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  1. 我们昨天到了老城区,明天去玉龙雪山。

    We arrived yesterday and visited the Old Town . Tomorrow we 're going to Yulong Snow Mountain .

  2. 我在玉龙雪山上被冻僵了。

    I was frozen solid by the snow on Yulong Mountain .

  3. 我们要参观的最后一个地方是玉龙雪山。

    The last place we 'll visit is Yulong Snowmountain .

  4. 再见了,神秘美丽的玉龙雪山!

    Bye-bye , mysterious , beautiful Jade Dragon Snow Mount !

  5. 玉龙雪山依然直插云霄。

    Jade Dragon Snow Mountain still rises above the clouds .

  6. 今天玉龙雪山肯定要笑了!

    The snowy Yulong mountain would definitely laugh today !

  7. 玉龙雪山还是全球距赤道最近的冰川。

    Mount Yulong is also a glacier closest to the equator in the world .

  8. 徒步登上玉龙雪山呢。

    And climb Yulong mountain on foot .

  9. 显而易见,玉龙雪山冰川的形成是缘于它的绝对海拔高度。

    Apparently , the formation of Mount Yulong glacier is due to its high sea level .

  10. 离城不远处有玉龙雪山和虎跳峡。

    Not far from the city are the snowy Yulong Mountain and the Tiger Leaping gorge .

  11. 身体不好的朋友最好不要爬玉龙雪山,即使对于身强力壮的年轻人这都是一项挑战。

    Yulong Mountain is not for the young or the elderly – it 's a challenge to climb .

  12. 每年春天玉龙雪山树木丛生,山上开满了山茶花,杜鹃花。

    Still heavily forested , the Mountain bursts into bloom every spring with camellias , rhododendrons , and azaleas .

  13. 淼庐是一座私人住宅,位于在丽江玉龙雪山脚下。

    The water house is a private house , located at the foot of snow mountain Yulong in Lijiang .

  14. 利用玉龙雪山白水1号冰川区冬季和夏季表面积雪、雪坑、融水以及白水河河水中!

    Based on the data of δ 18O in surface snow , snow pits , meltwater and the glacier-fed river water at Baishui glacier No.

  15. 环境保护者强烈谴责(反对)用缆车、高山度假胜地和亚洲最高的高尔夫球场瓜分玉龙雪山。

    Environmentalists have decried the carving up of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain with cable cars , ski resorts and Asia 's highest golf course .

  16. 恐怕今后也没有人能够征服它了,因为玉龙雪山的表层已严重风化,已无法攀爬。

    The main peak is5596 metres above sea level , still a virgin peak so far and most probably will never be conquered afterwards since the surface of Mount Yulong is severely efflorescent .

  17. 纳西族的白石崇拜主要根源在于纳西族对白石的崇拜,玉龙雪山在纳西族白色崇拜转化为白石崇拜中起了关键性的作用。

    The white worship of Naxi is the source for the white stone worship of Naxi , The Yulong snow mountain is the key to the change of the white worship into the white stone worship of Naxi .

  18. 周四下午,玉龙县纳西族自治县发生森林火灾,林火发生地距著名的玉龙雪山风景区约100公里。

    The fire erupted Thursday afternoon in the Yulong Naxi Autonomous County , around 100-kilometers from the Yulong Snow Mountain , a famous scenic spot .