
ɡù dìnɡ huì lǜ
  • fixed exchange rate;fixed rate of exchange
  1. 并且,IMF规定,成员可自行选择浮动或者固定汇率制度,但制度应促进价格稳定。

    Second , the IMF accommodates both floating or fixed exchange rate regimes , provided promote price stability .

  2. 如果固定汇率机制令一个国家陷入收支失衡的危机,那么IMF会出手相救,使其货币避免贬值。

    If a country 's fixed exchange rate led it into a balance of payments crisis , the IMF would bail it out and so avert devaluation .

  3. 这些定义市场资本主义黄金时代的理念,是在1971年布雷顿森林体系(brettonwoodssystem)的固定汇率崩溃后所留下的真空上建立起来的。

    The ideas that defined the golden age of market capitalism were formed in the vacuum left by the collapse of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates in 1971 .

  4. 但上述条款源自上世纪40年代布雷顿森林体系(brettonwoods)下的全球固定汇率制度当时成立了国际货币基金组织对此进行管理。

    But that clause dated from the 1940s Bretton Woods system of fixed global exchange rates , which the IMF was set up to administer .

  5. 另一位高级官员表示,IMF将公平对待固定汇率和浮动汇率的国家,并将调查导致国际不稳定的非货币政策。

    A second senior official said the fund would treat countries with fixed and floating rates in an even-handed fashion , and would examine non-currency policies that contributed to international instability .

  6. 有些人把这次会议夸张地比作为1944年布雷顿会议的续集,那次会议上确定了固定汇率制,建立了国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行,构建了战后金融体系。

    Several have talked grandly of a sequel to the1944 Bretton Woods conference , which created the post-war system of fixed exchange rates and established the International Monetary Fund and World Bank .

  7. 首先,只要固定汇率是可信的&就像1995年至2004年间维持在1美元兑8.28元人民币那样,它就可以有效地充当中国国内价格水平的货币锚(monetaryanchor)。

    First , as long as the fixed rate is credible - as it was between 1995 and 2004 at 8.28 yuan per dollar - it served as an effective monetary anchor for China 's internal price level .

  8. 自从1971年布雷顿森林体系(BrettonWoods)之下的固定汇率制度崩溃以来,全球在协同经济方面所做的尝试中,最引人瞩目的一些举措都涉及稳定主要货币汇率。

    Since the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates collapsed in 1971 , some of the most high-profile attempts at global co-ordination have involved trying to stabilise major currencies .

  9. 但这一规则起草于布雷顿森林体系(BrettonWoods)下的全球固定汇率制度时期,在围绕货币公允价值估值存在巨大不确定性的今天,将极难实施。

    But that law , written at a time of the Bretton Woods global fixed exchange rate system , would be extremely hard to apply today given the huge uncertainties around estimates of fair value for currencies .

  10. 德国央行(Bundesbank)最近发表的一篇论文做出结论称,在固定汇率制度下,经常账户失衡更为持久,但这并非放慢改革的借口。

    While a recently published Bundesbank paper concluded that current account imbalances are more persistent under a fixed exchange rate regime , this is little excuse for a slowdown in reforms .

  11. 国会处在保护主义的位置上密切关注着中国的固定汇率政策,对于中国出资购买美两家著名公司-UNOCAL、MAYTAG也感到紧张。

    Congress is in a protectionist lather about China 's fixed exchange-rate regime and the country 's bids to buy two of America 's best-known companies , Unocal and Maytag ( see article ) .

  12. 虽然,我国目前的经济环境只能部分满足固定汇率制下的模型(经典M-F模型)所假设的条件,但稳健货币政策的实施应当是有一定效果的。

    Although , current economic environment in China can partially satisfy the supposing condition of the model ( classic M & F model ) under fixed rate of exchange system , it is certain to have good effect to execute prudent monetary policy .

  13. 固定汇率制度下资本不完全流动时的IS-LM-BP模型与开放经济下的AS-AD模型分析表明,在固定汇率制度下,资本流出对国内货币供应量有紧缩效应,并使价格总水平下降;

    Under fixed exchange rate system , when capital can not flow freely , IS-LM-BP model and AS-AD model analysis shows that out-flow of capital has a tightening effect on the domestic money supply , which depresses the price level .

  14. 竞争力时尚兴起于固定汇率环境中。

    The vogue for competitiveness arose in a fixed exchange world .

  15. 1970年之前,台湾实行固定汇率制度。

    Before 1970 , Taiwan carried out fixed exchange rate system .

  16. 从固定汇率制退出的经验和战略

    The Experience and Strategy of Exiting from Fixed Exchange rate Regime

  17. 以前发展中国家必须实行固定汇率。

    Fixed exchange rates were once the rule for developing countries .

  18. 从固定汇率锚退出后的货币政策框架选择

    Choice of monetary policy framework after retreating from fixed exchange rate anchor

  19. 不对信用证增加的金额固定汇率。

    Fix exchange for the increased amount of the credit .

  20. 构建东亚固定汇率区的经济基础&兼论东亚单一货币区的可行性

    On the Economic Foundation of Establishing East Asia Fixed Exchange Rate Area

  21. 另一种则是当前的人民币汇率应该保持不变,并且继续维持当前的固定汇率制度。

    Another is maintaining the current rate and system .

  22. 固定汇率制:并非低成本的反通货膨胀措施

    Fixed Exchange Rate System : A costly disinflation measure

  23. 1980年以前为第一阶段,这一阶段的人民币汇率是官方制定的固定汇率。

    Before 1980 , the fixed exchange rate was made by the government .

  24. 无特定指示时,无需固定汇率;

    That fixing exchange is not required if no specific instruction is given ;

  25. 投机冲击和固定汇率制的退出

    Speculative Attacks and Abandonment of Fixed Exchange-rate Regime

  26. 这些国家的货币与美元实行固定汇率也使它们的汇率梢许偏高。

    Their exchange rates were also mildly overvalued as they targeted the US dollar .

  27. 决定浮动英镑的汇率,因为固定汇率不利于出口贸易。

    It was decided to float the pound because a fixed value was damaging exports .

  28. 货币的重新估值涉及到固定汇率。

    Revaluation refers to fixed exchange rates .

  29. 回归结果表明对于新兴市场来说固定汇率制度可以一定程度的降低危机发生概率。

    The results show that the fixed rate exchange regime may reduce the crisis probability .

  30. 很多人质疑我们是否需要维持固定汇率政策。

    Many have questioned the need for us to maintain a fixed exchange rate policy .