
mǎ bānɡ
  • caravan;train of horses carrying goods
马帮 [mǎ bāng]
  • [caravan;train of horses carrying goods] 驮运货物的马队

  1. 你认为你可以很容易地公园的马帮?

    Do you think you can easily park a caravan ?

  2. 我呀,觉得马帮太辛苦了。

    I felt the caravan 's life is too tough .

  3. 【英文原文】【中文翻译】尽管他们很少有新铁丝来修他们的栅栏,但在Manicaragua种植烟草的农民比很多城里人都过得好。马帮他们跑腿,厨房菜园使他们健康而营养充足。

    Manicaragua , Cuba , Cuban Farmers , 1999 " Though they rarely have new wire to mend a fence , tobacco farmers in Manicaragua live better than many city dwellers . A horse takes them on errands , and a kitchen garden helps keep them well fed . "

  4. 现在,每天都有马帮从东坝经过。

    Today there are still horse caravans passing by every day .

  5. 云南回族马帮的组织与分布

    The Organization and Distribution of the Hui People 's Trade Caravans in Yunnan

  6. 云南马帮与滇泰贸易

    On the Relationship between Yunnan Caravan and Yunnan-Thailand Trade

  7. “旧房子”就是马帮挡风避雨的地方。

    " Jiufangzi " is the caravan wind shelter .

  8. 黄昏时驮了稻子回家的马帮。

    Horses knock off at nightfall with bags full of rice plant on backs .

  9. 我们马帮辛苦一年。

    After a year full of hardships .

  10. 远远看去,马帮在路上总算拉成一条线,不紧不慢地跟着。

    See from the distant , there are many horse groups lining in a line step by step .

  11. 马帮了人类很多,并且比人类跑得快得多但是是谁在操纵马?

    A horse helps man a lot and runs much faster than we do but who controls the horse ?

  12. 进出国境的非机动车辆和马帮等,必须接受边防检查站的检查。

    Non-motor vehicles and caravans entering or leaving the country shall submit to inspection by the Frontier Inspection Station .

  13. “歇马场”顾名思义,就是供东来西往的马帮歇息之用。

    " Xiema chang " name suggests , is for Caravan East and West to the rest of use .

  14. 斗转星移,如今,偶尔还可以遇上马帮,听到清脆的马铃声。

    Today , occasionally , you may still see a caravan passing by and hear the clear jingling of horse bells .

  15. 由于矿产地没有公路,马帮是唯一连接外界的运输组织。

    Due to the lack of road , the horse group becomes the only transporting organization to connect with the outside world .

  16. 城内一支大马帮的马锅头喜好甜食,尤其喜欢吃本地的米糕。

    Ma Guotou was the chief of one big caravan in the town . He had a sweet tooth especially for the rice cakes made locally .

  17. 同时,马帮通行各地,不仅转运各类货物,而且为落后的边远山区和边境地区送去了商品和市场观念。云南马帮与滇泰贸易

    And the ideas of commerce and market were spread to the remote and backward areas of Yunnan . On the Relationship between Yunnan Caravan and Yunnan-Thailand Trade

  18. 看到老人不能移动他冻僵的身体,骑马人下马帮老人骑上马。

    Seeing the old man was unable to lift his half-frozen body from the ground , the horseman dismounted and helped the old man onto the horse .

  19. 距离一条河流上的老吊桥不远,从前商人马帮沿着南方丝绸之路到缅甸和印度都频繁地经过这里。

    Not far from it is the old suspension bridge over the river , formerly busy with caravans on the Southern Silk Route to Burma and India .

  20. 这种写作在海南表达自身欲望、寻找灵魂与身体整合的《马帮城》中得到了完美的体现。

    It is perfectly embodied in Hainan 's MA BANG CHENG , in which Hai Nan expresses her desire for the integration of the soul and body .

  21. 西部马帮的存在与生命之诗&论海男《马帮城》的基本命题及其文学表达

    On Basic Theme and Literary Expression of The Caravan by Hai Nan : the Poem of the Living and Life of the Caravan in the Western Region

  22. 当古桥活到现在它已经不是真正意义上的桥了,桥下的清流早已随着马帮而逝。

    While the clear stream under the bridge ran dry in the time of the horse caravans , the soul of the bridge has been lost as well .

  23. 普洱茶是皇帝的最爱,而且具有模糊不定的药用功能。相传,普洱茶是8世纪时的马帮商队发明的。他们将茶叶压缩成饼状,便于运输。

    A favorite of emperors and imbued with vague medicinal powers , Pu'er was supposedly invented by eighth-century horseback traders who compressed the tea leaves into cakes for easier transport .

  24. 这样一套甄糕工具,便于携带,制作也方便。让远行的马帮汉子能在艰苦的长途跋涉中,享受到那份带着浓浓思念的甜蜜和慰藉。

    This set of rice cake cooker was so easy to make and carry , which satisfied caravan guys with food full of homesickness and comfort on their arduous drudge .

  25. 这个建筑的修建时间是1820年代,那时正是马帮商旅在茶马古道上来来往往最频繁的时代。

    The building dates back to the1820 's ; a time when horse caravans passed through the city full of traders selling their goods along the ancient Tea and Horse Road .

  26. 此时是早上的六点左右,马帮是在昨夜赶路,爬山涉水来到这个最近的、公路的转运站。

    It is about six on the morning , Horse gang hurried along in the last night , climbing the mountain and arriving at this recent transfer station which can pass the road .

  27. 那时,许多富余的商人都来顺成街67号下榻,而这个庭院是昆明很重要的马帮下榻的街道上一个客栈。

    At that time , the more affluent of the traders would head to67 Shuncheng Road to stay , for , then , the building was an inn along one of Kunming 's most important streets .

  28. 事件营销传播分析&以马帮茶道·瑞贡京城事件为例

    An Analysis of the Event ant Its Marketing and Propagation & Take the event of " The Caravan and the Tea Transit Route · Paying the Auspicious Tribute Tea to the Capital " as an example

  29. 700瓦差不多是1马力,所以要是你想在2分钟内把茶烧开,那么你至少需要一匹马帮你来拼命搅拌。

    The amount of power in question , 700 watts , is about a horsepower , so if you want to boil tea in two minutes , you 'll need at least one horse to stir it hard enough .

  30. 骑马人拉住缰绳,回答说:“可以,上来吧。”看到老人不能移动他冻僵的身体,骑马人下马帮老人骑上马。

    Reining his horse , the rider replied , " sure thing . Hop aboard . " Seeing the old man was unable to lift his half-frozen body from the ground , the horseman dismounted and helped the old man onto the horse .