
  • 网络solid waste treatment technology
  1. 提供具有自主知识产权的、先进、适用、可靠的固体废物处理技术的有偿转让或专利使用许可。

    Provide paid transfer or patent license of advanced , practicable and reliable solid waste treatment technology with independent intellectual property .

  2. 固体废物处理技术进展

    The State of the Art of the Solid Waste Management

  3. GB9134-1988轻水堆核电厂放射性固体废物处理系统技术规定

    The technical rules about solid radioactive waste processing system for light water reactor plants

  4. 有机固体废物的生物处理技术研究

    Study on Biological Treatment Process of Organic Solid Wastes

  5. 欧洲主要固体废物综合处理工艺技术

    Discussion on Several Main Mixed Solid Waste Treatment Processes and Equipments in Europe

  6. 研究和开发适宜的城市固体废物处理和利用技术不仅能解决垃圾的环境污染问题,而且还能实现资源回收和能源利用。

    Research and development in disposal and utilization technology of municipal solid waste can not only solve the pollution environment problem , but also realize resource recycle and energy utilization .

  7. 为此我国东北某金矿提出了对其固体废物(尾矿)中绢云母的回收利用的研究课题。固体废物处理技术进展

    To this end , a subject of research dealing with the reclamation and exploitation of sericite from tailings has been brought up by one of the gold mines in Northeast China . The State of the Art of the Solid Waste Management