
  • 网络Bijia Mountain;Beacon Hill
  1. 笔架山窑的瓷器,已经加入到海上丝绸之路的行列。

    The China from Bijia Mountain had joined the Maritime Silk Road .

  2. 来到锦州,有些地方不能不去,其中之一就是远近闻名的笔架山。

    One of the must-see places in Jinzhou is the well-known Bijia Mountain .

  3. 我们前面呢就是著名的锦州笔架山了。

    The mountain before us is the renowned Bijia mountain .

  4. 新银盏温泉度假村,笔架山峡谷漂,飞来峡风景区,清新温矿泉山庄。

    Scene spot new yinzan hot spring resort , Bijia Canyon drifting , Feilai Gorge Scenic spot , Qingxing hot spring .

  5. 该文综合利用文献、口述资料和通过实地调研,提出并证明了“水缸山是宋代笔架山潮州窑主要的瓷土采集地”的新观点。

    There is a common view that this kilns porcelain clay which was used in shaping came from Bijia Shan itself and Feitianyan Shan .

  6. 而几年之内,笔架山公园的道路、风景、照明及娱乐设施就改观了许多,成了市民们周末放松的好去处。

    In just a few years , the park has changed with paving , landscaping , lighting and entertainment facilities where residents can relax at weekends .

  7. 今天是元旦,所以我们一家和爷爷、奶奶去上梅林的“笔架山”公园游玩。

    Today is New Year 's day , so we 're a family , grandfather and grandmother go to merlin " well-known bijia mountain " park .

  8. 1995年我刚来深圳住在笔架山附近的时候,只有一条土路通往山顶。

    When I first came to live in the Bijia Hill neighborhood in1995 , there was only an earthen path leading to the top of Bijia Hill .

  9. 分析了笔架山不同环境和植被类型,分布的不同鸟类生态类群的种类组成和数量特点,评价了鸟类资源的状况,提出了若干保护管理建议。

    This paper analysis species and quantity characteristics of bird ecology groups in different environment and vegetation . Authors also evaluate the bird resource and give suggestions for bird conservation .