
nán hú ɡōnɡ yuán
  • South Lake Park
  1. 南湖公园,首建于1933年,位于长春的西南方。

    South Lake Park , first built in1933 , is located in the southwest of Changchun city .

  2. 采煤塌陷区重金属污染水体修复技术探讨及展望&以唐山市南湖公园为例

    The Discussion and Prospect of Heavy Metals Waste Water Repairing Technology in Coal Collapse Area & Take South Lake Park of Tangshan for example

  3. 长春市南湖公园冬季鸟类集团结构的研究

    Study on the Guild Structure of Winter Birds in Changchun Nan Lake Park

  4. 我们的学校背对南湖公园。

    Our school is back against Nanhu park .

  5. 这里是不是唐山的南湖公园啊?

    Is it Nanhu Park of Tangshan ?

  6. 本文根据环境教育的特征及要求,结合生态园林建设的特点(以南湖公园为例),理论与实践相结合,探索出一种系统化环境教育的实施方式。

    Combine the environmental education 's character and ecological landscape garden , explorer a systemic mode of environmental education .

  7. 一名保安说道:“现在南湖公园花卉市场里没有监视器,因为平时里面卖的都是不值钱的花。”

    A safeguard said : " There 's no CCTVs in Nanhu flower market , because cheap flowers are usually sold in it . "

  8. 不如早点趁最后一天出门玩玩,如今晚上我们去长春有名南湖公园游玩。

    Better take advantage of the last day of leave earlier play , we have to now at the Nanhu Park in Changchun , a famous play .

  9. 如今,因为我们是学生,应该参加社会实践,正好今天是清明节前夕,要去南湖公园扫墓。

    Today , because we are students , should take part in social practice , this is precisely on the eve of the Ching Ming Festival , you want to Nanhu Park graves .

  10. 王逸民告诉记者,邀请他过来参展的沈阳主办方与南湖公园花卉市场签订了协议,不过里面具体的赔偿问题条款他还不是很清楚,要过两天才能得知。

    Wang told reporter that the organizer of the show invited him signed an agreement with Nanhu Park , but he wasn 't clear to the specific terms of it and would know it in two days later .

  11. 去年,许松在广州的南湖萤火虫公园接待了逾1万名游客,他还说今年人数可能会翻番。

    Mr. Xu 's Nanhu Firefly Park in Guangzhou received more than 10000 visitors last year , and he said he expected that number to double this year .