
ěr huán
  • ear pendants;earring
耳环 [ěr huán]
  • [earring] 用金属或玉石制成的戴在耳垂上的装饰品

耳环[ěr huán]
  1. 那对耳环多少钱?

    How much are those earrings ?

  2. 耳环要偶尔取出来清洗一下。

    Earrings need to be taken out and cleaned once in a while .

  3. 她正趴在地板上到处寻找耳环。

    She was on hands and knees looking for an earring .

  4. 他理了个时髦的发型,戴着一只耳环,还留着时髦的胡子楂。

    He had a trendy haircut , an earring and designer stubble .

  5. 沉甸甸的金耳环在她黝黑的面颊的衬托下熠熠发光。

    Heavy gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks

  6. 一个眼疾手快的收藏家以仅仅6英镑的价钱抢到了一副斯基亚帕雷利设计的耳环。

    One eagle-eyed collector snapped up a pair of Schiaparelli earrings for just £ 6 .

  7. 一对宝石耳环会让这件礼服更出彩而又不失简洁。

    A pair of jewelled earrings will liven up this dress without detracting from its simplicity .

  8. 我的男朋友称赞我的新耳环。

    My boyfriend complimented me on my new earrings .

  9. 她说话的时候拨弄着她的耳环。

    She fiddled with her earrings as she talked .

  10. 你的耳环夹上去了吗?

    Did your earrings clip on ?

  11. 我现在只有一只耳环,找不到另一只了。

    I have an earring but can 't find its companion .

  12. 她戴着一副漂亮的耳环。

    She wears a pair of pretty ear rings .

  13. 大吊坠耳环、厚重的手镯、大块的吊坠都是常见的“宣言珠宝”。

    Chandelier earrings , thick bangles , and bulky pendants are common adornments .

  14. 她戴着一枚红宝石小耳环。

    She is wearing a small ruby earring .

  15. 这付耳环是用特制的按扣扣上去的

    These earrings snap on with special fastener .

  16. 音乐会那天晚上,妈妈戴上亮晶晶的耳环,脸上没见她这么打扮过

    The evening of concert Mom wore glittery earrings and more makeup than I could remember .

  17. 少妇不以为然地说:“耳环丢了不算什么,只要耳朵还在就没什么可以遗憾的。”

    The lady said light heartedly " It doesn 't matter that the earrings are lost , for as long as the ears exist , there is nothing to regret . "

  18. Ellen的耳环掉了,她戴着耳环的砑!

    Ellen lost an earring . - She 's wearing her earrings .

  19. 特罗特借助大号鞋提升自己跨季服装的档次,而伊格尔为使全身行头不那么压抑,力推AliceCicolini设计的超大款彩色耳环。

    Trotter relies on great shoes to lift her wardrobe go-tos , while Eagle recommends Alice Cicolini 's enamel gobstopper rings to prevent an outfit from becoming subdued .

  20. icon配有几个不同大小的橡胶耳塞和一个耳环圈,我感觉戴起来比我测试过的其它耳机都更加舒服和牢固。

    The icon comes with several rubbery earbuds of different sizes and an earloop , and I found it more comfortable and secure than other headsets I have tested .

  21. 一对价值22200美元的金伯利(KimberlyMcDonald)耳环,除了是一对物件,没有任何特殊功能。

    Yet a $ 22200 pair of earrings from Kimberly McDonald have no features at all , beyond being objects .

  22. CivilianMusicCoach练耳部分是针对音乐教学视唱练耳环节的计算机辅助教堂软件,是专门针对音级、双音以及和弦的听力练习。

    The ear training part of " Civilian Music Coach " is a CAI software which aims at the sightsinging and ear training in the music teaching . It 's an aural practicing tool for musical scales , bi-notes and chords .

  23. 在与音乐人丈夫JoshKelley一同颁最佳乡村专辑奖给TaylorSwift后,这位女演员身穿她深V的褶皱炭灰色礼服搭配流苏耳环在背板前摆了个造型。

    After taking the stage with musician hubby Josh Kelley to present best country album to Taylor Swift , the actress strikes a pose in her plunging , draped charcoal gown and tassel earrings .

  24. 人们购买这对耳环或Vertu手机,看中的并不是它们的功能,仅仅是因为它们是稀罕物。

    People aren 't paying for the earrings or the phone 's function , but their quality as rare objects .

  25. 我们有14K和18K的金项链、手链和耳环。前门上响起一阵刺耳的金属敲击声。

    We have 14K and 18K gold necklaces , chains and earrings . A sharp metallic rapping came on the front door .

  26. 这些从PowerBook电脑上回收配件并制成的耳环不但解决了电子垃圾回收的问题,还向我们证明了垃圾回收也能很潮。

    These recycled PowerBook earrings fall somewhere in between solving all of our e-waste problems and showing that recycling can be geek chic .

  27. 在她的2016年春夏季时装中,布哈与法国时尚品牌Lemaire合作,用艳丽保守的风格设计护腕、吊坠与耳环。

    For SS16 , Buhai applies her bold , sparing style to cuffs , pendants and earrings in collaboration with the French design house Lemaire .

  28. Stepanian的成果包括钻石及红宝石的碎片,小块片的铂金,还有手表、耳环和项链上的黄金材料。

    Mr Stepanian ` s haul so far has included chips of diamonds and rubies , bits of platinum , and gold fragments from watches , earrings and necklaces .

  29. 耳环的完整的收集,呼吁莎拉波娃蒂芙尼,捕捉她的宽限期,并允许球迷折扣UGGS取用和网球巨星设计作品。

    The complete collection of earrings , called Tiffany for Maria Sharapova , captures her grace and allows fans Discount UGGS access to pieces designed by and for the tennis great .

  30. 秋山国际实际上是一家主要经营耳环、手镯、挂坠等女性饰品的公司,而Phonet在山梨县拥有十二家手机门店。

    Akiyama usually makes wearable women 's accessories such as earrings , bracelets and pendants , while Phonet runs a dozen stores in Yamanashi .