
  • 网络Fennec Fox;Fennec;Vulpes zerda
  1. 一位卖家称,目前两只接种过疫苗的耳廓狐售价3万元。

    A seller said that two vaccinated fennec foxes are now priced at RMB30000 .

  2. 在一家在线论坛上可以找到许多关于耳廓狐的图片和广告。

    Many pictures and ads for the animals can be found on an online forum .

  3. 耳廓狐不是我国原产物种,必须通过一系列手续获得资质方可合法交易。

    The fennec fox is not a native species to China , and buying and selling the animal must go through a series of qualifying procedures .

  4. 耳廓狐被列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》,我国禁止私自买卖。

    The fennec fox was listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and it is prohibited to buy or sell the animal without authorization in China .

  5. 由于在最近上映的电脑动画电影《疯狂动物城》中的狐狸骗子一角吸引了众多粉丝,这也引发了非法网售耳廓狐的现象。

    The release of the computer-animated film " Zootopia " has given rise to illegal online sales of fennec foxes as the character of a con artist fox in the movie has attracted many fans .