
tuī shì
  • judge;recommend and wait on
推事 [tuī shì]
  • (1) [judge]∶旧时法院的审判员

  • (2) [recommend and wait on]∶推尊侍奉

推事[tuī shì]
  1. 叫他召集一群警官来,包括治安推事,叫他们都到客店来。

    Tell him to bring a crowd of law officers and a local judge to the inn .

  2. 传言说他有可能被任命为推事。

    It is said that he is likely to be named as a judge .

  3. 两名法官和六名大众陪审推事判决怀特终身监禁。

    Two judges and six lay assessors sentenced White to life in prison .

  4. 可以看出这位治安推事,爱尔格农·克费·丹南特,由于习惯于嘲笑别人,不免猜疑到自己也被别人嘲笑。

    It could be seen that Algernon Cuffe dennant , esq. , j.p. , accustomed to laugh at other people , suspected that he was being laughed at .

  5. 这窃贼被缉拿到地院推事面前被控偷窃。

    The thief was brought before the magistrate on a charge of theft .

  6. 太晚了,他必须现在就去见治安推事。

    ' Too late . He must go before the magistrate now . '

  7. 其余的一切就该由通商量的治安推事来应付了。

    An accommodating magistrate would do the rest .

  8. 这位推事在他所管辖的区域里是很有名气的,他的名字叫范先生。他是个脾气很坏、难以相处的人。

    His name was Mr Fang and he was a disagreeable , bad-tempered man .

  9. 其次,虽然他们的政治背景不同,多数推事是正直无私的。

    In the next place , most judges were honest , in spite of their political cleavage .

  10. 终于,他勉强低声地请求要喝水,但被推事愤怒地拒绝了。

    At last he managed to whisper a request for water , but the magistrate refused angrily .

  11. 那里的五位推事,不致于会支持一个这样胡说八道的主意的。

    Those five judges up there are not going to sustain any such poppycock idea as this .

  12. 警察向推事报告了他所听到的事情,以及经过搜身什么也没发现的情况。

    The policeman told the magistrate what he had heard , and how he had searched Oliver afterwards and found nothing .

  13. 推事将布朗洛从头到脚地打量了一番,说:你有什么要说的吗?

    The magistrate looked at Mr Brown low from head to foot . ' And what have you got to say ? '

  14. 推事将布朗洛从头到脚地打量了一番,说:“你有什么要说的吗?”

    The magistrate looked at Mr Brown low from head to foot . " And what have you got to say ? "

  15. 担任审判官的是一位治安推事,治安推事主要是在地方法庭处理一些小的犯罪案。这位推事在他所管辖的区域里是很有名气的。

    A magistrate was a judge who dealt with small crimes in local courts , and the magistrate for this district was well known .

  16. 这些律师,这个陪审团,这个随波逐流的推事,这些命运的暗算都没有从根本上使他觉得不安,或者自卑或者怯弱。

    These lawyers , this jury , this straw-and-water judge , these machinations of fate , did not basically disturb or humble or weaken him .

  17. “干事,离他远一点儿,”另一位推事说着,放下报纸,饶有兴致地向前探出身子。

    ' Stand a little away from him , Beadle , 'said the other magistrate : laying aside the paper , and leaning forward with an expression of interest .

  18. 我问你话,你不回答是对的,这是学习对付在预审推事前的那难堪的一刻钟。

    I 'm asking you questions , but you 're perfectly right not to answer . It 's an apprenticeship against that cursed quarter of an hour before the examining magistrate .

  19. 在真理上毫不饶恕,把一切罪孽都杀尽,烧光,毁净,虽然这些罪恶是他从参议员和推事的袍服下拉出来的人,愿他愉悦。

    Delight is to him , who gives no quarter in the truth , and kills , burns , and destroys all sin though he pluck it out from under the robes of Senators and Judges .

  20. 大法庭里的每个推事,都从本案中混到一份资历证明书。有意者,请提供中英文简历,并付推荐信和其它证明文件(身份证,学历和专业资格证书)。

    Every master in Chancery has had a reference out of the cause . Please provide full resume ( curriculum vitae ) both in Chinese and English with references and other supportive documents ( ID , education , professional certificate ) .

  21. 过了一会儿,警官拍了拍他的肩膀说,法庭已经准备就序,担任审判官的是一位治安推事,治安推事主要是在地方法庭处理一些小的犯罪案。

    Some time later , the officer touched his shoulder and told him that the court was ready . A magistrate was a judge who dealt with small crimes in local courts , and the magistrate for this district was well known .