
chéng qū
  • urban area;the city proper;metropolitan area;neighbourhood
城区 [chéng qū]
  • [the city proper] 市区,城市街区

城区[chéng qū]
  1. 曼斗旅游村位于距景洪城区六公里,风光秀丽的澜沧江畔。

    Graceful cup travel village locate in distance scene flood the city proper 6 kilometers , is showy beautiful Lan dark blue river bank .

  2. 济宁市城区GPS控制网的建立及精度分析

    On Construction and Precision Analysis of GPS Control Network of the City Proper of Jining City

  3. 这个城市工人居住的老城区正在进行改造,以供较高阶层人士居住。

    Old working-class areas of the city are being gentrified .

  4. 他们居住在一个社会秩序混乱的城区。

    They live in a rough part of town .

  5. 我们各个內城区存在着许多大的问题。

    There are huge problems in our inner cities .

  6. 旧城区汇集了许多教堂、大宅院和清真寺。

    The Old Town has a whole collection of churches , palaces and mosques .

  7. 警方必须密切注意这一带城区。

    The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town .

  8. 安卡拉整个肆意扩展的城区容纳了260多万人口。

    The whole urban sprawl of Ankara contains over 2.6m people .

  9. 老城区的街道狭促曲折,好似迷宫一般。

    The streets of the Old City are narrow and labyrinthine .

  10. 曼彻斯特仍然受到城区脏乱和严重贫困问题的困扰。

    Manchester still suffers from urban blight and unacceptable poverty .

  11. 萨拉和丈夫还有孩子们住在伦敦中心城区的一间公寓里。

    Sara lives with her husband and children in a flat in central London

  12. 绝大多数城区附近都有公园。

    Most urban areas are close to a park .

  13. 老城区底层人群面临的基本问题是住房紧张和就业不足。

    The basic problems of the inner-city underclass are inadequate housing and lack of jobs

  14. 游览完老城区之后,会由导游带队参观大教堂。

    After exploring the old part of town there is a guided tour of the cathedral

  15. 社交活动可以包括沙滩上的烧烤和老城区的步行游览。

    Social activities might include barbecues on the beach and walking tours of the Old Town .

  16. 最近的这起谋杀案是光天化日之下在伦敦一个据称“安全”的城区发生的。

    The recent murder happened in broad daylight in a supposedly ' safe ' part of London .

  17. 那些受欢迎的学校——那种真的会想要驾车穿越城区去上的学校——常常让人挤破了头。

    The popular schools — the sort you really might drive across town for — tend to be heavily oversubscribed .

  18. 古城墙被拆掉,城区被扩大了。

    The ancient city walls were demolished and the urban area was expanded .

  19. 警察给各城区和郊区打电话。

    The policemen phoned to every ward and suburb .

  20. 城区附近的农民自己耕种一部分土地,出租其余的部分。

    The farmers near cities are working part of their land themselves and are letting the rest .

  21. 如果现在追赶盗贼,你们可能在他们跑出城区之前逮住他们。

    If you head after the robbers now , you might catch them before they leave the town limits .

  22. 华盛顿城区的连锁门店将不会被关闭。

    None   of   the   chain 's   stores   in   the   Washington   metropolitan   area   are   to   be   closed .

  23. 这里天气很糟糕,尤其是在冬天。与波士顿不同,也没有什么有趣的老城区可以弥补这一缺点。

    The weather is terrible , particularly in winter , and there 's no interesting old city to make up for it , as there is in Boston .

  24. 我们昨天到了老城区,明天去玉龙雪山。

    We arrived yesterday and visited the Old Town . Tomorrow we 're going to Yulong Snow Mountain .

  25. 安娜:嗨,西蒙!你已经到丽江了!很高兴接到你的电话!你觉得那里的老城区怎么样?

    Anna : Hi Simon ! You are already in Lijiang ! Great to hear you ! So how do you like the Old Town there ?

  26. 他们步行穿过老城区中心弯弯曲曲的街道。

    They walked through the tortuous streets of the old city .

  27. 这篇报道披露了旧城区的贫困真相

    The report has spotlighted real deprivation in the inner cities .

  28. 沈阳市城区的移动接种车可同时为三个人接种。

    A mobile inoculation vehicle has appeared in Shenyang 's downtown area , which can serve three people at the same time .

  29. 京沪高铁所经区域人口占到全国四分之一以上,所经24座城市中城区人口100万以上的有11座。

    The link has connected 24 cities including Beijing , Tianjin and Shanghai . Among them , 11 cities have an urban population of over 1 million . These regions have more than one-fourth of the nation 's total population .

  30. 在这座城市的边缘,围着ChinaBasin,一整片城区拔地而起;

    An entire district has sprung up around China Basin on the edge of the city ;