
shuǐ huán jìnɡ zhì liànɡ biāo zhǔn
  • Water Environmental Quality Standards;standards for the quality of water environment
  1. 在流域内实施合理的污染物总量控制方案,可以消除浓度排放标准与水环境质量标准之『白J脱节和矛盾的现象。

    Pollution total control scenario is rational performed that it may avoid the phenomena of disjoint and conflict between the concentration discharge target and water environment quality objective .

  2. 其最大值均远远超过《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)V类水质标准。

    The maximum values of them are far more than that of Class V of the National Surface Water Quality Standards .

  3. 表层水体中DDTs和BHCs均未超过地表水环境质量标准;

    DDTs and BHCs in surface waters did not exceed the standard of surface water environment quality .

  4. 测定及结果评价按《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)及《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)执行。

    And Standard GB3838-2002 and GB5749-2006 were used to evaluate the results in sampling measurement .

  5. 新桥河水体中重金属离子浓度基本达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)Ⅲ类标准。

    The concentrations of heavy metals in Xinqiao stream meet the " Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard " ( GB3838-2002 )ⅲ . 2 .

  6. 开发利用区293个。共划分了560个二级区,其中,饮用水源区202个,水质目标控制标准为《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)Ⅲ~Ⅱ类;

    Among the first grade zones , 83 are protection zones , and the water quality target is Class II or Class I in Environment Quality Standards for Surface Water ( GB3838-2002 );

  7. 在设计进水负荷条件下出水水质可以达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)中的三级标准的要求提高进水负荷,考察潜流湿地的预处理效果。

    The outflow water quality under the planed load met the China standard for surface water resources ( GB3838-2002 ) . We increased the inflow load , and test the pre-treatment effect of subsurface wetlands .

  8. 主要研究成果如下:1、农田排水水质未达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)的Ⅴ类水体标准,属严重污染。

    The main studying results are as follows : 1 . The water quality of agricultural drainage does not rich the " Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard " ( GB3838-2002 ) category of the water body standards ⅴ, it pollutes seriously .

  9. 采用单指标评价法,以《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)的Ⅲ类地表水标准值作为评价水体是否超标的判定值,矿井涌水水质的化学需氧量超标4倍,氟化物超标2.2倍。

    Using the single indicator evaluation and the third kind of surface water standard value determined by " Surface water Environment Quality Standard " ( GB3838-2002 ), the chemical oxygen demand of mining water exceeded 4 times of the allowed figure and fluoride 2.2 times exceeded the allowed figure .

  10. 制定了GB3838-98地表水环境质量标准的总体框架。

    Surface water environmental quality standard GB 3838-98 was generally framed .

  11. 第二章水环境质量标准和污染物排放标准的制定

    Chapter II Establishment of standards for water environment quality and for discharge of water pollutants

  12. 依据国家地表水环境质量标准对两水库水环境质量进行了综合评价。

    This paper also uses the nation surface water environment quality criterion to evaluate the water environment quality in the two reservoirs comprehensively .

  13. 以地表水环境质量标准GB3838&2002为依据,污染程度共分为5个等级。

    Classification standard of water quality is based on the criterion GB 3838 & 2002 , and pollution degree is divided into 5 levels .

  14. 根据地表水环境质量标准,确定了四个湖区的水质类型,南四湖下级湖水质优于上级湖,处于Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类。

    According to the standards of environmental water quality , the type of water quality is determined . The water quality of Lower Lake is better than Upper Lake .

  15. 试验出水水质可以达到GB3838&2002《地表水环境质量标准》中Ⅲ类水体标准,可满足人工景观用水等高级回用的要求。

    The quality of outlet water of the experiment meets the Surface Water Environment Quality Standard GB 3838-2002 ⅲ and meets the requirement of the reuse of reclaimed water for scenic water .

  16. 其中梅梁湾水源地水体中苯并(a)芘浓度远高于《地表水环境质量标准》规定的要求,说明梅梁湾水源地受苯并(a)芘的污染较为严重。

    The PAHs density is far higher than the limit of " environmental quality standard of surface water " which proves that PAHs pollution of the Meiliang bay source water is serious comparatively .

