
  • 网络The Urban Revolution
  1. 自施坚雅归纳出中世纪城市革命的五个特点之后,这一命题被学界广泛接受。

    There are five characteristics in Skinner 's theory of the medieval urban revolution .

  2. 中世纪城市革命的再思考

    Rethinking About the Medieval Urban Revolution

  3. 知识分子或者堕落,或者软弱无力,已经不具备领导城市革命的能力。

    Intellectuals , either corrupted or weak , were unable to lead the city revolution .

  4. 在新石器时代文化研究中,农业革命和城市革命的理论认识早就普遍接受。

    In the research of culture of Neolithic , the theories of Agricultural Revolution and Urban revolution have been widely accepted .

  5. 近年来,西欧、北美和澳洲兴起一场深刻的城市革命,即城市复兴运动。

    In the past years , a profound urban revolution , i.e. Urban Regeneration , springs up in Western Europe , North American and Australia .

  6. 以信息技术广泛应用、知识经济诞生为标志的第三次城市革命的来临,正对城市发展和人类社会产生重大的影响。

    The third upcoming city revolution , which is symbolized by the widely used information technology and the birth of knowledge economy , has great impact on the city development and the human society .

  7. 中国革命的成功,在很大程度上取决于农村包围城市的革命路线,取决于对农民的动员。

    The success of Chinese revolution depended to a great extent on the way of encircling the cities from the rural areas and mobilizing peasants .

  8. 《开罗:我的城市,我们的革命》,著者:阿达芙·索伊夫。

    Cairo : My City , Our Revolution . By Ahdaf Soueif .

  9. 城市伴随着工业革命产生,是一个区域经济、文化、信息的中心。

    The city is the centers of economy , culture and information in a region .

  10. 伊拉克社会结构的转变与石油工业、城市化和社会革命密切相关。

    The transition of Iraqi social structure is related to the oil industry , urbanization and social revolution .

  11. 智慧城市是城市的管理革命和发展模式的创新,其核心在于运用现代信息通信技术构建一个智能感知环境。

    Smart City is the revolution of city management and innovation of development mode , and is also the direction of city development , whose core is using modern communication technology to create a complete high-speed fusion network and intelligent sensing environment .

  12. 科技产业成为城市的前沿产业,改变着传统城市的经济增长方式,尤其推动了老工业城市的产业革命。

    As an extension of the city , these places have changed traditional mode of economic growth , especially impulse the industrial revolution in traditional industry cities .