
  • 网络fixed-action pattern;fixed action pattern;Fixed Action Patten
  1. 习惯是长期逐渐形成的一种相对固定的行为模式,它渗透在我们生活的方方面面。

    This article is a long-term view that gradually formed the habit of a relatively fixed pattern of behavior , it permeates all aspects of our lives .

  2. 他们综合了分散于非洲的七个黑猩猩研究中心的观察结果,结果显示出黑猩猩能做的可能远不止四处传递某些不固定的行为模式。

    They have synthesised the results from seven chimpanzee-research centres scattered across Africa , and shown that chimps can , indeed , do more than just pass on the odd behaviour pattern here and there .

  3. 入厕理论体现便意-有意识-无意识-固定-习惯行为心理模式。

    Entering toilet theory , which reflected the behavioral psychological pattern of " awareness of defecation-conscious-unconscious-fixation-habit ";