
  1. 特等奖是二人巴黎周末游。

    The star prize is a weekend for two in Paris .

  2. 这二人面临死刑。

    The two men are facing the death penalty .

  3. 我想订一张今晚8点钟的二人餐桌。

    I 'd like to book a table for two for 8 o'clock tonight .

  4. 他在笑,二人搭档中逗人乐的那个。

    He was laughing , the clown of the twosome .

  5. 二人中任意一个遇害,都会严重扰乱本已非常棘手的谈判。

    If either were killed , delicate negotiations would be seriously disrupted .

  6. 他俩在他们最喜欢的一家餐馆里吃了一顿浪漫的二人晚餐。

    They enjoyed a romantic dinner for two at one of their favourite restaurants .

  7. 弗洛伊德的病人的典型家庭结构是父母二人和两个孩子。

    The typical family structure of Freud 's patients involved two parents and two children

  8. 二人眉来眼去,以目传情。

    They exchanged amorous glances and clearly made known their passions .

  9. 二人计议已定。

    The two of them settled on a scheme .

  10. 二人默然对坐。

    The two sat face to face in silence .

  11. 他们二人最称莫逆。

    The two are the best of friends .

  12. 二人情趣相投。

    The two of them are temperamentally compatible .

  13. 二人打起乡谈,十分投机。

    Lapsing into their local dialect , the two of them began to talk amicably .

  14. 二人谈得入港。

    The two of them are deep in conversation and in perfect agreement with one another .

  15. 这兄弟二人外貌相像,但性格截然不同。

    The two brothers resembled each other physically , but were as different in their natures as chalk and cheese .

  16. 今年我们办公室已有二人退休。

    We 've had two retirements in our office this year .

  17. 从此二人成了非常要好的朋友。

    Since then , they had been very good friends .

  18. 围观的人群像墙一样,将二人紧紧圈在里面。

    The watching crowd circled them in the center .

  19. 这对情侣意识到了当时那场争吵可能是二人感情失败的转折点。

    The couple realised that the fight might have been a tipping point in their failed relationship .

  20. 二人从此结伴浪迹天涯,以打劫为生。

    From then on , the two of them roved all over the world and lived by robbing .

  21. 该二人组合的长期公关已经向《综艺》杂志证实了乐队解散的消息,但拒绝提供更多细节。

    The duo 's longtime publicist officially confirmed the split to Variety and declined to provide further details .

  22. 太严苛。哪怕是“建设性”的批评也会让你的伴侣产生抵触情绪,并降低二人关系之间的安全感。

    Even " constructive " criticism can make your partner defensive and reduce the feeling of safety in a relationship .

  23. “家庭蜜月”指的是再婚的夫妻二人带上各自的孩子一起度蜜月,是你和你的新伴侣及家人第一次一起旅行。

    Familymoon is a honeymoon1 in which the newlywed couple bring along their children . Familymoon is that trip that you and you new loved one travel for the first time as a family .

  24. 另外,只要是成为父母之前最后一次浪漫二人之旅,夫妻二人在怀孕前共度的假期也可以用babymoon来表示。

    Babymoon can also be used for a trip taken by a couple even before they get pregnant . As long as the trip is intended to be a final romantic fling before venturing into parenthood .

  25. 后来,这个词又用来指代即将为人父母的夫妻在孩子出生之前享受的最后一次二人之旅,即“产前蜜月”或“孕期蜜月”。孩子出生以后等待他们的将是无数个无眠之夜。

    More recently the term has come to be used to describe a vacation taken by a couple that is expecting a baby in order to allow the couple to enjoy a final trip together before the many sleepless nights that usually accompany a newborn baby .

  26. 自2008年以来,梅西和C罗就一直是这一国际足联最高个人奖项的获得者,二人各获得了5次。

    Messi and Ronaldo had been the only winners of FIFA 's top individual award since 2008 , winning five titles each .

  27. 基于动物进化论思想,把二人两边非完全信息对策转化为n次重复对策。

    In this paper , based on the animal evolution theory , two people and two sides incomplete information games are changed into n times repeat games .

  28. 1977年,二人推出了苹果电脑第二代(AppleII),这是一款开创性的电脑,价格相对合理,并且针对的人群是大众消费者而非发烧友。

    The pair came out with the Apple II in1977 , a groundbreaking computer that was relatively affordable and designed for the mass market consumer rather than for hobbyists .

  29. 二人有限零和对策的线性规划求解及Spreadsheet方法实现

    Linear Programming Solution of the Two-Person Finite Zero-sum Game as well as the Realization of the Spreadsheet Method

  30. 然后,采用增广Lagrangian方法把这个单目标约束优化问题转化成一个存在鞍点的二人零和博弈问题;

    Second the augmented Lagrangian method is taken to transform the constrained optimization problem into a zero-sum game with the saddle-point solution .