
ěr chuí
  • earlobe;lobule;lobulus auriculae
耳垂 [ěr chuí]
  • [earlobe] 人或某些类人猿的耳廓的下垂部

耳垂[ěr chuí]
  1. 目的总结YAG激光治疗耳垂瘢痕疙瘩经验。

    Objective To summarize the experience for treatment of earlobe scar with YAG-laser .

  2. 方法:对48例筑路工人采用耳垂血进行同体连续Hb测定;

    Methods : 48 objects were examined continuously using earlobe blood sample .

  3. 齐塔自己就不守传统,在一只耳垂上穿了一根别针。

    Zita was herself unconventional , keeping a safety-pin stuck through her ear lobe .

  4. 佛罗伦萨的女人在耳垂上涂胭脂。

    Florentine women rouged their earlobes

  5. 大多数耳垂位于耳朵下方的较低处。

    Most ear lobes extend below the lower point of attachment of the ear .

  6. 然后他们在耳垂上佩戴五颜六色的东西。

    They then wear colorful things on their ear lobes .

  7. 这是一种常见的做法,因为较长的耳垂被视为美丽的标志。

    This is a common practice since longer ear lobes are seen as a sign of beauty .

  8. 在肯尼亚,马尔奇人的传统是用象牙、木头或石头在耳朵上穿孔,使耳垂变长。

    In Kenya , it is a tradition among the Marci men and women to pierce and then make their ear lobeslonger using ivory and wood or stones .

  9. 如今,这对一些人来说似乎还不太寻常,但随着越来越多的知名演员和电影明星展示自己的长耳垂,它最终也会变得更加时尚。

    Nowadays , this might still seem unusual to some , but with more and more well-known actors and film stars showing off their longer ear lobes , it will finally become more fashionable .

  10. 小电器传感器放置在您的头皮和对每个耳垂。

    Tiny electrical sensors are placed on your scalp and on each ear lobe .

  11. 耳垂皱折、高胆固醇血症和HLA

    Ear lobe sign , hypercholesterolemia and HLA

  12. 其中有6例行凹陷畸形充填,4例行耳廓组织复合移植,2例行耳垂下方Z成形术。

    The compound auricular tissue transplantation was performed in4 cases.Z-plasty at the lower ear lobe was performed in2 cases .

  13. 基于Monte-Carlo方法的耳垂动态光谱检测研究

    Dynamic spectral measurement of earlap on Monte-Carlo method

  14. MindFlex依靠EEG技术去测量脑电波活动,这需要通过一副头式设备实现,上面安有需分别戴在前额和耳垂的传感器。

    Mind Flex relies on EEG technology to measure brain wave activity through a headset equipped with sensors for the forehead and earlobes .

  15. Y-V推进法修复先天性耳垂裂

    Y-V advancement technique in repairing congenital earlobe cleft

  16. 为了探讨小儿结核病的血清学诊断方法,作者用ELISA法检测了216例健康儿童及63例结核病患儿微量耳垂血中抗结核菌素纯蛋白衍生物抗体(抗PPDIgG)水平。

    A little blood of earlobe from 216 healthy children and 63 children with tuberculosis were assayed for IgG antibody to purified protein derivative ( PPD ) of tuberculin with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) .

  17. 结论Y-V推进法是修复先天性单纯性耳垂裂一个好的方法,手术效果好,操作简单,创伤小,值得推广。

    Conclusions The Y-V advancement technique is an effective way to correct the simple or mild soft tissue deficiency congenital ear lobe cleft . The good result , simple manipulation and slight trauma are the advantages of this method .

  18. 贵州侗族人群耳垂基因频率

    The Gene Frequency of Ear Lobes of Dong Nationality in Guizhou

  19. 耳垂皱纹与冠心病的临床相关性研究

    Clinical Study of Relationship Between Ear Lobe Crease and Coronary Artery Disease

  20. 在耳垂和太阳穴上还有致命一击。

    And contre-coup contusions to the frontal and temporal lobes .

  21. 而现在耳垂穿刺是展示穿刺首饰最简单流行的方式。

    Now lobe puncture is the most simple jewelry display puncturePopular way .

  22. 薄层扫描法测定卡马西平耳垂血药浓度

    Determing the level of carbamazepine in earlobe plasma by TLCS

  23. 但我的附加耳垂意味着我是一个顾家的人。

    My attached earlobes mean I 'm a family person .

  24. 仓里满把那头蟑螂放回了右边耳垂上。

    Cang Li Man places back the cockroach on his right ear lobe .

  25. 我们吻着对方的脖子,耳垂,相互纠缠。

    We kissed each other 's neck , earlobes ;

  26. 辽宁地区汉族群体耳垂基因频率的分布

    Distribution of Gene Frequencies of Ear Lobes in Han Population in Liaoning Province

  27. 双舌形皮瓣修复先天缺损型耳垂裂

    Double tongue-shaped flap repair of the hypoplastic earlobe cleft

  28. 马克:不过你可能会嫉妒我的分离耳垂。

    Mark : Well , you 're probably jealous of my detached earlobes .

  29. 耳垂型小耳畸形的肋软骨全耳郭再造

    Total Auricular Reconstruction with Costal Cartilage for Lobule-Type Microtia

  30. 贵州四个民族耳垂群体遗传学初步研究

    Study on Population Genetics of Ear Lobes in Four Nationalities of Guizhou Province