
chénɡ yì
  • cities and towns
城邑 [chéng yì]
  • [city] 城市

  • 臣观大王无意偿赵王城邑。--《史记.廉颇蔺相如列传》

  1. 这要归他们作城邑的郊野。

    They will have this area as pastureland for the towns .

  2. 持弩民兵维护费用低廉,常用于防御城邑。

    Crossbow militia are inexpensive units formed to protect settlements .

  3. 枪术赛场提高城邑中骑兵部队的作战技巧。

    Jousting Lists improve the quality of knights recruited here .

  4. 牧马行会能够提高城邑中骑兵部队作战能力。

    Horse Breeders'Guild improves the quality of cavalry units recruited in the region .

  5. 矿场通过大量开采金属矿石,有效提高城邑贸易收入。

    Mines increase the trade income generated by metal deposits in the region .

  6. 盗贼行会提高城邑中间谍的职业技能。

    Thieves'Guild house improves the quality of spies hired in the same settlement .

  7. 说,我兄阿,你给我的是什么城邑呢?

    What kind of towns are these you have given me , my brother ?

  8. 约书亚将他们和他们的城邑尽都毁灭。

    Joshua totally destroyed them and their towns .

  9. 变风变雅与春秋时代的城邑文明

    The Changing Poetic Styles and the Urban Civilization of the Spring and Autumn Period

  10. 印刷厂令城邑贸易规模和居民快乐程度都得以提高。

    A Printing House significantly improves both trade and happiness throughout its host city .

  11. 民兵剑士通常用于防御城邑,无论训练和装备都优于一般民兵。

    Swordsmen militia are levied troops whose task is to garrison and defend settlements .

  12. 戚城是东周时期卫国的重要城邑,分为东戚、西戚。

    Qi city was an important city of Wei state during the Eastern Zhou period .

  13. 便哈达对王说,我父从你父那里所夺的城邑,我必归还。

    I will return the cities my father took from your father , 'Ben-Hadad offered .

  14. 火烧了他们所住的一切城邑和营寨。

    And all their cities , and their villages , and castles , they burned .

  15. 议员会堂维护城邑法律和秩序,同时减少城邑脏乱程度。

    Council Chambers help to maintain law and order , as well as reduce squalor .

  16. 人不制伏自己的心,好像毁坏的城邑,没有墙桓。

    Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control .

  17. 舍伍德大师行会能够明显提高城邑中弓箭部队作战能力。

    Master Woodsmen 's Guild notably improves the quality of archers recruited from the region .

  18. 西割生睚珥;睚珥在基列地有二十三个城邑。

    And segub begot jair , who had twenty-three cities in the land of gilead .

  19. 妓院能够提高城邑居民快乐程度,并且可以招募间谍。

    Brothel increases happiness in the settlement slightly , and allows the recruitment of a spy .

  20. 于是建造城邑,诸事亨通。

    So they built and prospered .

  21. 炼金行会提高城邑中火药部队的作战经验。

    An Alchemists'Guild house improves the experience level of gunpowder units trained in the same settlement .

  22. 以后所罗门重新修筑希兰送给他的那些城邑,使以色列人住在那里。

    Solomon rebuilt the villages that Hiram had given him , and settled Israelites in them .

  23. 玛勒堪为何得迦得之地为业呢。属他的民为何住其中的城邑呢。

    Why then doth their king inherit Gad , and his people dwell in his cities ?

  24. 他们在旷野荒地漂流,寻不见可住的城邑。

    They were wandering in the waste places ; they saw no way to a resting-place .

  25. 商代城邑已具有较完备的给排水设施。

    There were fairly perfect supplies of water and drainages in the cities of Shang Dynasty .

  26. 他们有三十座城邑,叫作哈倭特睚珥,直到如今,都是在基列地。

    They controlled thirty towns in Gilead , which to this day are called Havvoth Jair .

  27. 民兵类型:都市民兵撒拉逊民兵从富裕市民中徵召,编练成军以保卫自己的城邑。

    Saracen Militias are richer townsfolk who have been levied into militia to guard their settlements .

  28. 要衡量土地的肥瘠来确定建立城邑。

    Measures the fertility and barrenness of the earth , to decide where to build cities .

  29. 但巨石城墙造价昂贵,只有富庶城邑或名城大邑方有财力修建。

    Because of the expense , these walls are usually only built around rich or prestigious towns .

  30. 他曾住在荒凉城邑,无人居住、将成乱堆的房屋。

    He will inhabit ruined towns and houses where no one lives , houses crumbling to rubble .