
zhì lǐ
  • administer;govern;run;manage;rule;bring under control;put in order;harness
治理 [zhì lǐ]
  • (1) [administer;govern;manage;rule;bring under control;put in order]∶整治调理

  • 一个治理不善的政府难望维持长久

  • (2) [harness]∶整修;改造

  • 治理河道

治理[zhì lǐ]
  1. 学武的儿子到了楚国,向楚王讲述了自己的韬略,楚王高兴地请他留下来协助治理军事与政治。

    The son who studied martial arts went to the State of Chu to tell the King of Chu his own military strategies . The King of Chu gladly asked him to stay to help administer military and political affairs .

  2. 巧用EXCEL表格实现通用射孔排炮设计高瓦斯炮放面顶板钻孔法瓦斯治理技术应用

    Universal Designing Volley of Guns for Perforation by Using EXCEL Skillfully Application of Technology of High Gas Cannon Picking Roof Perforate Gas Administer

  3. 82%的选民对本国的治理方式不满意。

    82 % of voters are dissatisfied with the way their country is being governed

  4. 他们完全没有能力治理美国。

    They were utterly unfit to govern America

  5. 她指责反对党不适合治理国事。

    She accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern .

  6. 在英国,君主为国家元首,但不治理国家。

    In Britain the sovereign reigns but does not govern .

  7. 领导人凭个人的直觉或经验去治理国家是很危险的。

    It 's dangerous for a leader to run the country by the seat of his pants .

  8. 这一观点假设富裕的社会会投资环境治理。

    This view assumes that rich societies will invest in environmental care .

  9. 调查结果显示,超半数受访者认为,从严治吏,最应治理干部“作风不正”。调查还显示,近半受访者认为,某些官员腐败(corrupt),对工作不负责任(irresponsibleintheirwork)。

    The results show that more than half of the respondents believe the most important thing the authorities should address is the working style of government officials .

  10. 中国全面参与联合国框架内海洋治理机制和相关规则制定与实施,落实海洋可持续发展目标。

    China has fully the goal of sustainable marine development .

  11. 我们被剥夺了作为一个民族治理自己国家的历史权利

    Our historical right to rule ourselves as a people had been negated .

  12. 但这些收益治理系统并没有发挥出应有的效用

    But these accrual run a system and give due effectiveness without play .

  13. 提振雄心,形成各尽所能的气候治理新体系。

    We need to raise ambitions and foster a new architecture of climate governance where every party does its part .

  14. 《民航行业塑料污染治理工作计划(2021-2025年)》提出:到2025年,民航行业一次性不可降解塑料制品消费强度较2020年大幅下降。

    By 2025 , the consumption of disposable non-degradable plastic in the civil aviation industry will decline sharply from the 2020 level .

  15. 仅就治理天下和国家而言,关键在于制定法令,确定名份。

    As far as the administration of a country is concerned , the key is to make laws and regulations , establish clear ownership .

  16. 国家邮政局于4月份正式启动为期一年的过度包装专项治理,推动快递包装绿色环保。今年3月施行的《邮件快件包装管理办法》规定:

    The State Post Bureau launches a yearlong campaign this month to crack down on excessive packaging and promote more environmentally friendly package wrapping .

  17. 3、严守法规和标准,用最严格的监管、最严厉的处罚、最严肃的问责,坚决治理餐桌上的污染,切实保障“舌尖上的安全”。

    We v.ill strictly , punishment and accountability to prevent and control food contamination and ensure that every bite of food we eat is safe .

  18. 此次治理意在遏制发生在中小学学生之间通过肢体、语言以及网络等手段实施的校园欺凌。

    The campaign aims to curb1 school bullying2 in primary and middle schools , including physical and verbal bullying . Cyberspace3 bullying will also be targeted .

  19. 推进全球互联网治理体系变革是大势所趋、人心所向。国际网络空间治理应该坚持多边参与、多方参与,发挥政府、国际组织、互联网企业、技术社群、民间机构、公民个人等各种主体作用。

    It is a general trend and common aspiration from the government , international organizations , internet enterprises , technology communities , non-governmental institutions , and individuals .

  20. 要放眼长远,总结经验教训,加快补齐治理体系的短板和弱项。

    We should take the long view , learn the lessons , and fix the weak links and shortcomings in the governance system as soon as possible .

  21. 北京市有关部门表示要采取行动治理每年春天都困扰首都居民的飞絮,到2020年彻底解决该问题。

    The Beijing authorities have vowed1 to take action on the floating fluffy2 tree seeds that irritate capital residents every spring , ending the problem by 2020 .

  22. 我们要加快补齐治理体系的短板弱项,要构筑强大的公共卫生体系,提升国家生物安全防御能力。

    We should fix weak links in the governance system , and a strong public health system must be built and biosecurity defense6 capabilities7 must be enhanced .

  23. 以城市群、都市圈为重点,协同开展大气污染联防联控,推进重点行业大气污染深度治理。

    With a focus on city clusters and metropolitan efforts to prevent and control air pollution , and promote air-pollution treatment in key industries , according to the document .

  24. 会议强调,要加强党对基层治理的领导,提高基层治理效能。

    Modernization of the system and capacity for primary-level governance was highlighted at the meeting as important work concerning the Party 's governance foundation and the security of State power .

  25. 要倡导环保意识、生态意识,构建全社会共同参与的环境治理体系,让生态环保思想成为社会生活中的主流文化。

    We need to raise people 's awareness , develop a conservation system in which everyone plays a part , and mainstream ecological conservation into every aspect of social life .

  26. 研究生教育在培养创新人才、提高创新能力、服务经济社会发展、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化方面具有重要作用。

    Graduate education plays an important role in boosting innovation , catering5 for economic and social development , as well as modernizing6 the system and capacity for governance in China .

  27. 所以,没听说过任国公子钓大鱼这个故事的人,离治理好天下这一目标也还有很大一段距离。

    So , anyone he who has not heard of the story of catching2 the big fish has a long way to go to achieve the goal of governing a state .

  28. 开展国土绿化行动,推进荒漠化、石漠化、水土流失综合治理,强化湿地保护和恢复,加强地质灾害防治。

    We will promote afforestation , take comprehensive steps to control desertification , stony deserts , and soil erosion , strengthen wetland conservation and restoration , and better prevent and control geological disasters .

  29. 业化环境治理企业以市场化方式引入环境污染治理领域,特别是在污水处理和城市垃圾处理领域。”

    een major investors13 in the environmental sector , but in the future market-oriented investment will rise , especially in areas such as wastewater treatment and the disposal of trash in cities . "

  30. 市、县或者市、县以下人民政府管辖的企业事业单位的限期治理,由市、县人民政府决定。

    For enterprises and institutions under the jurisdiction of a people 's government at or below the city or county level , such decision shall be made by the people 's government of the city or county .