
shuǐ lì qīn shí
  • water erosion
  1. 研究结果表明,由于水力侵蚀的输出作用,SOC在横向大量流失。

    Results indicated that a substantial amount of SOC was lost laterally due to the export by water erosion .

  2. 铁路工程边坡水力侵蚀规律与评价方法研究

    Research on the Rules and Evaluations of Water Erosion on Railroad Slopes

  3. 基于GISRS与AHP耦合技术的矿山水力侵蚀研究

    Water-power erosion in mines coupling GIS , RS and AHP model

  4. 基于GIS的北京地区未来10年土壤水力侵蚀演化趋势探讨

    A Study on the Soil Hydra-Erosion Trend in Coming 10 years in Beijing Area based on GIS

  5. 根据遥感(RS)解译成果,应用GIS分别建立了各主控因子的专题层图,利用先进的层次分析方法(AHP),确定影响水力侵蚀的各致灾因子的权重系数。

    The thematic layer of every dominating factor is constructed by GIS and RS interpretation , and weight coefficient of every dominating factor is determined by AHP method .

  6. 应用土壤流失方程(USLE),根据我国土壤水力侵蚀分类分级标准,建立了大尺度区域土壤侵蚀量的估算模型;

    Based on the principle of the universal soil loss equation ( USLE ), a model was developed for estimating the loss load of soil erosion over a large scale .

  7. 土壤水力侵蚀能量力学机理的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis for the dynamic and energy mechanism in soil water-erosion

  8. 水力侵蚀调控物理模拟试验相似律的初步确定

    Preliminary study on similitude law in simulative experiment for controlling hydraulic erosion

  9. 坡流类型及坡地水力侵蚀计算方法

    Types of Hillside Flow and Calculation Method of Hillside Scouring

  10. 基于改进的水力侵蚀算法的腐蚀化地形生成

    Eroded terrain simulation based on improved hydraulic erosion algorithm

  11. 赤泥堆场边坡水力侵蚀分析研究

    Study on water erosion of the slope surface of red mud disposal field

  12. 控制坡地水力侵蚀危害的管理措施

    Measures of Management for Controlling Water Erosion on Slopes

  13. 土工格室在长输管道水力侵蚀防护中的应用

    The Application of Cellular Confinement System in Anti-Hydraulic Erosion of Long Distance Pipeline

  14. 我国水力侵蚀区的生态重建与可持续发展

    Ecological Rehabilitation and Sustainable Development of Corrosive Areas Caused by Waterpower in China

  15. 川中丘陵土壤水力侵蚀及防治对策

    Soil Water Erosion and Its Preventive Strategies in Hilly of the Central Sichuan Basin

  16. 水力侵蚀对土壤中碳和养分含量的影响及其过程的空间模拟

    Impact of Hydro-Erosion on Soil Carbon and Nutrient and GIS-based Simulation on Its Spatial Process

  17. 冀北地区土壤侵蚀以风力侵蚀和水力侵蚀为主。

    The main erosion patterns in the north of Hebei province are wind-erosion and hydra-erosion .

  18. 北京地区土壤水力侵蚀评估

    Evaluation on Soil Hydra-erosion in Beijing Area

  19. 漳州土壤水力侵蚀变化趋势与治理研究

    The Researches of Controlling and Variation Tendency of the Soil Erosion of Hydraulic Power in Zhangzhou

  20. 选沙对水力侵蚀比尺模拟试验侵蚀过程相似的影响

    Effects of Model Material Selection on the Similarity of Erosion Processes in Hydraulic Erosion Simulation Experiment

  21. 边坡工程中土壤水力侵蚀规律及侵蚀控制卷材的应用探讨

    Laws of Soil Hydraulic Erosion of Slope Projects and Application of Coiled Material for Erosion Control

  22. 在中国,仅水力侵蚀面积一项就超过国土总面积的1/6。

    In China , the area of water erosion is over one sixth of the total territory .

  23. 水力侵蚀、风力侵蚀减少、最大洪峰流量降低。

    Hydraulic power erode and wind force erode are decreasing , volume of flood peak is lowering .

  24. 研究薄层水流水力学特性,是研究水力侵蚀机理的基础。

    The thin layer flow dynamic rules were the study basis of the mechanism of hydraulic erosion .

  25. 土壤水力侵蚀兼重力侵蚀是本研究区的主要土壤侵蚀类型。

    Hydraulic soil erosion and gravitational soil erosion are the main types of soil erosion in the studied region .

  26. 土壤侵蚀按照作用力类别可分为水力侵蚀、风力侵蚀、冻融侵蚀和重力侵蚀,其中水力侵蚀在我国是最为活跃的侵蚀类型,降雨是造成水力侵蚀的主要动力。

    Soil erosion can be classified into waterpower erosion , wind power erosion , freeze thawing erosion and gravitation erosion .

  27. 鄂尔多斯市1988&2000年土壤水力侵蚀与土地利用时空变化关系

    The Temporal and Spatial Variability Relationship of Soil Water Erosion and Land Use Type in Ordos during the Period of 1988-2000

  28. 严重的冻融侵蚀同水力侵蚀和重力侵蚀复合起来,对该区的工农业生产造成极大影响。

    Serious freeze-thaw erosion gravity erosion with hydraulic erosion and composite up , to the industrial and agricultural production made a great impact .

  29. 水力侵蚀中有1/3的面积分布在≤5°的坡地上,而且>25°坡地的土壤侵蚀面积最小;

    One-third of water eroded area distributed in the slope less than 5 °, while the eroded area > 25 ° was the smallest .

  30. 克拉玛依地区的土壤侵蚀主要包括水力侵蚀、风力侵蚀、风力水力交错侵蚀等,其中风力水力交错侵蚀面积占总面积的67.8%;

    Erosion type includes wind erosion , water erosion and combined wind and water erosion , which accounts for 67.8 % of the total area ;