- 名partial pressure of carbon dioxide;PCO2

Comparison of the measuring methods for the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in blood-gas analysis
Significance of Change of Gastric Mucosal Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide in Rabbit Model with Septic Shock
Changes of brain tissue oxygen tension , carbon dioxide tension and pH value after mild hypothermia treatment in patients with severe brain injury
Objective To study the clinical value of PgCO_2 measurement on the patients in ICU .
Results : Highly significant correlations were observed between malondialdehyde and xanthine oxidase umbilical pH Pco2 Po2 base excess gestational age and Apgar score at 5 min.
During operation , the arterial partial pressure of both oxygen and CO 2 was normal , the change in pH and alkali excess was obvious .
In improving the arterial partial pressure of oxygen , arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide and PH of arterial blood , the differences in the two groups has no statistical significance .
The changes in , O2 and CO2 pressure under different tidal volume and operation related time were investigated .
Intraoperative laparoscopic end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure was significantly higher than the open surgery group .
The values of arterial blood gas of fetal lamb were at the physical levels . The pH value decreased significantly and PCO2 increased remarkably after bypass lh ( P < 0 . 05 ) .
Furthermore in treated group after therapy the arterial oxygen pressure ( PaO 2 ) and pH were obviously elevated , partial pressure of carbon dioxide ( PaCO 2 ) depressed .
The diamine oxidase ( DAO ) activities , D-lactate contents and intestinal mucosal partial pressure of carbon dioxide ( PiCO_2 ) were detected at 1,6,8,12 and 24 hours of ischemia .
The umbilical artery blood gas analysis : pH was ( 7.0 ± 0.1 ) , PO2 was ( 1.7 ± 0.6 ) kPa , PCO2 was ( 8.9 ± 0.7 ) kPa .
PiCO 2 was measured after gastric infusion 40 ml of air and equilibration of 30 min.
Methods : By observing the effect of airway pression and PaO 2 , PaCO 2 , to define therapeutical action with PEEP in patients of severity asthma .
There were no significant differences between groups in arterial carbon dioxide pressure ( PaCO_2 ), pH values , blood pressure , heart rates , plat pressure and PEEPi during treatment ( all P > 0.05 ) .
After Logistic regression analysis , the main mortality risk factors were age , BUN , SBP , CVP , oxygenation index , PaCO_2 , but blood purification , nutrition through gastric intestine are protective factors .
The differences of duration , episodes , PaO 2 , PaCO 2 and heart rate of primary apnea of preterm infants between two groups were compared .
Results : All patients ' oxygenation ratio ( PaO_2 / FiO_2 ) was increased significantly one hour after NIPPV ( 141 ± 27 vs 183 ± 31 , P 0.05 ), PaCO_2 and GCS score were improved .
Reduce the pressure of carbon dioxide at same time , stop expand of vein , relief edema of tissue , meanwhile HBO effects the 5-HT system and the content of the sphingosine in peripheral nerve , to relief and remove the headache .
Results The arterial oxygen pressure ( PO 2 ) and partial pressure of carbon dioxide ( PCO 2 ) of fetal lamb were maintained in the fetal physiological level during fetal cardiopulmonary bypass .
Arterial and venous blood samples were collected simultaneously through radial artery and internal jugular catheterization . The cerebral arterio venous differences of oxygen content ( Da - vO2 ) were measured and extracting rate of oxygen ( RO2 ) was calculated .
The results show under the circumstance conditions , the corrosion rate of X56 steel pipelines increases as the temperature and CO2 partial pressure increase .
In addition , pH , arterial pO2 and arterial blood pCO2 were measured with ABL-520 blood gas acid and base analysis meter .
The observational endpoint was at day 60 . Patients ′ Glasgow Coma Scale ( GCS ) score , respiratory function ( blood gas pH value , oxygen partial pressure , carbon dioxide partial pressure , and oxygenation index ), and the causes of death before tracheal intubation were documented .
DH-1326 blood-gas Analyzer measures PH , Pco2 and Po2 in the blood making use of the electrodes , offers the reference opinions to salve the patient .
Influence of PaCO_2 on balance between cerebral oxygen supply and consumption
Correlation Analysis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases and Partial Pressure of CO_2
End-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure monitoring in laparoscopic surgery
Significance of alveolar-arterial partial pressure of oxygen difference for emergency pulmonary embolism patients