
  • 网络ppI;producer price index
  1. 今年3月,以工业品出厂价格指数(PPI)变化量衡量的通缩水平,已从去年9月的-1.29%扩大至-4.24%,变动幅度远超同期的降息幅度&后者为90个基点。

    Since September last year , deflation measured by the producer price index ( PPI ) has deepened from minus 1.29 per cent to minus 4.24 per cent in March this year , far outstripping the 90 basis points in interest rate cuts over the same period .

  2. 8月份,中国的工业品出厂价格指数涨幅低于7月份。

    Factory gate inflation was lower last month than in July .

  3. 这是中国工业品出厂价格指数连续第30个月下滑。

    It was the 30th consecutive month producer prices had declined .

  4. 影响我国工业品出厂价格指数的主要因素分别是采掘业和农产品相关工业,以这两类行业为代表的因子可以解释整个部门体系价格变动近90%的信息。

    The major factors which affect China 's Producer 's Product Index are the mining industry and the industry related to agricultural products .

  5. 工业品出厂价格指数为99.4%,比上年下降了3.1个百分点;

    The index of ex-factory price of manufactured goods was 99.4 percent , a decrease of 3.1 percentage points from the previous year ;

  6. 结果表明江苏石油工业品出厂价格指数对原油价格波动反映比较敏感,高于全国水平。

    The results show that the ex-factory price index of industrial oil products in Jiangsu Province has a more sensitive respond to oil price fluctuations than the national level .

  7. 尽管工业品出厂价格指数大概已经见顶,但我们认为,消费价格指数在8月份升至3.5%这个22个月高点之后,9月份还将进一步上升。

    Although producer price inflation has probably peaked , we believe that consumer price inflation will creep up further in September , after hitting a 22-month high of 3.5 per cent in August .