  17. 城市污水处理厂达标污水水质相对于地表水环境质量标准而言,仍含有大量的污染物质,排放不当仍然是水体污染源。

    Permitted discharge from the municipal wastewater treatment plant contains large amounts of pollutants according to Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water , and it would still be pollution source if it is inappropriately discharged .

  18. [结果]挥发酚类指标变化迅速,11天达地表水环境质量标准级,氨氮次之达16天,锰污染指标变化迟缓达19天。

    [ Results ] It cost 11 days to reduce pollutant concentrations to the environmental quality standard of surface water ⅱ grade for volatile phenols , 16 days for manganese and 19 days for ammonia nitrogen .

  19. 我国昆明的滇池,在历经7000年清澈之后,近三十年的污染已使水质低于地表水环境质量标准的Ⅴ类标准。

    The DianChi of KunMing in China , after the limpidness of 7000 years , the pollution of the recent 30 years has induced the the water quality lower than the V standard of the surface water quality .

  20. 依据《地表水环境质量标准》,建立适合我省特点的地表水环境质量监测数据管理与分析系统,提高了工作效率,具有实际意义。

    According to Surface Water Environment Quality Level , a surface water environment quality survey data management and analysis system which coincides with the situation in Heilongjiang had been built . It has improved our work efficiency and has practice meaning .

  21. 总体而言,生态养殖区的水质要明显优于水源区,基本上达到地表水环境质量标准中的3级标准和渔业水质标准的要求。

    Thus , it can be concluded that the water quality in eco-culture area is better than that in water source area according to the eco-environment standard of the third grade of surface water and that of the crab-culture water quality .

  22. 由于该地区执行了更为严格的地表水环境质量标准,且工业和畜禽养殖业等有污染风险的行业限制或禁止发展,形成了以种植业和水产养殖业为主的纯农业产业结构。

    In this area , the plantation and aquaculture are the primary agricultural activities , because of the much stricter standards for water environment and the limitation or prohibition of activities with higher pollution risk , such as industry and animal husbandry .

  23. 改善水体调控措施包括点源、面源等外源以及内源的治理和控制以及微生物治理、人工复氧曝气等强化治理措施,以期能恢复地表水环境质量标准。

    To improve water control measures includes exogenous management measures , such as , " point source ", " surface source " and endogenous management controlling and microbial measure , and other strengthened management measures , in order to regain the normal water quality standards .

  24. 根据中华人民共和国地表水环境的质量标准,城区北环水系中大部分水系属于Ⅱ类,少数水域属于Ⅲ类和Ⅳ类水质。

    According to the Environmental quality Standard of Surface Water , P. R.

  25. 水环境质量评价标准探讨

    A Study on Assessment Criterion for Water Environmental Quality

  26. 水环境质量评价标准是开展评价工作的依据。

    The assessment criterion for water environmental quality is the basis for assessing water environmental quality .

  27. 其余水体水中汞的含量都在地表水环境质量III级标准值以内。

    The mercury concentration of water in the remaining waters are within the class III of the surface water environmental quality standard . 3 .

  28. 上覆水中Hg元素超过地表水环境质量Ⅲ类标准,湖南点位悬浮物和表层沉积物中重金属含量较高,污染较严重。

    The concentration of Hg exceed the ⅲ criterion of environmental quality for surface water , the heavy metals concentration in suspended solids and surfacial sediments from Hunan Location is higher than other locations .

  29. 比较分析发现,3种下垫面类型的径流水质均较差,COD、TN、TP、BOD5平均浓度超过地表水环境质量Ⅴ级标准。

    The pollution of the runoff is serious on all three of the underlying surfaces . COD , TN , TP and BOD_5 concentrations all exceed the fifth level of the environmental quality standards for China .

  30. 水环境质量基准、标准与流域水污染物总量控制策略

    The Quality Criteria , Standards of Water Environment and the Water Pollutant Control Strategy on Watershed