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  • 网络Heqing County
  1. 鹤庆县血吸虫病传播控制考核

    Assessing for schistosomiasis control in Heqing County

  2. 在云南省鹤庆县六合乡河东村的正长斑岩中产出多种含石榴石的深源包体。

    Several types of garnet-bearing deep-derived xenoliths have been discovered in syenite-porphyry in Liuhe Village , Heqing County , Yunnan Province .

  3. 鹤庆县畜禽养殖业污染及防治对策浅议

    Brief Talk on Poultry Farming Pollution and Prevention Measures in Heqing

  4. 介绍了在鹤庆县锰矿缓倾斜厚矿体中,试验成功的人工柱锚杆房柱采矿法。

    It described the suscessing test with pillar mettled which have applied manual pillar at gentel dip thick orebody in Heging Manganese Mine .

  5. 鹤庆县是大理州的北大门,历史上就是大理地区商业活动较发达的地区之一,其经济活动到今天仍然比较活跃。

    Heqing County , the north gate of Dali , is historically one of the flourishing commercial regions in Dali area and this is still true today .

  6. 以云南省大理州鹤庆县草海镇板桥村为例,初步分析和探讨白族本主崇拜与“龙舟竞渡”间的关系。

    With the village Banqiao of Caohai Township in Heqing County of Dali Yunnan as an example , the paper makes an analysis of the relationship between Bai peoples village god worship and dragon boat race .