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  • 网络Lyra;then-qin;ORPHEUS Lab
  1. 每个系统吸纳了那些逃离天琴星的人所带来的要素。

    Each system adapted elements of what those fleeing Lyra brought with them .

  2. 天琴RR型变星的绝对星等与运动学参数

    Absolute Magnitude and the Kinematic Parameters of RR Lyrae Stars

  3. 利用Lick天文台的NPM星表作为参考架,高精度地测定银河场天琴RR型星的绝对自行,可以使得对于这些恒星空间运动的研究建立在更加可靠的基础上。

    High precision measurements of absolute proper motion for Galactic field RR Lyrae stars on the reference frame from the Lick NPM catalogue enables the investigation of space motions for these stars based on more reliable data .

  4. 对天琴RR型变星绝对星等与运动学参数的测定及其对确定距离、球状星四年龄估计的影响,并对它们和其他距离指示器求得的结果的比较作了评述。

    The determinations of the absolute magnitude and the kinematic parameters of RR Lyrae stars , their effects on the estimations of the distances and the ages of the globular clusters , and the comparisons between the results and ones from other indicators of distances are reviewed .

  5. 中山大学的校长、天琴计划的带头人罗俊表示,该项目已经与国内几所大学和研究所结盟,并且已经和包括LIGO核心人员在内的众多国际科研人员展开了合作。

    Luo Jun , president of Sun Yat-sen University and the initiator of Tianqin , said the project has allied with several domestic universities and institutes , and has also begun cooperating with international researchers , including core members of LIGO .

  6. 天琴湾位于深圳东部黄金海岸旅游度假胜地大、小梅沙之间,拥有无敌海景和独一无二的至尊配套。

    This project is located between Dameisha beach and Xiaomeisha beach , the Gold Coast Resort of east Shenzhen , with the excellent sea view and unique facilities .

  7. 爱,已经以维那斯风色之泪的形象出现在浩瀚光宇天琴手的琴弦与在宇宙流浪的心愿合名让后世科学家命名为流星雨。

    Love , symbolizing the tear of venus , appears in the Lyra of universe , co-named with the wishes of love , to be named as meteor rains .

  8. 我国引力波研究工程“天琴计划”正在全球招募研究人员,并为这些人员提供了年薪达到100万元(折合15万3千美元)的待遇。

    China 's gravitational wave research project " Tianqin " is looking for global researchers and offering annual salaries of up to 1 million yuan ( $ 153000 ) .

  9. 2015年7月10日17时许,吴谢宇趁谢天琴回家换鞋之际,持哑铃杠连续猛击谢天琴头面部,致谢天琴死亡,

    At about 5 pm on July 10 , 2015 , when Xie returned home to change shoes , Wu killed her by hitting her head and face with a dumbbell bar .

  10. 在非新闻语言方面,《威海卫天琴鸟报》的编辑们运用特定的情态动词来表达不同的情感态度;而第一人称代词的大量使用有助于拉近编辑和读者的距离。

    As for non-news , editors express different feelings by the choice of modal verbs , and the abundant use of the first personal pronouns can fill the gap between the editors and readers .

  11. 天琴艺术是布傣人民间艺术中一颗璀璨的明珠,具有自身独特的风格,传承的场域、渊源和变迁历程,负载着族群的历史记忆和现实愿望。

    Tian Qin Folk Art is a bright pearl of folk art in the Budai ethnic group . It has its unique style . The inherited field area , origin and changing history have loaded ethnic group ' historical memory and realistic wishes .

  12. 2015年7月,中山大学珠海分校正式启动了“天琴计划”,据估计该项目研究成本达到了150亿元,并且在接下来的15到20年分四阶段实施,最终发射三颗地球高轨卫星进行引力波探测。

    Tianqin was initiated by Sun Yat-sen University at its Zhuhai campus in July 2015 . With an estimated cost of 15 billion yuan , Tianqin will be carried out in four stages over the next 15 to 20 years , ultimately launching three high-orbit satellites to detect the waves .