
bǐ lì
  • vigour of strokes in calligraphy or drawing;vigour of style in literary composition
笔力 [bǐ lì]
  • [vigour of strokes in calligraphy or drawing] 写字、画画、写文章用笔行文的力量;文章的气势

  • 笔力雄健

笔力[bǐ lì]
  1. 他的画的特点是笔力沉着,色彩鲜明。

    His paintings are characterized by steady strokes and bright colours .

  2. 她笔力雄健地画出了轮廓。

    She drew the outline with a sure hand .

  3. 否则,不管你如何表现你的“个性”,你也是个内心苍白、笔力不支的过客。

    Otherwise , no matter how you express your " Personality ", you are still passer-by with bloodless inner and fatigued vigor of strokes .

  4. 在三十年的创作中,她以深厚的笔力和多变的风格不断创新,为读者带来一部又一部文学风貌迥异的作品,满足了大家的审美期待。

    She brings readers so many different style of literary works , using her profound inspiration and continuous innovation , which meet the aesthetic expectation .

  5. 倘使我具有一位气势磅礴的诗人的笔力,我就会写一首叙事诗来称颂会吏长所感到的愤怒了。

    And now , had I the pen of a mighty poet , would I sing in epic verse the noble wrath of the archdeacon .

  6. 灵魂在经历了激烈的蜕变的过程以后,获得了精神的永生,最后残雪用她坚韧的笔力建立了一个新的世界。

    Soul experiencing intense transformation process , won the spirit of eternal life , the last snow with her tough yet established a new world .

  7. 然而从文学对象上讲,在时代的有力召唤下,30年代左翼作家集中把笔力转向了无产阶级大众。

    However , as for the object of literary description , the leftist writers focus on the proletariat in their works under the strong demand of times .

  8. 从物理学的角度来分析,墨汁与纸的摩擦,可把笔力注入到点画线条之中,达到力透纸背、入木三分的效果。

    From a physical perspective , the friction of ink and paper , puts the stroke strength into the dots and lines , achieving forceful and penetrating effect .

  9. 笔迹起收笔的位置特征、起收笔的动作形态特征和起收笔的笔力特征等三个方面的稳定与变化,在笔迹检验中具有重要作用。

    The stabilization and transformation of three major aspect position , motion and strength feature of the first and last strokes of handwriting play an important role in handwriting verification .

  10. 中国古代绘画首先是笔墨、线条的艺术,正是笔力、用墨和线条造就了中国画独特的气韵和每个画家不同的风格。

    Firstly , the unique artistic flavor of traditional Chinese painting is simply the combination of brushwork , strokes , ink and lines which help to develop the different styles of each artists .

  11. 左思是西晋太康时期杰出的诗人,其诗作感情充沛,笔力雄健,后世对其评价很高。

    Zuo Si is an outstanding poet in the period of Tai Kang of West Jin , whose poetry full of emotion , vigorous , generations of people have high comments on it .

  12. 沃克因其长篇书信体小说《紫色》(1982)获得了普利策奖而闻名遐迩。她笔力遒劲,富于表现力地描写黑人妇女为争取性平等和精神再生而进行的斗争。

    Best known as the author of Pulitzer Prize-winning epistolary novel The Color Purple ( 1982 ), Walker writes powerful , expressive fiction depicting the black woman 's struggle for sexual equality and spiritual resurrection .

  13. 正是作家的倾注笔力,人物的死亡才具有震撼人心的遗响悲风之力量,才能引起千百年来千百万读者的共鸣。

    It is through author 's creation that the death in literature works has the amazing power to attract people and that these works could be echoed by millions of readers during thousands of years .

  14. 我们正在寻找哪个服务提供商会更快地推动科技进步并制定相应的互联网政策。我们会让他们在这类市场中拥有许多低成本产品,从而具备竞笔力。

    We will look at which service providers are really going to push the technology to the fastest and will align the Internet strategy that we will really allow them competitive advantage lower cost of ownership in the kind of market .

  15. 在理学、禅宗等思想的影响下,为了追求画面的意境和个人的修养,绘画日益重个人思想情怀的表达,表现在画面上笔力孱弱,清净消散。

    Under the influence of Neo-Confucianism and Zen Buddhism , the painting became increasingly concerned about the expression of personal feeling to pursue imagery and individual cultivation . The tendency was expressed as drawing frailty and the peace and tranquility in the pictures .