
bǐ jī
  • handwriting;writing;hand;script;a person's handwriting;a persons handwriting;chirography
笔迹 [bǐ jì]
  • (1) [a persons handwriting]∶各个人所写的字所特有的形体特点;字迹

  • (2) [hand]∶手迹

笔迹[bǐ jī]
  1. 共焦显微拉曼光谱深度剖析法在笔迹鉴定中的应用

    Application of Depth-Analysis of Confocal Raman Micro-Spectroscopy to Chirography Identification

  2. 这是你的笔迹,白纸黑字,不容抵赖。

    This is your hand writing in black and white .

  3. 我知道人们的笔迹随着年龄的增长而变化。

    I know people 's handwriting changes as they get older .

  4. 根据一个人的笔迹可以了解很多有关他的情况。

    You can tell a lot about a person from their handwriting .

  5. 这是谁写来的?我辨认不出笔迹。

    Who 's this from ? I don 't recognize the writing .

  6. 这封信已由笔迹专家证明是真的。

    The letter has been authenticated by handwriting experts .

  7. 你的笔迹真是难以辨认。

    Your writing is really difficult to read .

  8. 我看不懂你的笔迹。

    I can 't read your writing .

  9. 我看不懂你的笔迹——这个是不是五字?

    I can 't read your writing ─ is this meant to be a five ?

  10. 她开始擦掉空白处的铅笔笔迹。

    She began rubbing out the pencilled marks in the margin .

  11. 求职者必须要提交一份笔迹样本。

    Job applicants have to submit a specimen of handwriting .

  12. 他在信封上看到了她那细长的笔迹。

    He saw her spidery writing on the envelope .

  13. 我从未见过像彼得·斯莫尔伍德那么难辨认的笔迹。

    I 've never come across hieroglyphics like the handwriting of Peter Smallwood .

  14. 地址是安娜的笔迹。

    The address was in Anna 's handwriting

  15. 玛吉的笔迹几乎无法辨认。

    Maggie 's writing was virtually indecipherable

  16. 这是男性的笔迹。

    The handwriting belongs to a male

  17. 笔迹十分模糊。

    The handwriting is smudgy .

  18. 笔迹朝右倾斜。

    The writing sloped backwards

  19. 他把花放在桌上时,目光落在一张写有格雷斯笔迹的字条上。

    As he laid the flowers on the table , his eye fell upon a note in Grace 's handwriting .

  20. 她认出信封上她母亲那娟秀的笔迹。

    She recognized her mother 's grace handwriting on the envelope .

  21. 这是谁的笔迹,你辨认得出来吗?

    Whose handwriting is this ? Can you identify it ?

  22. 从笔迹上看不出他是男的还是女的。

    You can 't tell if it 's a man or a woman from handwriting .

  23. 她冒充母亲的笔迹从银行取得这笔钱。

    She got the money from the bank by faking her mother 's handwriting .

  24. 我认得出他的笔迹。

    I recognize his handwriting .

  25. 写慢一点会使你的笔迹更清晰。

    Going slower makes your handwriting clearer .

  26. 他的笔迹容易辨认。

    It 's easy to identify his script .

  27. 你能看出这个便条上写些什么吗?他的笔迹几乎无法辨认。

    Can you see what this note says — his writing is almost illegible !

  28. Relief算法在笔迹识别中的应用

    Application of Relief in handwriting recognition

  29. 基于SVM和纹理的笔迹鉴别方法功率谱分析在机织物组织纹理识别中的应用

    Writer Identification Using Support Vector Machines and Texture Feature Fabric texture feature extraction based on power spectrum

  30. 在数据采集完成后,使用USB接口将笔迹信息传送到PC机显示和保存。

    After completion of the data acquisition , the system uses the USB interface to transmit the handwriting information to PC .