grams of trans fat , the center said , based on the chain 's own nutrition disclosures .

  3. RecipeMakers产品现已在各商店上架,它有亚洲风味墨西哥玉米饼包炸鱼等九种口味,包括至少两种与肉、意大利面和蔬菜混拌在一起的酱汁。

    Recipe Makers , rolling out on grocery shelves now , comes in nine flavors such as Asian Fish Tacos and includes at least two sauces that are mixed with fresh ingredients like meat , pasta and vegetables .

  4. 当我吃腻了起司汉堡时,我就会换成monsterTacos(大型炸玉米饼),那也是个好的选择。因为他们有很棒的菜品和低廉的价格,JackintheBox是最棒的。

    When I am tired of cheeseburgers , I will swith to monster Tacos.That is also a really good choice.Because they have a wonderful menu and low prices , Jack in the Box is the best .

  5. Mamaine(哈瓦那15街与17街之间,L街206号)是一家充满艺术气息的私密咖啡馆,早餐很出名,有墨西哥玉米饼和鲜芒果汁。

    Mamaine ( Calle L No. 206 , between 15 and 17 , Havana ) is an artsy , intimate cafe known for a breakfast menu that includes tortillas and fresh mango juice .

  6. 做点家庭努力,你和玉米饼小姐?

    Try a little family endeavor , you and miss burrito ?

  7. 三大盘玉米饼下肚你也会有自己的气泡的。

    Three trays of tacos , you gonna get some bubbles .

  8. 企业标准玉米饼中酸价限量的探讨

    Discussion on limit of acid value in hoecake of enterprise standardization

  9. 我们这里有贴玉米饼、小米粥和菜饽饽。

    We have maize cake , millet gruel and vegetable pastry .

  10. 这个墨西哥玉米饼真是美味,但我已经饱了。

    This burrito is delicious , but it is filling .

  11. 是因为玉米饼的那事?

    Chandler : Is this because of the burrito thing ?

  12. 要做一个真正的墨西哥油炸玉米饼,首先要有发酵好的玉米面团。

    A real Mexican quesadilla starts with that freshly ground corn masa .

  13. 再递给我一块鱼,还要一点儿热的玉米饼。

    Pass me along another hunk of fish and some hot corn-bread .

  14. 同样,玉米饼以及玉米面豆卷发源于墨西哥。

    Burritos and tacos similarly have their origins in Mexico .

  15. 你的大脑无法消化早餐的玉米饼。

    Your brain can 't digest a breakfast burrito .

  16. 好.呃,玉米饼,酸奶.

    Okay . Uhh , tortilla chips , yogurt .

  17. 你得到了最后一袋玉米饼。

    You got the last bag of corn chips .

  18. 首先,忘记你之前知道的关于油炸玉米饼的一切信息吧。

    First of all , forget everything you think you know about quesadillas .

  19. 利用脱脂玉米饼制备植酸钙的研究

    Preparation of Calcium Phytic Acib from Degreased Corn Cake

  20. 甲:我想要卷肉玉米饼,蓝色奶酪调料和米饭。

    A : I 'd like an enchilada blue cheese dressing and rice .

  21. 我有点豆子和玉米饼。

    I have some beans and corn pone .

  22. 用墨西哥玉米饼卷上四季豆再搭配激辣的沙沙酱即可。

    Corn tortillas packed with kidney beans and served with a sensational salsa sauce .

  23. 我见过的最好的玉米饼酒馆

    Best burrito bar I 've ever seen .

  24. 风味玉米饼,732McFerrin。

    Mas Tacos Por Favor , 732 McFerrin .

  25. 我从来不开玉米饼的玩笑,鲍伯。

    I never kid about tacos , Bob .

  26. 艾伯特,能弄上来点一大盘玉米饼和一杯根汁汽水吗?

    Albert , can I get a trayful of tacos and some root beer ?

  27. 我吃了两大盘玉米饼。

    I had two trays of tacos .

  28. 我买了午饭,墨西哥炸玉米饼。

    I picked up dinner . Tacos .

  29. 在玉米饼的产品标准制定中,酸价限量的确定最为困难。

    But how to confirm the limit of acid value is the key point and most difficult .

  30. 在我抵达之前,一位竞争对手大肆制造谣言,说我们将在墨西哥城推出维珍玉米饼。

    Before my arrival , a competitor leaked a fake story that we were launching Virgin Tacos there .