
gōng yǐ
  • worker-priest;worken ant;ergate worker ant
工蚁 [gōng yǐ]
  • [ergate worker ant] 性器官发育不完善、没有生殖能力的蚂蚁。在群体中数量占绝对优势

工蚁[gōng yǐ]
  1. 这就是它们对群体共同利益的奉献,不仅是兵蚁,工蚁也会牺牲自己的生命来帮助打败敌人。

    Such is their devotion to the common good of the colony that not only soldier ants but also worker ants will sacrifice their lives to help defeat an enemy .

  2. 生活史中有卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫4个时期;25~27℃时,工蚁从卵到成虫约需37d,雌雄蚁发育历期40d左右;

    The worker ant development from egg to adult lasted about 37 d , and the growth period of queen and male ant was 40 d or so at 25 ~ 27 ℃ .

  3. 在蚂蚁社会中,每一只工蚁都有一项专门的工作。

    In the ant society each worker has a special job .

  4. 蚂蚁城里的所有垃圾由工蚁运出去。

    All rubbish in on ant city by the worker ants .

  5. 工蚁从外面采集食物来给蚁后吃。

    From the outside the workers bring in food to the queen .

  6. 即使是永远不能生殖的工蚁,亦具有这种倾向。

    Even worker ants that never reproduce possess this drive .

  7. 工蚁都要参加隧道启用典礼。

    All workers are to report to the tunnel-opening ceremonies .

  8. 文中编制了11个种的工蚁分种检索表。

    A key based on worker caste is given for the 11 species .

  9. 他跟一只工蚁手牵手。

    It appears he 's holding hands , sir * With a worker .

  10. 他们的工蚁收集种子储存在地下。

    Their workers gather seeds and store them underground .

  11. 有的(工蚁)负责保持地道和房间的清洁。

    Some workers keep the tunnels and rooms clean .

  12. 由于这个声音,工蚁会喂养和保护蚁后。

    Because of the sounds , worker ants feed and protect the queen ant .

  13. 标本保存于广西师范大学生物系标本室。提供广西该属已知10种的工蚁分种检索表。

    The specimens were deposited in the Department of Biology , Guangxi Normal University .

  14. 他的研究表明工蚁在保护它们后代前会先保护被当作蚁后的毛虫。

    His research showed the worker ants would do this before protecting their young .

  15. 有些工蚁负责保持隧道和房子的清洁.运出所有的垃圾。

    Some workers keep the tunnels and rooms clean . All rubbish is carried out .

  16. 那时候他是只工蚁。

    He was just a worker then .

  17. 除了工蚁,其他物种可以造成不同类型的损害。

    In addition to barging ants , other species can cause different kinds of damage .

  18. 工蚁们聚集在发声设备的周围,一连几个小时都不离去。

    They gathered around a device making the sounds and did not move for hours .

  19. 毒饵Ⅲ仅导致少量工蚁死亡,并且所有蚁巢在1周后都发生了迁移。

    The poison bait ⅲ led to a little deaths and all nests transported after 1 week .

  20. 黑胸散白蚁多对脱翅成虫群养的产卵及孵化行为尖唇散白蚁工蚁和繁殖蚁卵子发生比较

    Oviposition and hatching behavior of Reticulitermes chinensis under group rearing condition with several couples of dealate adults

  21. 越多的侦查蚁喜欢这个新家,这个洞穴的工蚁数目就会增加。

    As more scouts like the site , the number of workers in the new hole grows .

  22. 但是总的来讲,每一种蚂蚁都有三种主要类型:雌蚁、雄蚁和工蚁。

    But in general each kind has ants of three main types : queens , males , workers .

  23. 这些小黑蚁长大后就变成为这个红蚁群中仅有的工蚁。

    When these ants grow up , they become the only workers in the red ant 's colony .

  24. 新的电子科技使科学家能够记录蚁后和工蚁的声音。

    New electronic technology made it possible for the scientists to record the queen and worker ant sounds .

  25. 在蚂蚁等级中高度特化的工蚁代表了昆虫世界中社会组织的顶点。

    The highly specialized worker castes in ants represent the pinnacle of social organization in the insect world .

  26. 提供了东亚和南亚地区该属已知13个种的工蚁检索表。

    A key based on worker caste is provided for the 13 species known in East and South Asia .

  27. 观察过程中发现,当食物短缺时,工蚁们会用蚂蚁幼虫去喂养毛虫。

    The ants have even been observed using ant larvae to feed a caterpillar when food supplies are low .

  28. 工蚁在阵雨前后的活动数量明显多于晴天,但处于降雨时刻的巢外工蚁数量极少。

    The outing activity of worker ants was greatly enhanced by showers in comparison with that in fine day .

  29. 游客们手拉着手,步履维艰地爬上拥挤的山坡,就像成群结队的工蚁要去完成一项特别讨厌的任务。

    Visitors slog up a crowded hillside holding hands with strangers like worker ants on a particularly gruesome mission .

  30. 喜欢独处的工蚁四下里去寻找蚂蚁窝两个主要特征:小出口和黑空穴。

    Solitary worker ants spread out , looking for two main features : a small entrance and a dark cavity .