
  • 网络Fixed behavior;stereotyped behavior
  1. 在个性开发方面的第二个重大发现是大脑的开发更倾向于形成固定行为的神经细胞线路。

    The second key discovery of major significance for the development of character is that brain develops preferred neuronal pathways for established stable behaviours .

  2. 该方法有行为和代数的本质,其中一个体系结构的描述仅仅由有固定行为的组件和连接件的类型以及拓扑结构的约束组成。

    This method has the nature of behavior and algebra , by which an architectural description is made up of only the types of components and connectors and the constraint on the topology .

  3. 数值计算对不同情形下其固定分布行为提供了直观而又生动的观察。

    Numerical calculations provide direct and lively observation of their fixed distribution behavior for different cases .

  4. 还有数据显示,固定习惯行为和摄入食物之间的时间间隔越长,感知到的味道就越好,哪怕就是像胡萝卜一样普通的食物也是如此。

    The data also revealed that a longer delay between ritual and consumption bolstered these effects , even with a neutral food like carrots .

  5. 习惯是长期逐渐形成的一种相对固定的行为模式,它渗透在我们生活的方方面面。

    This article is a long-term view that gradually formed the habit of a relatively fixed pattern of behavior , it permeates all aspects of our lives .

  6. 强化程序是对行为进行激励的方法,各类强化程序对人们形成固定的行为序列具有不同的作用。

    The schedule of reinforcement is a way to motivate behavior , and all types of schedule of reinforcement play different roles in helping people form a fixed sequence of behavior .

  7. 他们综合了分散于非洲的七个黑猩猩研究中心的观察结果,结果显示出黑猩猩能做的可能远不止四处传递某些不固定的行为模式。

    They have synthesised the results from seven chimpanzee-research centres scattered across Africa , and shown that chimps can , indeed , do more than just pass on the odd behaviour pattern here and there .

  8. 其根本目的是试图采取一切可能的措施使儿童接受统治阶级所要求的道德观念和固定的行为习惯,它所传授的德育内容一般是为整个社会大多数人所认可的道德规范和宗教教条。

    The fundamental purpose is to try to take all possible measures to enable children to receive the requested ruling class moral values and fixed habits , the moral content of its teaching community as a whole is generally recognized by the majority of moral and religious doctrines .

  9. 其次,将这些API函数按相关的恶意行为分类并形成维数固定的特征行为向量存入数据库。

    Secondly , classifying the API functions based on malicious behavior and conducting a fixed dimension characteristic behavior vector into the behavior database .

  10. 研究了含糖纳米纤维膜形态结构;通过亲水性测试、BSA吸附、巨噬细胞黏附等实验检测纳米纤维膜的生物相容性;在此基础上,系统考察了含糖纳米纤维膜酶的固定化的行为。

    The morphology of nanofiber membrane was studied by SEM . The biocompatibility of nanofiber membrane was proved by the hydrophilic test , BSA adsorption , adhesion of macrophages and other experiments testing . On this basis , the nanofiber membrane was used for studying behavior of enzyme immobilization .

  11. 宁静剂对大鼠固定比率操作行为的影响

    The effects of tranquilizers on the fixed ratio schedule-controlled behavior in rats

  12. 稳固地固定位置的行为。

    The act of fixing firmly in place .

  13. 入厕理论体现便意-有意识-无意识-固定-习惯行为心理模式。

    Entering toilet theory , which reflected the behavioral psychological pattern of " awareness of defecation-conscious-unconscious-fixation-habit ";

  14. 目的本研究旨在探讨一种分析颌面部骨折坚强内固定的生物力学行为的研究方法。

    Objective The study is to establish a functional maxillofacial fracture biomechanical model , to provide the base of the study of RIF .

  15. 其他非常常见的行为,尤其是笼子里的动物有固定的踱步行为或摇摆行为。事实上我们人类也一样。

    Other super common behaviors that you may see , particularly in captive animals , are pacing stereotypies or swaying stereotypies , and actually , humans do this too .

  16. 家庭仪式是家庭成员在家庭空间之内按照一定伦理道德规范进行的具有情感意义的较为固定的互动行为程序和表达方式。

    The family ritual is family member in the family space according to a certain code of ethics with the emotional significance of the relatively fixed interaction procedures and expression .

  17. 最后针对国有企业集团固定资产投资行为存在的问题,本文提出一些合理可行的政策性建议,为集团管理层制定合理的固定资产投资决策提供理论与实证支持,以期促进企业价值的提升。

    Based on the problems that exist in the FAI behavior of SOEs , some practical suggestions are given to provide theoretical and empirical evidence for the management layer to make proper policies and enhance firm value .

  18. 证据和研究表明,当我们把我们的工作看成是一套行为,我们以重复的方式做的固定化的行为,我们就会失去耐力,失去复原力。

    The evidence and the research suggests that when we think about our work as a set of behaviors , scripted behaviors that we do in a repetitive way , we lose stamina , we lose resilience .

  19. 它所指向的复制应当有一定的限制,即网络环境中的复制应当包括用户为达到特定目的,通过进行特定的操作而固定作品的行为,临时复制不是具有法律意义的复制。

    The reproduction it aims should have some limitations , which means that the reproduction should include the users ' activities that they fix works through special operations in order to achieve a special purpose , temporary reproduction is not the reproduction with legal significance .

  20. 变动报酬与固定报酬对经理行为的影响

    The Effects of Base Pay and Variable Pay on Manager Behavior

  21. 青霉素酰化酶固定化前后动力学行为的比较

    Studies on the Dynamics of Penicillin Acylase in Free and Immobilized State

  22. 碱基在十二胺-N,N-二亚甲基膦酸改性氧化锆固定相上色谱行为的研究

    Study on the Chromatographic Behavior of Bases on Dodecylamine-N , N-Dimethylene-phosphonic Acid Modified Zirconia Stationary Phase

  23. 通过对习语作为固定表达方式的行为的探究,证明习语具有内在结构,且其内在结构与非习语表达形式或实际意义的结构密切相关。

    Examination of their behavior as fixed expressions has proved that they have internal linguistic structures .

  24. 随着Re数增加,径向扩散系数逐渐增大,表明操作气速是影响气体在固定床内扩散行为的主要因素。

    The Peclet numbers increased with the increase of Reynolds numbers . Superficial gas velocity was a main factor which influenced the diffusion behavior of gas in the bed .