
ɡōnɡ yì liú chénɡ tú
  • Process Flow Diagram;engineering flow sheet
  1. 介绍带控制点的化工工艺流程图CAD系统的开发及其实现过程;

    This work introduces the development and realization of CAD system for PID .

  2. 面向工艺流程图的PLC控制系统设计

    Design of the PLC Control System on Basis of Technological Process Diagram

  3. 工艺流程图CAD软件的设计

    CAD software design for process flow diagram

  4. 用AUTOCAD在DCS系统中绘制工艺流程图

    The Technological Flow Chart Generated In DCS Using AUTOCAD

  5. 本文利用AutoCAD的二次开发功能,开发了化工工艺流程图图样幅面设置功能。

    The pattern setting function of the chemical process flow chart can be developed by using secondary development of AutoCAD .

  6. 彩色CRT显示段设备工艺流程图。

    Colorful CRT display equipment flow chart .

  7. 介绍应用AUTOCAD绘图软件的二次开发工具ADS,开发绘制饲料生产工艺流程图软件的设计原理和方法。

    This paper introduces the secondary developed tool ( ADS ) for Auto CAD drawing software and developes the software design principle and method for drawing feed production flowsheet .

  8. ODS替代品工业化生产标准工艺流程图和俄罗斯联邦现行和在建ODS替代品生产信息。

    ODS substitute industrialization production standard process flow diagrams , information on existing and new projects of ODS substitutes are put forward .

  9. 同时结合地理信息系统、动态WEB技术,提供到达指定地点的最优路线、距离、路况以及事故现场的工艺流程图。

    At the same time , it combines with the geographic information systems and Dynamic WEB technologies to provide the best route to reach the designated place , distance , traffic situation , and process flow diagram of the sense of the accident .

  10. 以成分含量为依据,设计马铃薯渣综合利用的试验工艺流程图如下:其次,液化液DE值14.52%,碘检验呈现棕红色;糖化液DE值92.70%,与无水乙醇不发生糊精反应。

    Based on the contents , I design the comprehensive utilization flow chart , as follows : Secondly , the liquefaction DE is 14.52 % and iodine test show brown ; the saccharification DE is 92.70 % and does not deposit in ethanol .

  11. 工艺流程图(PFD)的扩展方法,是国际工程公司近年采用的一种新的工艺流程设计方法。

    The development method of the process flow diagram ( PFD ) is based on a new design method of process flow diagram , adopted in the international companies in recent years .

  12. 带控制点工艺流程图简述了其工艺流程、要设备及工艺控制要点。

    The flowchart , main equipment and process control is review .

  13. 创建工艺流程图和管道仪表设备图的解决方案。

    Solution for creating process flow diagrams and piping and instrumentation diagrams .

  14. 谢谢,你是一流的助手。计算机辅助工艺流程图

    " Thanks , you 're a first-class assistant . " computer-aided flow chart

  15. 这是幅污水处理的工艺流程图。金水河的秽水近两年得到了有效的治理。

    The sewage in Jinshui River has been under effective control in recent years .

  16. 《固体废弃物处理与处置》是环境工程学科的一门核心课程,不但概念公式繁多,而且还有大量的实物图例以及工艺流程图。

    Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste is a key course for environmental engineering .

  17. 化工工艺流程图图形编辑系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of a graphic edit system

  18. 在小试的基础上,设计了简单的工艺流程图,以供工业化生产参考。

    The simple workmanship process has been designed .

  19. 最后进行发酵车间的设备布置,并制作工艺流程图和设备布置图。

    Finally fermentation workshop equipment layout and map production process and equipment layout plans .

  20. 不过,如果在工艺流程图中发现冲突之处,应以本技术说明书为准。

    However , if conflicts are found in pfd , this specification shall cover .

  21. 工艺流程图的扩展与应用

    Development and Application of Process Flow Diagram

  22. 编制工艺流程图,合理确定零组件焊接装配顺序。

    Preparation of process flow diagram , reasonably determine the welding assembly sequence of components .

  23. 简单介绍了该软件的工艺流程图及其使用方法。

    This paper particularly introduced the process flow diagram and other application methods of this sofeware .

  24. 工艺流程图的审核对理解不同的工艺步骤是很有用的。

    A review of a process flow chart is helpful in understanding the various processing stages .

  25. 根据系统通用化的需要编制了“压缩机工艺流程图快速生成系统”。

    ' Rapidly create system of compressor technical process drawing'is finished to meet the need of generalization .

  26. 准备详细的工艺流程图、管道仪表图、系统平面图、设备清单和控制逻辑。

    Prepare detailed PFD , P & ID , plant layout , equipment list and control philosophy .

  27. 阐述了连续化脱氧反应的可行性、实验过程、结果及工艺流程图。

    The possibility , experimental process and process flow chart of continuous reaction taking chloride off were expatiated .

  28. 对损伤、故障、检验和修理工艺流程图等问题进行了分析讨论。

    Some issues at items such as damage , failure , inspection and repairing technology flow diagram are discussed .

  29. 我们进一步设计了初步的工艺流程图和工艺操作规程,并对废水处理进行了初步的规划。

    We design the elementary process flow chat and the operation instruction for this new process of MCK production .

  30. 图形尤其是工艺流程图作为流程企业设备管理工作中重要的组成部分常常被忽视。

    As an important part of equipment management , graphic , in particular , flowchart of equipment is often overlooked .