
  1. 2006年4月21日21点左右,许霆到广州市天河区一商业银行的ATM取款机取款,同行的郭安山在附近等候。

    At about 21 o ' clock on April 21,2006 , Xu Ting went to a commercial bank at Guangzhou City , Tianhe District to withdrawal some money .

  2. 天河区城中村出租屋市场研究

    The Market Research of Village-in-city Rental Housing in Tianhe District

  3. 天河区小学教师职业压力的来源非常复杂。

    The primary school teachers in Tianhe district generally experience considerable professional stress .

  4. 第二部分:对天河区人口与经济增长进行总体评价。

    Part Two : General appraisal on the population and economic development of Tianhe District .

  5. 广州市天河区1000例城区与工业区儿童发铅分析

    Investigation on Hair Lead of 1000 Children in Civic Locations and Industrial Locations of Tianhe

  6. 广州天河区手足口病流行病学和临床上的某些特点

    The Epidemiology and Some Clinical Features of Hand-Foot and Mouth Disease ( HFMD ) in Guangzhou

  7. 第五部分:提出加强天河区人口管理以促进经济发展的有关建议。

    Part Five : Relevant Proposal of strengthening the population administration in order to accelerate economic development .

  8. 作为广州市新城市中心,天河区近年来经济发展迅猛。

    As new center of Guangzhou City , the economy of Tianhe District develops dramatically in recent years .

  9. 大城市郊区农用土地定级研究&以广州市天河区为例

    Study on agricultural land gradation in metropolitan suburban & a case study in Tianhe District of Guangzhou City

  10. 学院位于广州市繁华地带天河区中心,占地面积20亩。

    Kingold Business School is situated in the CBD of Tianhe District of Guangzhou occupying an area of20 acres .

  11. 公司位于珠江三角洲的中心地带――广州市天河区,交通便利。

    The company is located in center area of Pearl River Delta & TianHe district of Guangzhou , convenient transportation .

  12. 广州富力君悦大酒店座落于广州市的新中心任务商务区-天河区的珠江新城内。

    Grand Hyatt Guangzhou is conveniently located in Guangzhou 's New Central Business District in Pearl River New Town , Tianhe .

  13. 接着扼要介绍了职业生涯管理在国内外的实践情况,并对天河区某机关单位的具体实践作了简要介绍。

    Then , illustrate the comparisons of the practice of ECM home and abroad and introduces the practice in Tianhe district .

  14. 对广州市天河区三所幼儿园201名5~6岁儿童的体格素质状况进行了调查研究。

    The status of physique and character of 201 children aged 5 ~ 6 in Tianhe district , Guangzhou city were investigated .

  15. 天河区是亚运志愿服务成果转化任务最重、最典型的城区之一。

    Tianhe District is one of the Asian Games volunteer service achievements the most important tasks , the most typical urban areas .

  16. 广州中意科技有限公司、位于广东省广州市天河区,交通便利,环境优雅。

    Guangzhou Zhongyi Technology Co. , Ltd. , located in Tianhe District , Guangzhou City , Guangdong Province with convenient transportation , beautiful environment .

  17. 广东奥林匹克体育中心位于广州市天河区东圃镇黄村,是现代化体育场馆。

    Guangdong Olympic Sports Center , a new landmark of Guangzhou , is located at Huangcun , Dongpu Town , Tianhe District , Guangzhou .

  18. 酒店位于广州天河区商务中心,毗邻交易会新馆,珠江新城,电脑城,石牌商务街。

    In business center of Tianhe District , Close to the trade fair , Zhujiang New City , Computer Market and Shipai commercial street .

  19. 研究结果和结论1.天河区城中村流动人口以壮年为主,文化程度低,工作时间长,男性收入高于女性。

    The floating population in Tianhe villages had low education level , middle aged structure and long hours working . Men earned more than women . 2 .

  20. 利用该模型对广州市天河区的城市土地利用潜力进行实证评价,结果显示天河区的土地利用系统基本有序,发展比较协调,但距离最优状态尚有潜力可挖;

    The appraisal results show that the urban land-use potential of Tianhe district is moderately large and there is some space for the promotion of its urban land-use system .

  21. 然后着重分析了天河区公务员队伍存在的人才流失、人力资源结构不合理等人力资源管理方面存在的问题,在此基础上说明天河区导入职业生涯管理的重要性和必要性。

    Thus , Based on the analysis of the problems in talent loss and unreasonable structure of HR , illustrate the importance and necessary of employee career management in .

  22. 以广州市天河区石牌村为例,分析了中国当前城中村社区文化的特点:传统农村文化、现代都市文化与外来文化等多元文化的冲突与融合,以冲突为主。

    The article analyses the cultural characteristics of the village in city : the conflict and the fusion among the traditional countryside culture , the modern urban culture and the external culture .

  23. 近年来曾获得广州市天河区优秀教育工作者和广州市中学英语教研工作积极分子。

    Recently she has received many honors , including but not limited to , the Outstanding Educator award from the Tianhe District in Guangzhou and the title of Guangzhou High School English Teaching and Research Activist .

  24. 本文以广州市天河区D社区为研究对象,采用文献研究和案例研究的方法,对城市社区自治的社会政策与法律法规问题进行了研究论述。

    In this paper , Guangzhou TianHe District D community , as the research object , using the method of literature research and case studies on social policy and urban community autonomy laws were studied are discussed .

  25. 天河区5年鼠密度10%,褐家鼠密度09%,带病毒率30%,带病毒鼠指数16;

    The density of Rattus norvegicus was 0.9 % . The virus carrying rate was 3.0 % and the virus-carrying rat index was 1.6 . In the Bai-yun Mountain , the annual average rat density was 14.9 % .

  26. 本文通过对天河区经济发展,人口增长以及两者间相互关系的分析研究,提出协调人口与经济发展的相关建议。

    After analysis and studies on the economic development , the population grows of Tianhe District and the relations between the above two sides , this article puts forward relevant proposals to coordinate the development of economy and population .

  27. 并得出停车位、写字楼建筑面积、物业管理费、建筑物年龄、公交车站、写字楼楼层和相对电梯数这七个变量决定广州市天河区写字楼的租金这一结果。

    And draw parking spaces , office building area , property management fees , building age , bus station , office floors and the relative number of these seven variables determine the lift , Tianhe District , Guangzhou , office rent this result .

  28. 云台山,青天河风景区坐落在河南省,在那里可以观山,看水,欣赏河的两岸风景,是一个新兴的,热门的的旅游景点。

    Yuntai Mountain and Qingtian River Scenic Spot is located in Henan Province , it is a new popular scenic spot in China .

  29. 广州市天河商业中心区形成机制探讨圈闭是石油和天然气形成商业性聚集的五大要素之一。

    Study of Formative Factors of Tianhe Central Commercial District A trap is one of the five essential requisites for a commercial accumulation of oil or gas .