
  • 网络water body pollution sources;waterbody pollution source;pollution sources of water body;Water Pollution Sources
  1. 油气井在压裂过程中产生的压裂返排液已成为当前油气田水体污染源之一。

    Produces the fracturing liquid in fracturing , the fracturing liquid has become one of the current oil / gas field water pollution sources .

  2. 随着染料和印染工业的发展,其生产废水已成为我国当前最主要的水体污染源之一。

    With the development of dye industry , the producing wastewater has become one of the major sources of pollution .

  3. 水上公园水体污染源调查及氮磷收支平衡研究

    Inquiry of Water Area Pollution Source and Investigation on Income / Outcome Balance of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Tianjin Water Park

  4. 机械加工废水是严重的水体污染源之一,水质具有含油多,可生化性差等特点。

    As one of serious pollution source , the wastewater from the mechanical industry contains lots of oil that is not readily degradable .

  5. 染料属生物难降解有机物,染料和印染废水已成为当前最重要的水体污染源之一。

    Dyes and their effluent have become one of the main sources of water pollution , and are difficulty to be degraded by organism .

  6. 城市污水处理厂达标污水水质相对于地表水环境质量标准而言,仍含有大量的污染物质,排放不当仍然是水体污染源。

    Permitted discharge from the municipal wastewater treatment plant contains large amounts of pollutants according to Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water , and it would still be pollution source if it is inappropriately discharged .

  7. 但与其他网箱比较,集污装置集聚饲料残饵及鱼类排泄物,构成水体污染源,可能造成浮游植物大量生长,其下一步改进工作应解决这一问题。

    Meanwhile compared with other cages , the waste feed and excrement of fishes resulted in the rapid growth of phytoplankton and became the pollutant source of water body . Solving this problem should be the next task .

  8. 鱼类代谢产物是养殖水体的主要污染源,但同时也是能被水生植物利用的高能、优质的营养物质(N和P)。

    Fish effluents are main pollutant in aquaculture system , these waste products are also high energy and high quality nutrients ( N and P ) and usable for seaweed .

  9. 研究表明,农村生活垃圾污染已经成为影响周边环境与水体的重要污染源。

    Many research indicated that the rural living garbage pollution has become a peripheral environment and water effects .

  10. 对伊通河农安段的受污水体进行了污染源调查和评价,确定了该河段的主要污染源和主要污染物;

    Through investigating and appraising the waste water in the section of Yitong River in Nong ' an county , the article lists out the main polluter and pollutant of the river ;

  11. 土壤侵蚀引起的农业非点源污染是造成水体污染的主要污染源。

    The agricultural non-point source pollution ( AGNSP ) caused by soil erosion is a key pollution source of the water quality deterioration .

  12. 随着点源污染的有效治理,农业面源污染将成为三峡库区水体的最主要污染源。

    With strengthening control of point source pollution , agricultural non-point source pollution will be the main pollution source to the Three-Gorge Reservoir area .

  13. 造纸废水是我国水体污染的主要污染源之一,已成为制约我国造纸工业发展和水污染治理的难题。

    As one of the main pollution sources of water , pulping and papermaking effluent has become a serious problem in the development of papermaking industry .

  14. 通过对近几年城市生活污水排放情况以及生活污水特点的分析,发现城市生活污水已成为水体污染的主要污染源;

    Through analyzing the discharges situation and characteristic of municipal domestic sewage , it is discovered that municipal domestic sewage has become the major pollutive source of water body pollution ;

  15. 掌鸠河水源地水体污染主要为面源污染,来源于化肥、农药、径流挟带的泥沙和生活垃圾。

    The water body pollution of the source of Zhangjiuhe River is mainly the area pollution , with pollutants coming from fertilizers and pesticides , sands and daily wastes carried by surface water .

  16. 南排污河主要受到人为输入点源污染,作为水体的二次污染源,其沉积物中重金属和有机物的复合污染日趋严重,对环境和人体造成潜在危害。

    The South Sewage River is the major sink of point anthropogenic sources . As the second pollution source , the contamination of heavy metals and organic complex becomes more and more serious , causing potential risk to environment and humans .