
  1. 这些小说被一些评论家和读者称为笔记体小说或新笔记小说,并得到了一部分作家认可。

    These novels were named by some critics or readers note-novels or new note-novels , which were acknowledged by some writers .

  2. 他的笔记体小说多写故人往事,与其气质和艺术追求相契,其笔记体小说情节冲淡,结构随便。

    Most of his sketchbooks describes old friends of past events , which correspond with his temperament and artistic pursuit . The structure of his novels is very casual .

  3. 在各体各类的中国古典小说中,笔记体小说最早出现,并贯穿于整个中国古典小说的发展轨迹之中,是最古老、最基本的小说样式。

    Literary sketchbook appeared earlier than many kinds of Chinese classical novel and it ran through the Chinese classical novel development , is a oldest and most basic novel style .

  4. 这种带有根本性质的观念变化,使得依附于史传的笔记体小说,一变而为具有虚构意义和主观创作意识的独立小说文体。

    This fundamental change of writers ' concept makes the novels evolved from the " documentary " style to the " fictitious " and " creative " one based on the writer 's literary consciousness .