
shuǐ yuán bǎo hù qū
  • Water source protection area;water conservation district
  1. 水源保护区划界的遥感与GIS技术研究

    Study of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology on the Delimitation of Water Resource Protection Area

  2. 基于ArcObjects的环境规划与管理信息支持系统&以上海市黄浦江上游水源保护区为例

    An Information Support System for Environmental Planning and Management Based on ArcObjects & By an Example of Water Resources Reservation Area in Upper Region of Huangpu River in Shanghai

  3. 京沪高速铁路阳澄湖特大桥在DK1226~DK1263区间通过了阳澄湖水源保护区,桥梁的加设对湖区COD浓度场可能产生一定的影响。

    The Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway Bridge steps over in DK1226 ~ DK1263 range of water source protection areas by the Yangcheng Lake , which may has some effect on lake of the original field of COD concentration .

  4. 国外水源保护区的生态补偿机制研究

    Research on Ecological Compensation Mechanism of Water Source Conservation Areas Abroad

  5. 我国地下水中硝酸盐污染防治及水源保护区划分

    On Nitrate Contamination of Groundwater and Setting Water Conservation Areas in China

  6. 浏园水厂水源保护区的划分

    Division of Water Source Protection Area of Liu Yuan Waterworks

  7. 试论地下水水源保护区划分的时间标准

    Discussion on Division of Groundwater 's Waterhead Protection Zone By Time Criteria

  8. 崂山水库饮用水源保护区生态补偿机制实践研究

    Practical Study on Economic Compensation for Laoshan Conservation Areas of Drinking Water

  9. 黄浦江水源保护区农业面源污染控制对策研究

    Study on controlling non-point agricultural pollution of the Huangpu River conversation zone

  10. 水库型饮用水水源保护区划分方法比较

    Comparison of Division Method for Reservoir Drinking Water Protected Area

  11. 水库水源保护区划分方法初探

    A Classification Method Of Protection Area of Reservoir Water Source

  12. 生态混凝土护坡在水源保护区生态修复工程中的应用

    Application of Eco-concrete Dyke Protection to Bio-remediation Engineering in Water Source Conservation

  13. 洛阳市饮用水地下水源保护区划分研究

    Classification of Groundwater Source Protection Areas for Drinking Water in Luoyang City

  14. 包括严格控制水源保护区污染;

    Severely controlling the protective area of the waterhead ;

  15. 我国生活饮用水水源保护区问题的探讨

    Survey of Drinking Water Source Protection Areas in China

  16. 饮用水水源保护区划分问题探讨

    Discussion on Partition of Drinking Water Sources Conservation Areas

  17. 试谈建立沱江源头水源保护区的必要性

    On the Necessity of Establishing a Conservation Zone at the Origin of Tuojiang River

  18. 密云水库三级水源保护区水源保护林分类研究

    Classification of Water Conservation Forest in Miyun Reservoir

  19. 水源保护区农村生活污染排放特征研究

    Study on the Discharged Characteristics of Rural Domestic Pollution in Water Source Protection Areas

  20. 因子分析法在水源保护区水质评价中的应用

    Application of factor analysis method to the water quality evaluation of water source protection area

  21. 因此,建立水源保护区来保护供水源水质,已经刻不容缓。

    Therefore , establishing water reserves to protect water quality of the source is urgent .

  22. 黄浦江上游水源保护区不同农田种植模式的环境效应研究

    Study on Environmental Effect of Different Planting Patterns for Riverhead Protect Region of Huangpu Upriver

  23. 论述了水源保护区高等级公路的设计方法。

    This paper discusses the design methods of high-grade highway in water source protection area .

  24. 嫩江齐齐哈尔江段浏园饮用水源保护区划分

    Division of Liu Yuan Drinking Water Source Protected Zone of Qiqihar Section of NenJiang River

  25. 生活饮用水地下水源保护区的划定方法&英国的经验值法与实例

    Methods of delineation of groundwater protection zones the experienced method in England and a practical example

  26. 黄浦江上游水源保护区工业废水的致突变性曝气生物滤池预处理黄浦江上游水的生产性试验研究

    Mutagenicity of Industrial Wastewater in the Water Source Protection Area of Upper Reach of Huang-pu River

  27. 进行地下水脆弱性分区评价和水源保护区划分是对含水层进行保护的主要手段。

    The main measures of groundwater protection are groundwater vulnerability assessment and wellhead protection area delineation .

  28. 松华坝水源保护区是云南省昆明市的重要饮用水源。

    Songhuaba Water Source Protected Area is an important water source in Kunming city and Yunnan province .

  29. 南水北调中线河北段水源保护区环境保护对策研究

    A Countermeasure Study on Waterhead Protection Area of Hebei Sect in the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion

  30. 昆明北郊水源保护区圣诞树人工林分生物量及生产力的研究

    Studies in biomass and productivity of Acacia dealbata plantation in the Protected District of water sources in North Kunming